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153 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Klara and the Sun

Ishiguro, Kazuo
Klara and the Sun
From the bestselling and Booker Prize winning author of Never Let Me Go and The Remains of the Day, a stunning new novel - his first since winning the Nobel Prize in Literature - that asks, what does it mean to love? This is the story of Klara, an Artificial Friend with outstanding observational qualities, who, from her place in the store, watches carefully the behaviour of those who come in to browse, and of those who pass in the street outsi...

CHF 35.50

The Buried Giant

Ishiguro, Kazuo
The Buried Giant
Text in Arabic. You've long set your heart against it, Axl, I know. But it's time now to think on it anew. There's a journey we must go on, and no more delay..." The Buried Giant begins as a couple set off across a troubled land of mist and rain in the hope of finding a son they have not seen in years. Sometimes savage, often intensely moving, The Buried Giant is about lost memories, love, revenge, and war.

CHF 23.90

The Remains of the Day

Ishiguro, Kazuo
The Remains of the Day
In the summer of 1956, Stevens, a long-serving butler at Darlington Hall, decides to take a motoring trip through the West Country of England. The six-day excursion becomes a journey into the Stevens past, a past that examines fascism, two world wars, and delves into the complexities of the unrealized love between a butler and a housekeeper. In this fascinating work, devoted to one of the pillars of modern English prose, Kazuo Ishiguro seeks t...

CHF 18.50

A Pale View of the Hills

Ishiguro, Kazuo
A Pale View of the Hills
Text in Arabic. In his highly-acclaimed debut, A Pale View of Hills, Kazuo Ishiguro tells the story of Etsuko, a Japanese woman now living alone in England, dwelling on the recent suicide of her daughter. Retreating into the past, she finds herself reliving one particular hot summer in Nagasaki, when she and her friends struggled to rebuild their lives after the war. But then as she recalls her strange friendship with Sachiko -- a wealthy woma...

CHF 18.50

Fanaan Min Al-Alam Al-Aaem/Artist from A Floating World

Ishiguro, Kazuo
Fanaan Min Al-Alam Al-Aaem/Artist from A Floating World
It is 1948. Japan is rebuilding her cities after the calamity of World War II, her people putting defeat behind them and looking to the future. The celebrated painter Masuji Ono fills his days attending to his garden, his house repairs, his two grown daughters and his randson, and his evenings with old associates reminiscing about the past. His should be a tranquil retirement. But as his memories continually return to the past to a life and a ...

CHF 17.90

Never Let Me Go von Kazuo Ishiguro

Ishiguro, Kazuo / Munaretto, Stefan
Never Let Me Go von Kazuo Ishiguro
Königs Erläuterung zu Kazuo Ishiguro: Never Let Me Go - Textanalyse und Interpretation mit ausführlicher Inhaltsangabe und Abituraufgaben. In einem Band bieten dir die neuen Königs Erläuterungen alles, was du zur Vorbereitung auf Referat, Klausur, Abitur oder Matura benötigst. Das spart dir lästiges Recherchieren und kostet weniger Zeit zur Vorbereitung. Alle wichtigen Infos zur Interpretation... - von der ausführlichen Inhaltsangabe...

CHF 12.90

Notturni. Cinque storie di musica e crepuscolo

Ishiguro, Kazuo / Basso, S.
Notturni. Cinque storie di musica e crepuscolo

Il "notturno" in musica è una composizione di carattere lirico e melodico, veicolo di atmosfere sognanti e sentimenti ambivalenti, e in senso ampio ispirata alla notte. Nei cinque racconti di questa raccolta prevale l'ambientazione notturna delle scene cardine, la qualità onirica e comunque surreale delle vicende e soprattutto quell'alternanza di toni lievi e toni gravi che contraddistingue anche il genere musicale. Una sinest...

CHF 18.50


Ishiguro, Kazuo

Venezia, una gondola al chiaro di luna, la voce calda del vecchio crooner Tony Gardner, che un tempo ammaliava le folle. Esiste scenario più romantico per una serenata all'amore che fu? Esiste scenario più crudele? Illustrato da Bianca Bagnarelli.

CHF 24.00

Come Rain or Come Shine

Ishiguro, Kazuo
Come Rain or Come Shine
When Ray turns up to visit his old university friends Charlie and Emily, he's given a special task: to be so much his useless self that he makes Charlie look good by comparison. But Ray has his own buried feelings to contend with.

