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Claybourne, Anna / Hyndman, Kerry
Offering a cross-curricular exploration, readers can discover all about airborne wildlife, weird weather, aircraft, stars and constellations, and their mythology.

CHF 17.50

Der Mensch - Wissen to go

Claybourne, Anna / Robins, Wesley / Pfeiffer, Fabienne
Der Mensch - Wissen to go
Schnell in 3 Minuten die wichtigsten Fakten über den Menschen Wie funktioniert der menschliche Körper ? Welche Systeme erhalten uns Menschen am Leben? Wie denken und fühlen wir? Wissen to go bringt es auf den Punkt: 30 faszinierende Aspekte über den menschlichen Körper in nur je 3 Minuten erklärt 3 Minuten-Mini-Missionen zum Experimentieren und selber ausprobieren 3 Sekunden Mini-Zusammenfassungen der Infos erklärende Illustration...

CHF 14.50

Science-ology!: Zoology

Claybourne, Anna / Limon, Daniel
Science-ology!: Zoology
The perfect guides to being inspired by science and motivated to master it through the exploration of its use in different fields of study.What is zoology? What do zoologists do? How smart are animals? These are just a few questions that are answered in Science-Ology! Zoology. Find out about the pioneering work of scientist through the ages, explore the tools and skills needed to be a zoologist and discover what can be done to protect endanger...

CHF 19.50