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107 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Chess Strategy

Pryor, Ronald
Chess Strategy
This is the book you have been waiting for. Learn how to play chess and the best chess strategies and tactics to dominate every game and become a savvy chess player. Author explains the origins of chess in ancient india and how it evolved in persia and europe. He takes you step-by-step through the basic rules of how to play chess and demonstrates the most important chess openings. In this book you will:. Have full awareness about the amount of...

CHF 27.50

Emotional Intelligence

Templeton, Daniel
Emotional Intelligence
You might picture someone who never lets his temper get out of control, no matter what problems he's facing. Or you might think of someone who has the complete trust of her staff, listens to her team, is easy to talk to, and always makes careful, informed decisions. These are qualities of someone with a high degree of emotional intelligence You discover the happiness you seek, with chapters covering:. How to start thinking positively. Managing...

CHF 27.50

Tarot Cards

Navarra, Lisa
Tarot Cards
This book is a simple and complete guide which, step by step, will teach you the art of tarot reading.tarot cards link us to the stars and to our destiny through interpretive readings of them.there is much more to them than that, of course, and learning how to read and interpret them can take long years of patience and practice. Inside this comprehensive guide, you'll discover:. The history of tarot cards. The power and meaning of numerology a...

CHF 27.50

Tarot for Beginners

Gandhi, Annie
Tarot for Beginners
Imagine if your tarot cards could actually talk to you. What if they could show you exactly what they're talking about when they show up in your readings. You could sit down with a hot cup of tea, and get to the bottom of things. You could discuss specific ideas and how they relate to the situation at hand. By the end of your tea, you have specific insights that you can act on, and walk away with more clarity than ever. You then have a base to...

CHF 27.50

Cast Iron Cookbook

Bronson, Michele
Cast Iron Cookbook
This cookbook presents kitchen-tested recipes that you won't be able not to love. Aside from steaks, there are hearty, one-pot power breakfasts, pilafs, paellas, main dishes, light snacks, marvelous vegetarian fare and even decadent desserts! All recipes include a detailed ingredient list, easy to follow preparation steps, and nutrition facts. Take a look at only a few things you are going to get out fo this book:. What is cast iron cooking? T...

CHF 21.90

Tarot Spreads

Price, Jeffrey
Tarot Spreads
Tarot readings have spiritually guided people for centuries. It is an enlightened way for a person to get a better understanding or gain more clarity on a particular situation in their life. For those wanting to learn the tarot for themselves or to help guide others, it will also help increase one's concentration and greatly increase your spirituality. Inside the pages of this easy-to-read guide, you'll discover:. What tarot is and what role i...

CHF 27.50

How to Deal With Difficult People

Hook, Latonya
How to Deal With Difficult People
You cannot change how someone treats you. All you can do is communicate with them in hopes that they will be willing to work out their difficulties. Dealing with difficult people is all about change.some people are never going to change. In situations where you are dealing with someone like this, the responsibility for change is going to have to be your own. Here is a preview of what you'll learn... . How to understand difficult people. Effect...

CHF 24.50

Tarot Cards

Johnson, Loretta
Tarot Cards
If you've ever been intrigued by tarot readings or ever wondered how or where to learn about the tarot, this book is the perfect tool to help you get past that hurdle and gain the knowledge you need to read, understand, interpret, and share your new-found knowledge with those whom seek guidance or help about their lives, their future, or how to handle a problem. In this book you'll learn:. What tarot is, and how you can use it. The history, le...

CHF 24.90

Tarot for Beginners

Seifert, Kimberly
Tarot for Beginners
Take a deep dive into this spiritual art and learn to read and interpret the tarot for yourself and your friends and family. This comprehensive book will guide you through the practical techniques involved and will open your eyes to an often-thought mystical world that filled with symbolism, tightly guarded secrets, and a rich history. What you will discover inside. What are tarot cards?. Varieties of tarot decks. Types of readings. Tarot card...

CHF 27.90

Tarot Cards

Mayfield, Anthony
Tarot Cards
Learning to read tarot cards is both, exciting and fun. As a beginner, you might find it a little challenging, but with time and practice, you will certainly start enjoying the reading more and will become better at it as well. This guide will help you gain insight into what tarot is, how it came into being, the uses of tarot cards, reading the major arcana cards and interpreting their meaning, and combining different cards. It will teach you ...

CHF 27.90

Tarot Spreads

Kelly, Christopher
Tarot Spreads
Tarot for beginners introduces a new perspective to tarot and explains each card of tarot cards deck as it relates to your life today. From fortune-telling device to spiritual tool, this up-to-date beginner's guide provides you with exercises and a clear method for connecting the themes of or your life with your day-to-day experience. Key concepts discussed in this book:. Introduction and history of tarot . Tarot symbols decoded: discover what...

