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Zur Kasse

422 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Los Adivinautas en los cuentos clásicos

Los Adivinautas en los cuentos clásicos

Los adivinautas quieren sembrar el caos en los cuentos clásicos que más gustan a los niños. Dani Vinanza, nuestro extraterrestre favorito, perseguirá a tres traviesos marcianitos que asisten entusiasmados a las aventuras de Pinocho, Blancanieves, El soldadito de plomo, La princesa del guisante, Caperucita roja y Los tres marcianitos (¡¿Pero no eran los tres cerditos?!). Este libro esconde más ...

CHF 22.50

Diccionario bilingüe Italiano-Spagnolo Español-Italiano

Diccionario bilingüe Italiano-Spagnolo Español-Italiano
Diccionario bilingüe Esencial El diccionario en formato manejable para los primeros niveles de aprendizaje del italiano. - 28.000 entradas y 45.000 acepciones. - 60.000 traducciones. - Traducciones claras y precisas del italiano y español de hoy. - Términos y expresiones de uso familiar, neologismos, tecnicismos, etc. - Abundancia de frases hechas, ejemplos de uso, locuciones y notas gramaticales. - Indicadores de contexto que ayudan a elegir ...

CHF 24.00

Balance for Busy Single Moms

Eden, Heather
Balance for Busy Single Moms
The book "Balance for Busy Single Moms: Creating Positive Patterns to Thrive with Joy" is a heartfelt endeavor born from the author's personal experiences as both a single mother and a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). It aims to provide guidance and empowerment to single mothers facing the intricate challenges of juggling various responsibilities. Drawing from her own journey, the author combines personal insights and professional expert...

CHF 40.50

Balance for Busy Single Moms

Eden, Heather
Balance for Busy Single Moms
The book "Balance for Busy Single Moms: Creating Positive Patterns to Thrive with Joy" is a heartfelt endeavor born from the author's personal experiences as both a single mother and a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). It aims to provide guidance and empowerment to single mothers facing the intricate challenges of juggling various responsibilities. Drawing from her own journey, the author combines personal insights and professional expert...

CHF 29.90

I AM (He) / addendum to I AM (Jesus)

Brown, Ray D. / Cordle, Brenda Darlene
I AM (He) / addendum to I AM (Jesus)
I AM (He) is literally the addendum for I AM (Jesus). After all, it is Infinity that is addressed. For those that want to know, the intrepid, and those with faith, GOD never ceases to reveal himself - and specifically the deity of the LORD Jesus Christ. This is not a casual undertaking. And we must know Jesus for ourselves.

CHF 36.50

Vademecum Precum

Soto, Fr. Randy a Iesu
Vademecum Precum
Vademecum Precum is a Book of Prayers In Eight Languages. Fr. Soto does the Church a great service in bringing together such a wide variety of vocal prayers. In addition, the various languages offer us a glimpse of the universality of the Church. May this collection of prayers gathered from the many languages of the earth assist us in as we grow "in a vital and personal relationship with the living and true God.

CHF 25.50