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Assignment Paris

Brightwell, Robert
Assignment Paris
This book introduces a new central character, fledgling war correspondent, Thomas Harrison. Readers of Robert Brightwell's earlier series may find descriptions of his grandfather familiar and certainly this Thomas has similar personality traits. His first assignment sees him sent to Paris. After an idyllic start, things go downhill fast when he joins the French army on its march to Berlin in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870. He soon learns that...

CHF 27.50

Flashman's Winter

Brightwell, Robert
Flashman's Winter
This book fills in two gaps in Flashman's career, hitherto uncovered by his memoirs. The bulk of this volume is taken up with Flashman's adventures in what was then Prussia, but which now comprises Poland, Russia and the Baltic states. In 1806 Prussia declared war on France and in a disastrous campaign lost most of its territory. Russia was forced to come to its aid and Britain too sent observers to assess how to help. Flashman joins this miss...

CHF 28.50

Flashman at the Alamo

Brightwell, Robert
Flashman at the Alamo
When other men might be looking forward to a well-earned retirement to enjoy their ill-gotten gains, Flashman finds himself once more facing overwhelming odds and ruthless enemies, while standing (reluctantly) shoulder to shoulder with some of America's greatest heroes. A trip abroad to avoid a scandal at home leaves him bored and restless. They say 'the devil makes work for idle hands' and Lucifer surpassed himself this time as Thomas is pers...

CHF 23.90

Flashman and the Zulus

Brightwell, Robert
Flashman and the Zulus
While many people have heard of the battle at Rorke's Drift, (featured in the film Zulu) and the one at Isandlwana that preceded it, few outside of South Africa know of an earlier and equally bloody conflict. Under a tyrannical king, the Zulu nation defended its territory with ruthless efficiency against white settlers. Only a naïve English vicar, with his family and some translators are permitted to live in the king's capital. It is into this...

CHF 27.90

Flashman and the Golden Sword

Brightwell, Robert
Flashman and the Golden Sword
Of all the enemies that our hero has shrunk away from, there was one he feared above them all. By his own admission they gave him nightmares into his dotage. It was not the French, the Spanish, the Americans or the Mexicans. It was not even the more exotic adversaries such as the Iroquois, Mahratta or Zulus. While they could all make his guts churn anxiously, the foe that really put him off his lunch were the Ashanti."You could not see them co...

CHF 22.50

Flashman and the Emperor

Brightwell, Robert
Flashman and the Emperor
In "this seventh instalment in the memoirs of the Georgian rogue Thomas Flashman ... he re-joins his former comrade in arms, Thomas Cochrane, in what is intended to be a peaceful and profitable sojourn in South America. Instead, he finds himself enjoying drug-fuelled orgies in Rio, trying his hand at silver smuggling, and escaping earthquakes in Chile before being reluctantly shanghaied into the Brazilian navy. Sailing with Cochrane again, he ...

CHF 23.90

Flashman and the Cobra

Brightwell, Robert
Flashman and the Cobra
This is the second instalment in the life story of Thomas Flashman, the uncle of the notorious Victorian rogue Harry Flashman, whose memoirs have already been published, edited by George MacDonald Fraser. Thomas shares many of the family traits, particularly the ability to find himself reluctantly at the sharp end of many major events of his age. This book takes him to territory familiar to readers of his nephew's adventures, India, during the...

CHF 29.90

Flashman and the Seawolf

Brightwell, Robert
Flashman and the Seawolf
Following the popularity of the memoirs of Harry Flashman, the Victorian scoundrel who got himself embroiled in many events of his age, this book introduces a new generation of the family: Thomas Flashman, whose career covers the Napoleonic and Georgian era. This first book covers his adventures with Thomas Cochrane, one of the most extraordinary naval commanders of all time. From the brothels and gambling dens of London, through political int...

CHF 27.50

Flashman in the Peninsular

Brightwell, Robert
Flashman in the Peninsular
This is the third instalment in the memoirs of the Georgian Englishman Thomas Flashman, which were recently discovered on a well-known auction website. Thomas is the uncle of the notorious Victorian rogue Harry Flashman, whose memoirs have already been published, edited by George MacDonald Fraser. Thomas shares many of the family traits, particularly the ability to find himself reluctantly at the sharp end of many major events of his age. Whil...

CHF 27.90

Flashman's Escape

Brightwell, Robert
Flashman's Escape
This book covers the second half of Thomas Flashman's experiences in the Peninsular War and follows on from Flashman in the Peninsular. Having lost his role as a staff officer, Flashman finds himself commanding a company in an infantry battalion. In between cuckolding his soldiers and annoying his superiors, he finds himself at the heart of the two bloodiest actions of the war. With drama and disaster in equal measure, he provides a first-hand...

CHF 27.90

Flashman and Madison's War

Brightwell, Robert
Flashman and Madison's War
This book finds Thomas Flashman, a British army officer, landing on the shores of the United States at the worst possible moment - just when the United States has declared war with Britain! Having already endured enough with his earlier adventures, he desperately wants to go home but finds himself drawn inexorably into this new conflict. He is soon dodging musket balls, arrows and tomahawks as he desperately tries to keep his scalp intact and ...

CHF 30.50

Flashman's Waterloo

Brightwell, Robert
Flashman's Waterloo
This sixth packet of memoirs from the notorious Georgian rogue Thomas Flashman covers the extraordinary events that culminated in a battle just south of Brussels, near a place called Waterloo. The first six months of 1815 were a pivotal time in European history. As a result, countless books have been written by men who were there and by those who studied it afterwards. But despite this wealth of material there are still many unanswered questio...

CHF 29.90