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Zur Kasse

38 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 38.

The Landgrabbers

Pearce, Fred
The Landgrabbers
What do City speculators, Gulf oil sheikhs, Chinese entrepreneurs, big-name financiers like George Soros and industry titans like Richard Branson buy when they go shopping? The result is an eye-opening, extraordinarily important examination of the most profound ethical and economic issue in the world today.

CHF 19.50

The Land Grabbers: The New Fight Over Who Owns the Earth

Pearce, Fred
The Land Grabbers: The New Fight Over Who Owns the Earth
A first-of-its-kind, investigative expos reveals the motives behind the unprecedented land grab taking place around the world. Fearing future food shortages and the over-financialization of the stock market, the world has spent the last few years buying and leasing vast swaths of foreign soil.

CHF 38.90

Land Grabbing

Pearce, Fred / Gockel, Gabriele / Steckhan, Barbara
Land Grabbing
Land ist begehrt wie nie: Staaten wie China, multinationale Firmen und reiche Privatanleger investieren neuerdings massiv in Grund und Boden. Ob in Afrika, Asien oder Südamerika - Anbauflächen von der Größe ganzer Provinzen wechseln den Besitzer. Doch wenn Agrarland zum Spekulationsobjekt wird und Hedgefonds über die fruchtbarsten Anbaugebiete unseres Planeten bestimmen, sind die Folgen für uns alle unabsehbar. Der bekannte Umweltjournalist Fr...

CHF 32.50

With Speed and Violence

Pearce, Fred
With Speed and Violence
As Pearce began work on this book, normally cautious scientists beat a path to his door to tell him about their fears and their latest findings. Now he presents this up-to-date and readable book about the growing evidence for global warming and the large climatic effects it may unleash.

CHF 18.50

Deep Jungle

Pearce, Fred
Deep Jungle
Deep Jungle is an examination of the biodiversity that exists in the jungle and which holds the key to our future foods and medicines, our climate and to our understanding of how life works. We neglect this natural treasure at our peril, argues Fred Pearce.

CHF 40.90

Wenn die Flüsse versiegen

Pearce, Fred / Gockel, Gabriele / Steckhan, Barbara
Wenn die Flüsse versiegen
Alle Welt redet von schwindenden Energieressourcen, dass sich daneben eine ungleich gravierendere Wasserkrise anbahnt, ist bis jetzt kaum ins Bewusstsein gedrungen. Selbst wer umweltbewusst zu Hause Wasser spart, weiß selten, wieviel »virtuelles Wasser« er über Nahrung und Kleidung tatsächlich verbraucht: 5.000 Liter Wasser sind nötig, um ein Kilo Reis zu erzeugen, 11.000 Liter für das Rindfleisch eines Hamburgers, unglaubliche 20.000 Liter st...

CHF 34.50

Moulin Rouge

Pearce, Craig / Luhrmann, Baz / Bilcock, Jill / Armstrong, Craig / Baron, Fred / Brown, Martin / Luhrmann, Baz / McAlpine, Donald / Kidman, Nicole / McGregor, Ewan / Leguizamo, John / Broadbent, Jim / Roxburgh, Richard / McDonald, Garry / Koman, Jacek / Whittet, Matthew / Walker, Kerry
Moulin Rouge
1900. Die Welt dreht sich um Paris - und alles in der Stadt der Liebe dreht sich um den berühmtesten Nachtclub der Stadt, das Moulin Rouge. Auch der junge Schriftsteller Christian (EWAN McGREGOR) kann sich der explosiven Atmosphäre und der Sinnlichkeit des Cancan nicht entziehen. Vor allem aber fasziniert ihn Satine (NICOLE KIDMAN), der Star des Moulin Rouge, die unnahbare Kurtisane mit dem großen Traum von einer Karriere als Schauspielerin. I...

CHF 17.90

The Land Grabbers: The New Fight Over Who Owns the Earth

Pearce, Fred
The Land Grabbers: The New Fight Over Who Owns the Earth
Raises complex and urgent issues."--Booklist, starred review How Wall Street, Chinese billionaires, oil sheiks, and agribusiness are buying up huge tracts of land in a hungry, crowded world.An unprecedented land grab is taking place around the world. Fearing future food shortages or eager to profit from them, the world's wealthiest and most acquisitive countries, corporations, and individuals have been buying and leasing vast tracts of land ar...

CHF 24.90

Un pianeta senz'acqua. Viaggio nella desertificazione con...

Pearce, Fred / Gardella, M.
Un pianeta senz'acqua. Viaggio nella desertificazione contemporanea
Fiumi che s'insabbiano, mari e laghi interni che si asciugano sono fenomeni. sempre più frequenti. I fiumi, scorrendo, si restringono e muoiono, invece di allargarsi e sfociare nei mari o negli oceani come facevano una volta. Nilo, Fiume Giallo, Indo, Colorado, Rio Grande, Gange: sono tutti nelle stesse condizioni. Che cosa sta succedendo? Il libro di Fred Pearce è la cronaca di un viaggio che ha toccato trenta nazioni del mondo per indagare i...

CHF 21.90

Confessions of an Eco-Sinner

Pearce, Fred
Confessions of an Eco-Sinner
Pearce exposes the hidden worlds that sustain a Western lifestyle, and does it by examining the sources of everything in his own life. This work offers a fascinating portrait of the effects the world's 6 billion inhabitants have on the planet, as well as their various working and living conditions.

CHF 23.90

The Coming Population Crash: And Our Planet's Surprising ...

Pearce, Fred
The Coming Population Crash: And Our Planet's Surprising Future
A leading environmental writer looks at the unexpected effects--and possible benefits--of a shrinking, graying population Over the last century, the world's population quadrupled and fears of overpopulation flared, with baby booms blamed for genocide and terrorism, and overpopulation singled out as the primary factor driving global warming. Yet, surprisingly, it appears that the population explosion is past its peak--by mid-century, the world'...

CHF 28.50

Keepers of the Spring

Pearce, Fred
Keepers of the Spring
In Keepers of the Spring, author and journalist Fred Pearce travels the globe in search of alternatives to mega-engineering projects. He recounts the inspiring experiences of small-scale water stewards and discovers that the solution to our water problems lies in recovering ancient traditions, using water more efficiently, and better understanding local hydrology.

CHF 51.50