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81 Ergebnisse - Zeige 61 von 80.

Me voy

Echenoz, Jean / Albiñana Serain, Javier
Me voy
Félix Ferrer es un artista frustrado, reconvertido en galerista, inteligente y algo atormentado, seductor intranquilo y con una cuenta corriente que oscila entre el triunfalismo y la catástrofe. Pero cuando Ferrer dice que se va, habla en serio: emprende un viaje al polo Norte en busca de una vasija para convertirse en el rey de esa cacharrería «étnica» que se ha enseñoreado del mercado del arte. Comienza el vértigo de desventuras hasta que, e...

CHF 17.90


Echenoz, Jean / Pinotti, G.
Quando, il 10 agosto 1914, le campane suonano a martello annunciando la mobilitazione, nemmeno il mite, smarrito Anthime riesce a sottrarsi all'esultanza generale, alle discussioni febbrili, alle risate senza fine sovrastate da inni e fanfare. E poi - lo dice anche Charles con la consueta sicumera - è questione di quindici giorni al più, sarà una guerra lampo. Un ultimo, antinomico sguardo d'addio alla deliziosa Bianche - la giovane che ama ma...

CHF 25.50


Echenoz, Jean / Haan, Martin de
Anthime leidt een geregeld leven. Doordeweeks werkt hij als boekhouder in een schoenenfabriek, in het weekend zit hij in het café. Verder is hij meer dan gemiddeld geïnteresseerd in Blanche, de dochter van de schoenenfabrikant, al heeft zij een relatie met Charles, de arrogante onderdirecteur van de fabriek. Dan breekt de Eerste Wereldoorlog uit. Samen met zijn cafévrienden en Charles vertrekt Anthime naar het front om Frankrijk te verdedigen....

CHF 22.90


Echenoz, Jean / Pinotti, G.
Quando nello stadio di Berlino, ai campionati delle Forze alleate, scorgono dietro il cartello Czechoslovakia un solo atleta male in arnese, tutti si sbellicano dalle risate. E quando quell'atleta, che storditamente non si è accorto della convocazione, attraversa lo stadio come uno sprinter decerebrato urlando e agitando le braccia, i giornalisti estraggono avidi i taccuini. Ma poi, quando nei cinquemila, pur avendo già un giro di vantaggio, n...

CHF 20.90


Echenoz, Jean (France)

Ravel fut grand comme un jockey, donc comme Faulkner. Son corps était si léger qu'en 1914, désireux de s'engager, il tenta de persuader les autorités militaires qu'un pareil poids serait justement idéal pour l'aviation. Cette incorporation lui fut refusée, d'ailleurs on l'exempta de toute obligation mais, comme il insistait, on l'affecta sans rire à la conduite des poids lourds. C'est ainsi q...

CHF 19.40

Chopin's Move

Echenoz, Jean / Polizzotti, Mark
Chopin's Move
With his trademark comically wry phrasing and a sure eye for quirky detail, Echenoz has produced his oddest and most enjoyable novel to date. Chopin's Move interweaves the fates of Chopin, entomologist and recalcitrant secret agent, Oswald, a young foreign-affairs employee who vanishes en route to his new home, Suzy, who gets enmeshed in a tangle of deceit and counterdeceit, the mysterious Colonel Seck, whose motivations are never quite what t...

CHF 19.50


Echenoz, Jean / Coverdale, Linda
Jean Echenoz, considered by many to be the most distinguished and versatile living French novelist, turns his attention to the deathtrap of World War I in 1914. In it, five Frenchmen go off to war, two of them leaving behind a young woman who longs for their return. But the main character in this brilliant novel is the Great War itself. Echenoz, whose work has been compared to that of writers as diverse as Joseph Conrad and Laurence Sterne, le...

CHF 19.90

We Three

Echenoz, Jean / Anderson, Jesse
We Three
After a series of coincidences and disasters 3 people find themselves aboard a spacecraft. Brimming with Jean Echenoz's inimitable humor, We Three is both a satirical take on the adventure novel and subtle experiment with narrative point of view.

CHF 20.90

Three by Echenoz: Big Blondes, Piano, and Running

Echenoz, Jean / Schillinger, Liesl / Coverdale, Linda
Three by Echenoz: Big Blondes, Piano, and Running
A single volume that gathers together three of the most remarkable novels from Jean Echenoz, the "most distinctive French voice of his generation" (The Washington Post), Three by Echenoz demonstrates the award-winning author's extraordinary versatility and elegant yet playful style at its finest."A parodic thriller sparkling with wit" (L'Humanité), Big Blondes probes our universal obsession with fame as a television documentary producer tries ...

CHF 28.50

Ravel. Un romanzo

Echenoz, Jean / Pinotti, G.
Ravel. Un romanzo
Elegante ventiquattr'ore su ventiquattro e inaccessibile, laconico e gelidamente cortese, il protagonista di questo romanzo potrebbe sembrare una maschera - o un enigma. Eppure è un personaggio che affascina. Forse per il suo raffinato distacco. Forse per la casa minuscola e complicata in cui vive non lontano da Parigi, affollata com'è di miniature d'ogni sorta, statuette e ninnoli, carillon e giocattoli a molla. O forse perché è Ravel, uno de...

CHF 25.50

De spionne

Echenoz, Jean / Ghoos, Reintje / Sterre, Jan Pieter van der
De spionne
Constance weet niets van de spionagewereld als ze wordt geronseld voor een opdracht in Noord-Korea. Maar ze gaat, versiert een kaderlid en peutert in de slaapkamer staatsgeheimen van hem los. Het lot van een spionne kan helaas snel keren, en Constance moet het hermetisch afgesloten land zien te ontvluchten. Veel hulp valt daarbij niet te verwachten van de twee slimmeriken die zijn ingehuurd om haar te beschermen.

CHF 27.90

Big Blondes

Echenoz, Jean / Polizzotti, Mark
Big Blondes
Big Blondes is a darkly comedic tour de force that probes our universal obsession with fame, taking a satiric yet chilling look at television stardom. Renowned singer Gloire Stella has mysteriously disappeared from the public eye. When a television documentary producer tries to track her down, Gloire goes on the run. From the cliffs of Brittany to the back alleys of Bombay, Big Blondes is a riotous, non-stop adventure for anyone who has ever w...

CHF 31.50

Big Blondes

Echenoz, Jean / Polizzotti, Mark
Big Blondes
Renowned singer Gloire Stella has mysteriously disappeared from the public eye. When a television documentary producer tries to track her down, Gloire goes on the run. BIG BLONDES chronicles her flight in a darkly comedic tour de force that probes our universal obsession with fame, taking a satiric yet chilling look at television stardom.

CHF 19.50


Echenoz, Jean / Coverdale, Linda
Lightning"is a captivating fictionalized biography of Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest inventors of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, written by "the master magician of the contemporary French novel" ("The Washington Post").The book traces the notable career of Gregor, a precocious young engineer from Eastern Europe, who travels across the Atlantic at the age of twenty-eight to work alongside Thomas Edison and quickly begins ...

CHF 27.90


Echenoz, Jean
Following his brilliant portrait of Maurice Ravel, Jean Echenoz turns to the life of one of the greatest runners of the twentieth century, and once again demonstrates his astonishing abilities as a prose stylist. Set against the backdrop of the Soviet liberation and post-World War II communist rule of Czechoslovakia, Running-a bestseller in France-follows the famed career of Czech runner Emil Zátopek: a factory worker who, despite an initial c...

CHF 28.50