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153 Ergebnisse - Zeige 121 von 140.

Never Let Me Go

Ishiguro, Kazuo
Never Let Me Go
Das Leben im Internat Hailsham scheint unauffällig: Freundschaften werden geschlossen, Konflikte ausgetragen, Beziehungen beginnen, kurz: die Internatsschüler durchleben eine normale Jugend. Doch dann gibt es da auch noch die anderen Aspekte des Lebens an diesem Ort. Mysteriöse Einrichtungen wie der jährliche Basar, einer der wenigen Zeitpunkte, an dem die Kinder Kontakt zur Außenwelt haben, oder unklare Andeutungen über die besondere Bestimmu...

CHF 14.90

The Remains of the Day: Introduction by Salman Rushdie

Ishiguro, Kazuo / Rushdie, Salman
The Remains of the Day: Introduction by Salman Rushdie
From the Nobel Prize-winning author, here is an elegant Everyman's Library hardcover edition of the universally acclaimed novel-winner of the Booker Prize, a bestseller, and the basis for an award-winning film-with full-cloth binding, a silk ribbon marker, a chronology, and an introduction by Salman Rushdie.Here is Kazuo Ishiguro's profoundly compelling portrait of Stevens, the perfect butler, and of his fading, insular world in post-World War...

CHF 37.90


Ishiguro, Kazuo
The wars that once raged between the Saxons and the Britons have finally ceased. Axl and Beatrice, an elderly British couple, set off to visit their son, whom they havent seen in years. And, because a strange mist has caused mass amnesia throughout the land, they can scarcely remember anything about him.

CHF 36.50

Un pallido orizzonte di colline

Ishiguro, Kazuo / Bona, G.
Un pallido orizzonte di colline

Viene il momento per Etsuko, vedova giapponese che vive in Inghilterra, di levare lo sguardo dal presente doloroso e sofferto, per cercare in un altrove lontano un senso e una ragione. Ossessionata dal suicidio della figlia Keiko, Etsuko spinge il pensiero a Nagasaki subito dopo la guerra, dove nel deserto dei sopravvissuti maturava la sua gravidanza turbata. In questo percorso a ritroso nel tempo, Etsuko ricompone la storia parallela di Sa...

CHF 18.50

Vergeten reus

Ishiguro, Kazuo / Kriek, Bartho
Vergeten reus
In 'Vergeten reus' van Nobelprijswinnaar Kazuo Ishiguro onderneemt een oud echtpaar een tocht door een woest landschap van mist en regen, op zoek naar een zoon die ze in geen jaren hebben gezien. Steeds opnieuw wordt hun reis onderbroken en steeds opnieuw worden ze op de proef gesteld. Het enige wat hen overeind houdt is datgene waarvan ze - nagenoeg - zeker zijn: hun ware, nooit aflatende liefde voor elkaar.Kazuo Ishiguro is een van de meest ...

CHF 21.50

Gömülü Dev

Ishiguro, Kazuo
Gömülü Dev
Romalilar Britanyayi terk edeli cok olmus. Viraneye dönmekte koca ülke. Neyse ki ortaligi kasip kavuran savas bitmis. Britonlardan Axl ile Beatrice yillardir görmedikleri ogullarina kavusmak icin tehlikeli topraklarda zorlu bir yolculugu göze aliyorlar. Baslarina türlü belanin gelecegini de biliyorlar, fakat üstü örtülmüs sirlarini aydinlatacak atesten haberleri yok henüz. Bir de yollarinin kesisecegi kisiler var Sakson savasci, öksüz oglan ve...

CHF 26.50


Ishiguro, Kazuo
Dinmek bilmez karmasadan yorgun bir dünya, yaklasan yeni felaketin isaretlerini okuyan gözlerde kaygi. Cözdügü davalarla Londra sosyetesini büyüleyen dedektif ChristopherBanks, 1930larin bu gergin atmosferinde, bütün tehlikeleri göze alarak Sanghayda biraktigi gecmisinin karanligina daliyor.Öyküsünü nasil anlatirsa anlatsin, satir aralarinda beliren arayis, umut ve yitiris girdabina kapilmis Banksin güncesi ic ice gecmis iki metin sunuyor adet...

CHF 24.90

Degisen Dünyada Bir Sanatci

Ishiguro, Kazuo
Degisen Dünyada Bir Sanatci
Dünyaya bir ressamin gözünden bakmak, ayrintilarda gizlenenleri kesfetmemizi saglar. Masuji Ono, Ikinci Dünya Savasinda harabeye dönmüs sehrini ve artik sonuna geldigi yasamini betimlerken, her bir cümlesi öyküsüne yeni boyutlar katiyor.Anilarin degisken aynasinda kah büyüyüp kah kücülen, sürekli bicim degistiren imgesinde Japon toplumunun gecirdigi degisimi özetleyen Ono, bu sürecte üstlendigi rolü günahiyla sevabiyla paylasirken, gelenekle y...

CHF 22.50

An Artist of the Floating World

Ishiguro, Kazuo
An Artist of the Floating World
From the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature and author of the Booker Prize-winning novel The Remains of the Day In the face of the misery in his homeland, the artist Masuji Ono was unwilling to devote his art solely to the celebration of physical beauty. Instead, he put his work in the service of the imperialist movement that led Japan into World War II. Now, as the mature Ono struggles through the aftermath of that war, his memories of h...

CHF 18.50