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Sukhavati: Western Paradise: Going to Heaven as Taught by the Buddha

Wong, Kiew Kit

Sukhavati: Western Paradise: Going to Heaven as Taught by the Buddha

Sakyamuni Buddha taught the Amitabha Sutra over 2000 years ago. It is one of the most important Sutras in Mahayana Buddhism. It teaches how a person can be reborn in Sukhavati, also known as The Western Paradise of Eternal Bliss. In Sukhavati, Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit, explains the principles and practice of Pure Land Buddhism. He introduces and comments on the various Sutras and Mantras that are important to Pure Land practitioners. The book includes: Amitabha Buddha and the description of Sukhavati, Majestic Grandeur of Buddhism, Other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in every direction, Heaven and Enlightenment, Methods to win rebirth in Sukhavati, Settling doubts.

CHF 28.50


ISBN 9789834087937
Sprache eng
Cover Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verlag Cosmos Internet Sdn Bhd
Jahr 200205


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