Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

11 Ergebnisse.

Verdad, Tradición o Cizaña (Mala Tradición): Creciendo en...

Alewine, Hollisa / Perez-Rosas, Mariela
Verdad, Tradición o Cizaña (Mala Tradición): Creciendo en la Palabra
Los lectores del Nuevo Testamento pueden encontrar su trato a la tradición de una forma confusa. Muchas de las costumbres en los pasajes son Judías, por lo tanto extrañas a los creyentes no-Judíos. Yeshua (Jesús) algunas veces corrigió estas costumbres religiosas observantes, sin embargo otras veces él dijo que debían ser observadas. Pablo hace lo mismo en sus cartas, y dos veces el instruye a los creyentes no-Judíos de guardar las costumbres ...

CHF 14.90

Pharisee: Friend or Foe?

Alewine, Hollisa
Pharisee: Friend or Foe?
The word "Pharisee" in modern use means a hypocrite. Bible students rarely challenge this stereotype, but a closer reading of the gospel texts and First Century history bring new insights into the role of the Pharisees and their relationship to Yeshua (Jesus). A brief overview of the Jewish sects and cultural dynamics opens up the dialogues among Yeshua and his audiences, adding depth perception impossible when the Pharisees are dismissed as t...

CHF 14.90

The Seven Shepherds: Hanukkah in Prophecy

Alewine, Hollisa
The Seven Shepherds: Hanukkah in Prophecy
Peter, do you love me?"This question and Yeshua's response to Peter are a key to unlocking the mystery of the Gentiles and Chanukkah, a holiday that most non-Jews believe is unique to Judaism. The prophesied Messiah was to restore the kingdom to Israel, that is, he was to regather the lost sheep of Israel who disappeared in various deportations by conquering empires. Yeshua, however, had earlier hinted that there were other sheep to gather, sh...

CHF 14.90

Servicio Mesiánico de Shabbat

Alewine, Hollisa / Perez-Rosas, Mariela
Servicio Mesiánico de Shabbat
El Movimiento Mesiánico viene de varios antecedentes. Es uno de los grupos raciales más diversos en los Estados Unidos y es considerado el movimiento "base." El Movimiento Mesiánico es un fenómeno creciente, tanto en los Estados Unidos como en el mundo entero. Muchos Cristianos tradicionales ahora están escogiendo guardar las Fiestas Bíblicas, tanto así que hay más Mesiánicos no-Judíos que Judíos. El Culto Mesiánico tiene el potencial de ser u...

CHF 13.50

Truth, Tradition, or Tare: Growing in the Word

Alewine, Hollisa
Truth, Tradition, or Tare: Growing in the Word
Readers of the Newer Testament can find its treatment of tradition confusing. Many of the customs in its pages are Jewish, and therefore foreign to non-Jewish believers. Yeshua (Jesus) sometimes corrected those observing religious customs, yet at other times he said they should have observed them. Paul does the same in his letters, and twice he instructs non-Jewish believers to keep the Jewish customs he passed on to them. Among believers in Y...

CHF 14.50

What is the Torah?

Alewine, Hollisa
What is the Torah?
Torah is a word that many people know, but not everyone understands what it means. The word Torah has more than one meaning, so it is helpful to know the context in which it is being used and by whom. Unfortunately, many English translations of Torah render it as "law, " which is a limited translation of the Hebrew word. For those with an interest in the Torah's place in the Bible, the booklet traces its role from Genesis to Revelation and exp...

CHF 14.50

¿Qué es la Torah?

Alewine, Hollisa
¿Qué es la Torah?
Este libro explica él porque es de mucha ayuda el referirse a una sección específica de las Escrituras como Torah, ya que para entender muchos pasajes difíciles en el Nuevo Testamento, o hasta los Profetas, los Salmos del Antiguo Testamento, dependen del entendimiento del lugar que tiene la Torah como "La Ley de Moisés" en su contexto histórico. Por ejemplo, porque Jesús le dice a la mujer en el pozo que "La Salvación es de losJudíos."Los Judí...

CHF 13.50

50,000 Degrees and Cloudy: A Better Resurrection

Alewine, Hollisa
50,000 Degrees and Cloudy: A Better Resurrection
Rapture or Resurrection? Many believe in an end-time event called The Rapture. Since most believers also expect a time of worldwide catastrophe called The Tribulation, the timing of The Rapture is often intertwined with that event in both theological books and Christian fiction. Since the rapture can be controversial, this book offers an alternate method of viewing the event called The Rapture. The Rapture is based on some proof texts of New T...

CHF 21.90