CHF 9.90

Never Let Me Go

Ishiguro, Kazuo / Röhrig, Johannes
Never Let Me Go
Englische Literatur in Reclams Roter Reihe: das ist der englische Originaltext - ungekürzt und unbearbeitet mit Worterklärungen am Fuß jeder Seite, Nachwort und Literaturhinweisen. Der Roman beginnt wie eine ganz normale Internatsgeschichte: Die drei Freunde Ruth, Kathy und Tommy gehen gemeinsam durch Dick und Dünn und erleben die Wirren der ersten Liebe. Doch bald wird klar, dass Hailsham keine gewöhnliche Schule ist. Die Schüler sind mensch...

CHF 13.90


Ishiguro, Kazuo
Noktürnlerde bir araya gelen bes öykünün hepsi müzisyenleri ya da müzigi yasaminin merkezine koymus kisileri konu aliyor. Aksam saatlerinin alacali isiginda kaygilar ile umutlar, düs kirikliklari ile bastan baslama dürtüsü, pismanlik ile inanc arasinda döne döne ilerliyoruz.Sona ermis bir iliskinin ilham veren finalini, unutulmus bir yakinligi dirilten gecmisten bir ezgiyi, kendi sesini bulmak icin insanlardan kacan genc bestecinin belki de ge...

CHF 14.50

Der begrabene Riese

Ishiguro, Kazuo / Schaden, Barbara / Heidenreich, Gert
Der begrabene Riese
Das Opus Magnum des Literaturnobelpreis-Trägers - erstmals als Hörbuch!Britannien im 5. Jahrhundert: Nach erbitterten Kriegen zwischen den Volksstämmen der Briten und Angelsachsen ist das Land verwüstet. Axl und Beatrice sind seit vielen Jahren ein Paar. In ihrem Dorf gelten sie als Außenseiter, und man gibt ihnen deutlich zu verstehen, dass sie eine Belastung für die Gemeinschaft sind. Also verlassen sie ihre Heimat in der Hoffnung, ihren Soh...

CHF 33.50

La mia sera del Ventesimo secolo e altre piccole svolte

Ishiguro, Kazuo / Basso, S.
La mia sera del Ventesimo secolo e altre piccole svolte

Nel conferire il Premio Nobel per la Letteratura a Kazuo Ishiguro, l'Accademia di Svezia ha riconosciuto la forza emotiva della sua scrittura e la sua maestria nello svelare il nostro illusorio senso di connessione con il resto del mondo. Nella lezione eloquente e schietta che ha tenuto a Stoccolma, e che qui pubblichiamo, Ishiguro ha riflettuto sul modo in cui la sua educazione lo ha formato e sui punti di svolta della propria carriera, &l...

CHF 16.00

Günden Kalanlar

Ishiguro, Kazuo
Günden Kalanlar
2017 Nobel Edebiyat ÖdülüKazuo Ishiguro, büyük birduygusal güce sahip romanlarinda, dünyayla bir baglantimiz olduguyanilsamasinin altinda yatan dipsizucurumu aciga cikardi.ISVEC AKADEMISI, 2017 NOBEL EDEBIYAT ÖDÜLÜ GEREKCESIBir roman düsünün ki asil anlattigi, tek bir satirinda dahi gecmeyen duygular, umutlar, hayal kirikliklari, özlemler olsun. Kazuo Ishiguronun benzersiz tarzini en iyi ortaya koydugu eserlerinden biri olan Günden Kalanlar bö...

CHF 23.90

Was vom Tage übrig blieb

Ishiguro, Kazuo / Stiehl, Hermann
Was vom Tage übrig blieb
Der erfolgreichste Roman des Literaturnobelpreisträgers in edler LeinenausstattungStevens dient als Butler in Darlington Hall. Er sorgt für einen tadellosen Haushalt und ist die Verschwiegenheit in Person: Niemals würde er auch nur ein Wort über die merkwürdigen Vorgänge im Herrenhaus verlieren. Er stellt sein Leben voll und ganz in den Dienst seines Herrn. Auch die vorsichtigen Annäherungsversuche von Miss Kenton, der Haushälterin, weist er b...

CHF 30.90