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Zur Kasse

115 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

Esploratori dell'abisso

Vila-Matas, Enrique / Cacucci, P.
Esploratori dell'abisso
Esploratori dell'abisso" segna il ritorno di Enrique Vila-Matas al genere che ha maggiormente contribuito al suo successo: il racconto. In queste diciannove storie Vila-Matas esplora e analizza l'abisso sul quale si sporgono buffi personaggi, sempre ai limiti della condizione umana. Personaggi che si trovano in un momento della loro vita in cui sono costretti a esplorare ciò che c'è oltre, a buttare uno sguardo al di là dei limiti umani, moral...

CHF 32.50

Never Any End to Paris

Vila-Matas, Enrique / McLean, Anne
Never Any End to Paris
Trying to be Ernest Hemingway is never easy. Surrounded by the writers, artists and eccentrics of '70s Parisian cafe culture, he dresses in black, buys two pairs of reading glasses, and smokes a pipe like Sartre.Never Any End to Paris is a hilarious, playful novel about literature and the art of writing, and how life never quite goes to plan.

CHF 22.90

Storia abbreviata della letteratura portatile

Vila-Matas, Enrique / Panunzio Cipriani, L.
Storia abbreviata della letteratura portatile
Verso la fine del 1924, sulla vetta dove Nietzsche aveva avuto l'intuizione dell'eterno ritorno, lo scrittore russo Andrei Belyj fu colto da una crisi nervosa nel constatare l'inarrestabile avanzata della lava del supercosciente. Quello stesso giorno e alla stessa ora, a non molta distanza da lì, il musicista Edgar Varèse cadeva improvvisamente da cavallo mentre, per scimmiottare Apollinaire, fingeva di accingersi ad andare in guerra. A me sem...

CHF 12.90

A Brief History of Portable Literature

Vila-Matas, Enrique / Mclean, Anne / Bunstead, Thomas
A Brief History of Portable Literature
An author (a version of Vila-Matas himself) presents a short "history" of a secret society, the Shandies, who are obsessed with the concept of "portable literature." The society is entirely imagined, but in this rollicking, intellectually playful book, its members include writers and artists like Marcel Duchamp, Aleister Crowley, Witold Gombrowicz, Federico García Lorca, Man Ray, and Georgia O'Keefe. The Shandies meet secretly in apartments, h...

CHF 20.50

Bartleby And Co

Vila-Matas, Enrique / Dunne, Jonathan
Bartleby And Co
Enrique Vila-Matas was born in Barcelona in 1948. His extraordinary literary oeuvre includes Bartlby & Co, Montano and Never Any End to Paris, winner of the same Premio R¿mulo Gallegos that catapulted his friend Roberto Bola¿o to international renown. He has been translated into 30 languages.

CHF 17.50

Never Any End to Paris

Vila-Matas, Enrique / McLean, Anne
Never Any End to Paris
A playful novel about literature and the art of writing, and how life never quite goes to plan. A novelist reflects on his time surrounded by the writers, artists and eccentrics of 70s Parisian cafe culture.

CHF 17.50

Because She Never Asked

Vila-matas, Enrique / Miles, Valerie
Because She Never Asked
Because She Never Asked is a story reminiscent of that reached by the travelers in Patricia Highsmith's Stranger on a Train. The author first writes a piece for the artist Sophie Calle to live out: a young, aspiring,  French artist travels to Lisbon and the Azores in pursuit of an older artist whose work she's in love with. The second part of the story tells what happens between the author and Calle. She eludes, him, he becomes blocked, and su...

CHF 16.50

Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil

Vila-Matas, Enrique
Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil
Esta excéntrica novela narra cómo se creó y se disolvió la llamada «sociedad Shandy», formada por los escritores, filósofos y artistas más brillantes de los años veinte como Lorca, Scott Fitzgerald, Benjamin o Duchamp. Las reglas del juego: sus obras completas tenían que ser portátiles (caber en una maleta) y los miembros debían comportarse como perfectas máquinas solteras. Otros méritos valorados, aunque no imprescindibles, eran: la insole...

CHF 16.00

Doctor Pasavento

Vila-Matas, Enrique
Doctor Pasavento
Doctor Pasavento es la historia de un narrador que desea dejar de serlo. Así, Andrés Pasavento desaparece, afanado en seguir los pasos de su maestro, el escritor suizo Robert Walser. Pero en su desaparición descubre que nadie le busca, que nadie pregunta por él, que nadie pronuncia su nombre. En definitiva, que nadie le recuerda, si es que hay algo que recordar. El narrador partirá, entonces, hacia el manicomio en el que Walser pasó tantos ...

CHF 20.00

Bartleby y compañía

Vila-Matas, Enrique
Bartleby y compañía
Un libro clave para entender la obra de Enrique Vila-Matas. El narrador es un rastreador de bartlebys, esos seres que se niegan a escribir, llevados por la pulsión negativa e inspirados en el famoso oficinista del relato de Herman Melville que, ante cualquier requerimiento, responde siempre diciendo: «Preferiría no hacerlo». En sus notas a una novela nunca escrita, este explorador del mal endémico de las letras contemporáneas habla de Rulfo,...

CHF 25.00

The Illogic of Kassel

Vila-Matas, Enrique / McLean, Anne / Milsom, Anna
The Illogic of Kassel
A puzzling phone call shatters a writer's routine. An enigmatic female voice extends an invitation to take part in Documenta, the legendary contemporary art exhibition held every five years in Kassel, Germany. The writer's mission will be to transform himself into a living art installation.

CHF 29.90


Vila-Matas, Enrique / Dunne, Jonathan
A man's obsession with literature leads him to see the world through the eyes of fiction. Literature can be contagious, it can also be our only means of salvation. This title takes the reader on a journey from European cities such as Nantes, Barcelona, Lisbon, Prague and Budapest to the Azores and the Chilean port of Valparaiso.

CHF 21.50

Bartleby & Co

Vila-Matas, Enrique / Dunne, Jonathan
Bartleby & Co
In Bartleby & Co., an enormously enjoyable novel, Enrique Vila-Matas tackles the theme of silence in literature: the writers and non-writers who, like the scrivener Bartleby of the Herman Melville story, in answer to any question or demand, replies: "I would prefer not to." Addressing such "artists of refusal" as Robert Walser, Robert Musil, Arthur Rimbaud, Marcel Duchamp, Herman Melville, and J. D. Salinger, Bartleby & Co. could be described ...

CHF 24.90

Montanao's Malady

Vila-Matas, Enrique / Dunne, Jonathan
Montanao's Malady
The narrator of Montano's Malady is a writer named Jose who is so obsessed with literature that he finds it impossible to distinguish between real life and fictional reality. Part picaresque novel, part intimate diary, part memoir and philosophical musings, Enrique Vila-Matas has created a labyrinth in which writers as various as Cervantes, Sterne, Kafka, Musil, Bolano, Coetzee, and Sebald cross endlessly surprising paths. Trying to piece toge...

CHF 21.90

El viaje vertical

Vila-Matas, Enrique
El viaje vertical
Federico Mayol es un jubilado aficionado al póquer, antiguo militante nacionalista y modélico empresario catalán, padre de tres hijos y esposo devoto. Lleva una vida en apariencia feliz hasta que la realidad irrumpe de forma tan repentina como absurda y cruel: al día siguiente de celebrar las bodas de oro, su mujer le echa de casa. Mayol empieza así un viaje errático en busca de un sentido existencial, perseguido por los fantasmas de la sol...

CHF 16.00