CHF 27.90

Cast Iron Recipes

Hicks, Thomas
Cast Iron Recipes
Cast iron cookware is a traditional method of cooking that seems to be ancient and outdated. Many people have reexamined the use of cast iron because of the renewed interest in traditional cooking methods. Cast iron pots, skillets and pans are the most durable, most versatile and consistent cooking tools on the market. Despite their antiquity, it can be used in a variety of modern ways to create perfectly cooked foods that is truly delicious. ...

CHF 24.90

Cast Iron Cookbook

Goddard, Laurie
Cast Iron Cookbook
Cast iron may be an old way of cooking, but it is still a very useful way to prepare and serve foods. The retention of heat, the consistency of temperature and the delicious meals that benefit from the seasoning of the pan itself make cast iron a great way to cook meal for your whole family. Inside, you'll find:. An introduction to the cast iron cookware, its history, benefits, capabilities, maintenance, and more. Tasty breakfast recipes like ...

CHF 21.90

Cast Iron Cookbook

Wood, Kenneth
Cast Iron Cookbook
Whether you're a seasoned cook looking to expand your skills and try something new, or if you're a beginner who wants to try a fun and enjoyable new way of cooking, this book is for you! Combining simple instructions with brilliant recipes that will suit everyone's palate, now you can experience a new and unique range of recipes with the cast iron pan. Here are a few tips for cooking with a cast iron skillet:· Preheat your cast iron pan first ...

CHF 22.50

Smoothies Rezeptbuch

Dresdner, Tom
Smoothies Rezeptbuch
Mit diesen rezepten soll das anders werden. Ich möchte es dir leicht machen, gute und gesunde smoothies in deinen alltag zu integrieren. Deswegen habe ich meine rezepte bewusste ausgewählt, die einfach und schnell zubereitet werden können. Dieses buch, rezepte habe ich für euch mit liebe geschrieben und gemacht. Unkomplizierte, leckere rezepte, die ihr fast ganzjährig mit den gängigsten lebensmitteln zubereiten könnt. Was sie in diesem buch er...

CHF 27.90

Smoothies Rezeptbuch

Pabst, Torsten
Smoothies Rezeptbuch
Dieses smoothie rezepte buch eignet sich optimal für alle, die ihre ernährung gesund gestalten oder schnell und gleichzeitig nachhaltig abnehmen möchten, sich oft energielos und ausgelaugt fühlen, aber schlichtweg nicht die zeit haben, stundenlang in der küche zu stehen, um eine gesunde mahlzeit zuzubereiten. Für studenten und allgemein für menschen, die nur wenig zeit zum kochen haben, stellt dieses rezepte buch einen wertvollen begleiter dar...

CHF 27.90

Smoothies Kochbuch

Adler, Torsten
Smoothies Kochbuch
Erleben sie einen bunten streifzug durch die welt der gesunden smoothies. grüne smoothies und superfood-smoothies zusammengestellt. Denn smoothies sind ideal für eine gesunde ernährung und enthalten jede menge vital- und mineralstoffe. Sie helfen beim abnehmen, beim entschlacken und entgiften, sorgen für ein rundum tolles wohlbefinden und schmecken beiläufig auch noch sehr gut. In diesem keto kochbuch finden sie:. Mehr keto freundliche smoothi...

CHF 27.50

Smoothies Kochbuch

Busch, Heike
Smoothies Kochbuch
Smoothies schmecken nicht nur super lecker, sondern tun dem körper gutes und steigern dadurch die lebensqualität. Für alle, die schnell ein paar pfunde abnehmen möchten, sind grüne smoothies eine gesunde und zugleich erfrischende möglichkeit, den körper zu entschlacken. Außerdem helfen smoothies dabei, den körper zu entwässern, sodass dem gesund abnehmen nichts mehr im wege steht. Was du mit diesem buch erhältst:. Du erfährst was superfood¿s s...

CHF 27.90

Smoothies Kochbuch

Schulze, Daniel
Smoothies Kochbuch
Dann ist dieses sirtfood buch genau das richtige. Verstehen sie, was sirtfood in unserem körper bewirkt und wie wir die richtigen enzyme (sirtuine) aktivieren können. Lesen sie ganz übersichtlich nach, welche lebensmittel zum sirtfood zählen und welche nahrungsmittel ungesund sind. Bereiten sie sich mithilfe der vielen leckeren vegetarischen sirtfood rezepte abwechslungsreiche gerichte zu und notieren sie im sirtfood-ernährungstagebuch, ob sie...

CHF 27.90

Smoothies Rezeptbuch

Zimmer, David
Smoothies Rezeptbuch
Jedes rezept bietet auch rezeptvariationen und eine erläuterung über die gewichtsreduzierende wirkung für alle wichtigen zutaten, um dem leser besser verständlich zu machen, warum gerade dieses obst oder gemüse ideal ist zum abnehmen und zur aufrechterhaltung eines gesunden lebensstils ist. Die rezepte sind einfach zu befolgen, um selbst einen smoothie-anfänger zu ermutigen, einen gesunden und wirksamen weg zur gewichtsabnahme einzuschlagen un...

CHF 27.90