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10 Ergebnisse.

Het geheime leven van het tienerbrein

Blakemore, Sarah-Jayne
Het geheime leven van het tienerbrein
Winnaar van de Royal Society Insight Investment Science Book Prize 2018'Boeiend en interessant (...) Door het lezen van dit boek begrijp je je kinderen en je vroegere zelf beter.' - The Times 'Verfrissend en geruststellend luchtig en helder in toon en aanpak (...) een leuk, toegankelijk en inzichtelijk boek van een auteur die aan de top staat van haar vakgebied.' - The Lancet Hoe ontwikkelt het brein van kinderen en pubers zich, en welke proce...

CHF 31.90

Inventing Ourselves

Blakemore, Sarah-Jayne
Inventing Ourselves
An exploration of the adolescent brain, and how its idiosyncrasies establish the nature of the adults people become. The science at play has big implications for education, mental health and the treatment of young people in society.

CHF 18.50

Inventare se stessi. Cosa succede nel cervello degli adol...

Blakemore, Sarah-Jayne / Panini, A.
Inventare se stessi. Cosa succede nel cervello degli adolescenti
Lunatici, pigri, inaffidabili. Spesso gli adolescenti vengono descritti ricorrendo a luoghi comuni e con una superficialità preoccupante. Tuttavia, il comportamento scostante tipico dei teenager non è irragionevole e non ha nulla fuori dall'ordinario. Ed è così per un motivo. Correre rischi, provare imbarazzo o passare più tempo con gli amici sono tutti sintomi di una fase importante dello sviluppo cerebrale, sono i segni di un viaggio che dev...

CHF 39.50

Das Teenager-Gehirn

Blakemore, Sarah-Jayne / Vogel, Sebastian
Das Teenager-Gehirn
Pubertät ist keine Krankheit - Zeit sie neu zu sehen! Die Pubertät hat einen schlechten Ruf. Der Blick auf die Ergebnisse der Hirnforschung jedoch zeigt ein differenzierteres Bild. Sarah-Jayne Blakemore ist weltweit eine der führenden Forscherinnen auf diesem Gebiet und erklärt anschaulich, dass das typische Verhalten von Teenagern durch die Veränderungen verursacht wird, die das Gehirn in der Jugend durchmacht. Endlich verstehen wir, warum ...

CHF 25.50

Inventing Ourselves

Blakemore, Sarah-Jayne
Inventing Ourselves
The brain creates every feeling, emotion and desire we experience, and stores every one of our memories. And yet, until very recently, scientists believed our brains were fully developed in childhood. Now, thanks to imaging technology that enables us to look inside the living human brain at all ages, we know that this isn't so - that the brain goes on developing and changing right through adolescence into adulthood.So what makes the adolescent...

CHF 26.50

The Learning Brain

Blakemore, Sarah-Jayne / Frith, Uta
The Learning Brain
This groundbreaking book takes stock of what is now known about how and when the brain learns, and considers the implications of this knowledge for educational policy and practice. The authors break new ground by drawing out the relevance of brain research to education. After reviewing brain development and learning from infancy, through school years to adolescence and adulthood, they explore how the brain can change and learn at any age.

CHF 64.00