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317 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Mindfulness and Thoughtfulness

Altan, Servet / Lane, Jennie Farber
Mindfulness and Thoughtfulness
Teachers and researchers in education today are charged with helping learners resolve constantly changing global and regional issues. These issues do not have simple solutions and addressing them requires critical and creative ways of thinking. Essential to developing these thinking skills is to examine current dispositions and behaviors, to become more mindful of why we think the way we do and to become more thoughtful about actions we take. ...

CHF 102.00

Rüyalarin Öldügü Ada

Altan, Konca
Rüyalarin Öldügü Ada
Imrozun kirinda, patikasinda, ormaninda, sahilinde korkarak yasamak, en az burayi terk etmek kadar aci veriyordu. Annem yolda giderken, Birinci Dünya Savasi sirasinda, Ingiliz askerlerinin tecavüzünden bir Türk cobanin yardimiyla kurtulan kadinin hikayesini anlatti. O zamanlar, düsman cok uzaklardan geliyordu, Rum, Türk denmezdi, hepimiz, ayni milletin, Müslüman, Hiristiyan cocuklariydik, simdi ne oldu anlamadim. dedi Annemle olan biteni cok a...

CHF 23.90

Hayat heißt Leben

Altan, Ahmet / Birgi-Knellessen, Ute
Hayat heißt Leben
Ausgezeichnet mit dem PRIX FEMINA ETRANGER 2021Fünf Jahre war der Autor Ahmet Altan - das Gesicht der türkischen Opposition - eingekerkert. Aber seine Sehnsucht nach Leben wurde zu seinem Rettungsanker, und jede Zeile, die er im Gefängnis schrieb, zeugt davon, in seinen Essays im 2018 erschienenen Band »Ich werde die Welt nie wiedersehen« ebenso wie in seinem neuen Roman.Hayat ist eine lebenskluge Frau. Ihre Erfahrungen haben sie eigenwillig u...

CHF 34.50

Kavak Yelleri ve Kasirgalar

Altan, Cetin
Kavak Yelleri ve Kasirgalar
Simdi mekan olarak benim torunlarim da ayni yerlerde dolasmada...O yerlerin yapsatcilara kat degis tokuslarina ugramadan önceki durumlarini bilmeden...Kim bilir onlar da ileride, beni nasil görüp anlatacaklar O da yasamasini becerememislerden biriydi, demelerini istemem. Mekan olarak ayni yerlerde dolasirken, bu yerlerin önceki durumlarini ögrenmek ve O yasamasini becerebilmislerden biriydi derken, böylesi bir yazi insanini sekillendiren yasan...

CHF 22.50

Treasures Of Irish Music: Ireland: Altan-De Dannan

Altan/De Dannan/Gavin/O'Flynn/Wilkinson
Treasures Of Irish Music: Ireland: Altan-De Dannan
Die Traditionen der Dance-Tunes, der feurig-fetzigen Jigs und Reels, der Slow-Airs und der Sean-Nos-Gesänge werden hier mitreißend per Live-Mitschnitt durch die Crème irischer Musiker vorgestellt. Darunter der Fiddlevirtuose Frankie Gavin, die berühmteste Sängerin der Insel Eleonor Shanley und Altan, "die derzeit populärste Combo des irischen Folk". (Stereo)

CHF 19.90

Love in the Days of Rebellion

Altan, Ahmet / Freely, Brendan / Türedi, Yelda
Love in the Days of Rebellion
Key Selling Points Altan was arrested in September 2016 and is still imprisoned. An advocate for Kurdish and Armenian minorities, and a central figure in the Turkish cultural world (Nobel Prize winner Orhan Pamuk has written about his arrest and signed an open letter calling for his release), Op-eds published in the Washington Post (May 2020), New York Times (February 2018) Turkey's present portrayed through the lens of its turbulent rece...

CHF 27.50

Applications and Approaches to Object-Oriented Software D...

Altan, Zeynep
Applications and Approaches to Object-Oriented Software Design
In today's modernized environment, a growing number of software companies are changing their traditional engineering approaches in response to the rapid development of computing technologies. As these businesses adopt modern software engineering practices, they face various challenges including the integration of current methodologies and contemporary design models and the refactoring of existing systems using advanced approaches. Applications...

CHF 258.00

Aydin Journal of Health

Altan, Aysel
Aydin Journal of Health
IAU Aydin Journal of Health is the open access, scientific publication organ of I¿stanbul Aydin University, Faculty of Sciences of Health and Vocational School of Health Services that is published under double-blind peer review principles.The journal publishes clinical and experimental trials, reviews, case reports and letters to the editor. The target audience of the journal includes medical and health care academic personnel and students of ...

CHF 39.90

Hungarian-Turkish Relations: An Approach in Political His...

Altan, Asya
Hungarian-Turkish Relations: An Approach in Political History
The main purpose of this thesis is to point out the basics of historical, cultural, and political relationship between Turkey and Hungary. In this context, the historical and political events were discussed from the founding of the republic until to the present day. In which period relations between Turkish- Hungarian people is worse and has improved explained in detail with the reasons. To illuminate and clarify today's relationship between H...

CHF 71.00

Aydin Saglik Dergisi

Altan, Aysel
Aydin Saglik Dergisi
Kapali ortamlarda solunan havanin kalitesi ve sagliga olan etkisi son yillarda ilgi çeken konulardan olmaktadir. Birçok ofis çalisaninin uzun saatler boyunca soludugu havanin incelenmesi gerekir. Bu havanin bilesimi ve sagliga olan risklerinin degerlendirilmesi is sagligi ve güvenligi açisindan önemli bir konudur. Bu sayida yer alan derleme makalesinde konu irdelenmektedir.About the publisher (IAU International)Istanbul Aydin University (IAU) ...

CHF 40.90

Intelligent Systems for Crisis Management

Altan, Orhan / Tanzi, Tullio Joseph / Sunar, Filiz / Chandra, Madhu
Intelligent Systems for Crisis Management
In the past several years, there have been significant technological advances in the field of crisis response. However, many aspects concerning the efficient collection and integration of geo-information, applied semantics and situation awareness for disaster management remain open. Improving crisis response systems and making them intelligent requires extensive collaboration between emergency responders, disaster managers, system designers an...

CHF 236.00

Pimpa tutto l'anno

Pimpa tutto l'anno
«In che mese siamo?» Pimpa è molto curiosa e vuole scoprire tutto sul mondo che la circonda! 12 storie divertenti e colorate, una per ogni mese dell'anno, per riconoscere le stagioni insieme alla simpatica cagnolina a pallini rossi. Età di lettura: da 3 anni.

CHF 38.50