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16 Ergebnisse.


Becker, Jeff
THE FUTURE IS NOW The World is changing, are you prepared? Science has progressed and has transformed the world, for better and for worse. Play as a human, mutant, or one of several new races. Containing new skills, weapons, cybernetics, mutations, and dozens of new feats, the Alterkine Player's Handbook gives you the tools you need to survive. This book requires the d20 Modern® and the Dungeons & Dragons® Core Rulebooks, published by...

CHF 55.50

"The Crooked Quill"

Becker, Jeff
"The Crooked Quill"
Aside from the rapid growth of the Christian church itself, it may just be the most amazing story in the Christian Era-I am talking about "The Amazing Story of How We Got the King James Bible and All That Came With It." But, the translation and publication of a version of "the Bible"? Really? Consider the following: for a millennium the church had been effectively deprived of its most important material resource, that is, the word of God in a ...

CHF 54.50

Alien Apocalypse

Becker, Josh / Tapert, Rob / Paper, Shawn / Loduca, Joseph / Becker, Thomas / Carroll, Cindy / Chalmers, Ted / Clement, Sven / Franklin, Jeff / Jaysen, Peter / Kearney, Barbara / Korbelin, Jan / Perkis, Bob / Worth, David / Campbell, Bruce / Oconnor, Renée / Franklin, Remington / Davis, Michael Cory / Jason, Peter / Sokolovska, Neda / Kolev, Vladimir / Giasbeily, Valentin / Binev, Velizar
Alien Apocalypse
Als der Astronaut Dr. Ivan Hood (Bruce Campbell) und seine Kollegin Renee Kelly (Renée OConnor) von ihrer Weltraummission auf die Erde zurückkehren, machen sie eine schreckliche Entdeckung: Die Erde wurde während ihrer Abwesenheit von riesigen außerirdischen Insektoiden übernommen! Sie fallen über die Wälder her und drohen die Erde zu einer lebensfeindlichen Wüste zu machen. Es ist nun eine verkehrte Welt, in der Insekten herrschen und die wen...

CHF 13.90

How to Bring About the Collapse of Christianity In Four E...

Becker, Jeff
How to Bring About the Collapse of Christianity In Four Easy Steps
Presbyterian minister Jeff Becker has a serious concern for anyone interested in the Christian Church in the twenty-first century:Western Christianity is dangerously close to collapsing.As a result of the Christian Church's vain and misguided attempt to become inculturated, it has forfeited its spiritual essence. In How to Bring About the Collapse of Christianity in Four Easy Steps, Becker explains that this is seen in four principle effects: ...

CHF 35.90

The Redundant Male

Becker, Jeff
The Redundant Male
If men and women are to be the individuals God created them to be, they must accept their God-given roles. The alternative is chaos. In The Redundant Male: The Marginalization of Manhood in America, author Jeff Becker, an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church for almost thirty years, documents the systematic deconstruction of these roles in terms of the American experience-in the family, work, education, government, and popular culture ...

CHF 36.50

Prodigal Love

Becker, Jeff
Prodigal Love
About sixty years ago a Bible scholar and translator by the name of J. B. Phillips made the observation that for the majority of Christians, their "God was too small." He was not wishing to indicate something about God in some mechanical way, but was rather endeavoring to say something about our reduction of his greatness in the theological sense. For centuries, the church had managed to put God in a box. They formulated conceptions of Him whi...

CHF 17.90


Becker, Jeff
When most people think of what it means to be a "Christian" the word "discipleship" usually doesn't come to mind. After two millennia it seems that the standard has been pared down to a nub, so that now for the majority of professing Christians, commitment to Christ involves little more than assenting to a creed rather than submitting to Jesus' dynamic leadership and becoming his followers. But when Jesus described the terms of what it means t...

CHF 40.90

Seven Sermons From Hell

Becker, Jeff
Seven Sermons From Hell
The subject addressed in this book is without question the most horrible and terrifying of any which can be imagined. When we speak of "Hell" we are talking about separation from God and all that is good, and that for all eternity. And yet, as dreadful as this is, its existence is as true as it is terrible. Of course, today, the very notion of everlasting punishment has come to be viewed as "theologically incorrect, " not because it is incompa...

CHF 31.50


Becker, Jeff
Imagine yourself in church one Sunday morning, when all of the sudden what should appear at the front of the sanctuary but a massive angel, specifically a six-winged seraph. You can tell that this is no mere stunt, as in both its appearance and its deportment it is clear that this is definitely not a creature from this world. This was the experience of the members of The First Presbyterian Church in an unnamed city in America on an otherwise u...

CHF 25.50

God's Ten Timeless Words

Becker, Jeff
God's Ten Timeless Words
When you hear someone mention "the Ten Commandments, " of what do you think? Perhaps you conjure up an image of Moses-or Charlton Heston-coming down Mount Sinai, stone tablets in hand. Or maybe you think of that ancient seraphim-clad box in the "Raiders" film with streaming flashes of light and melting Nazi faces. But whatever your image, what's in the box itself probably holds no more interest for you than you would have in enduring the Egypt...

CHF 36.90

The Slubgob Letters

Becker, Jeff
The Slubgob Letters
From the time of the fall of man, when The Creator first annunciated his auspicious plan to remediate the effects of that fatal lapse, the spiritual nemesis of mankind had been at work to unseat the life of God from the soul of man.-Fast-forward several millennia. In 1940, a particularly insightful writer and avowed opponent of that nemesis-one C.S. Lewis-managed to intercept some of the correspondences between one of the Devil's minions-calle...

CHF 29.50

The Church's Charter

Becker, Jeff
The Church's Charter
What is the Church? What is it supposed to be? Judging from the literally thousands of denominations with their various and conflicting doctrines and practices, is it even feasible to determine the proper definition of the Church? If the New Testament is to be accepted as the basis for the Church's definition, what we must know is this. When its Founder Jesus Christ described his Church, He described it as "one" Church. He further insisted tha...

CHF 31.90