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17 Ergebnisse.

Musings of an Infovore

Burke, Raymond R. a.
Musings of an Infovore
A timely collection of over 200 essays and articles from writer Raymond Burke. Written between 2007-2011 in order to fill the time during a period of unemployment, it quickly evolved into a pursuit to satiate his infovore nature. Now in print for the first time, the thought-provoking musings on diverse subjects such as Arts & Humanities, Science, Religion, Politics, Society & Lifestyle, and more, reveal his inner thoughts and big ideas, some...

CHF 47.50

Imaginings of an Infovore

Burke, Raymond R. A.
Imaginings of an Infovore
In this companion volume to Musings of an Infovore, writer Raymond R. A. Burke gathers together his compilations of essays on entertainment, his assortment of poems and songs, projects, and TV show ideas created over the years. At first the ideas filled the time during a period of unemployment, but gradually grew to become a bid to claim a new career in the media.Now for the first time in print, these ideas and creations reveal the story in hi...

CHF 34.90

The Celestian Odyssey

Burke, Raymond
The Celestian Odyssey
The Starguards are home. But their joy is short-lived as a hostile reception awaits them. Cirrius, King of Magna Aura, has his own agenda for Magna Aura. And the Starguards are either with him or against him. As the Starguards grapple over Cirrius' rule, they find themselves embroiled on multiple war fronts against three enemies and no allies in sight. Will desperate counter moves by Azure and Cirrius lead to triumph or tragedy? After leaving ...

CHF 23.50

Handvest van de Katholieke Geloofsleer

Burke, Kardinaal Raymond / Müller, Kardinaal Gerhard / Pujats, Kardinaal Janis
Handvest van de Katholieke Geloofsleer
In dit handvest zijn drie documenten of verklaringen opgenomen betreffende de geloofsleer. Een eerste document, van de hand van drie Kazachse bisschoppen, dateert van december 2017. Het tweede document is het Geloofsmanifest van Kardinaal Gerhard Müller, de voormalige Prefect van de Congregatie van de Geloofsleer, welke gepubliceerd werd in februari 2019. Het derde document, dat dateert van juni 2019, is van de hand van Kardinalen Burke en Puj...

CHF 9.50

Hoffnung der Welt

Burke, Raymond Leo Kardinal / d'Alançon, Guillaume / Nitsch, Christa
Hoffnung der Welt
Kardinal Burke, Prälat, nunmehr Kardinalpatron des Malteserordens und Freund des emeritierten Papstes Benedikt XVI., legt uns in einem angeregten Gespräch mit Guillaume d'Alançon, dem bischöflichen Beauftragten für Familie und Leben in der Diözese Bayonne, offen und ohne Tabus seine Ansichten zu den großen Fragen der Gegenwart dar: Kirche, Liturgie, Familie, Ehe, Elternschaft, Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben ... Jedes Thema wird unter dem Blickwinkel ...

CHF 19.90

The Terra Chronicles

Burke, Raymond
The Terra Chronicles
The Starguards die on Earth! That is history. New York 2017: Earth's Superhero Age has begun! Fresh from their victory over the Lore, the Starguards have been unceremoniously stolen from Magna Aura by the time-travelling Astrals. Their objective: defend Earth.Their Earthly allies: the immortal Exmoors.Their enemy: the sisterhood of the Devouts. Whether they like it or not, the Starguards Sceptre, Altair, Urana, and Azure soon learn they are mi...

CHF 19.90

The Axalan Revelation

Burke, Raymond
The Axalan Revelation
THE GALAXY'S FATE HANGS IN THE BALANCE The Starguards have mysteriously vanished from Magna Aura, following the Lore War. Their time-travelling kin, the Astrals, have taken over the galactic stage in their stead. But they are split, their leader Lord Aeon missing, leaving the Chronopolis vulnerable to attack from within and without. Earth 2216: On the war-battered frontline against the implaccable Axalan Empire, Base Commander Xaul Relentus an...

CHF 19.90

The Magna Aura Genesis

Burke, Raymond
The Magna Aura Genesis
THE CELESTIAN KNIGHTS ARE DOOMED! And they know it! Long ago, it was prophesied the Celestian Knights would last a thousand generations, before their end in battle with their once-defeated enemy, the Lore! But the consequences of their actions to forestall their end have deep and tragic ramifications for their children: The Starguards. Now in a new universe, the Starguards: Novan, Sceptre, Decion, Altair, Urana, Cirrius, Alpha Rion, and Astara...

CHF 20.50

The Starguards: Of Humans, Heroes, and Demigods

Burke, Raymond Ra
The Starguards: Of Humans, Heroes, and Demigods
THE CELESTIAN KNIGHTS ARE DOOMED! And they know it. But the consequences of their actions to forestall their end have deep and tragic ramifications for their children: The Starguards. The Starguards: Novan, Sceptre, Altair, Decion, Alpha Rion, Astara, Cirrius, and Urana contemplate the future of their new worlds, as others secretly plot for control. But war beckons when their resurgent and terrifying enemy return to haunt them. Who will save t...

CHF 35.90

La danza vuota intorno al vitello d'oro. Liturgie secolar...

Burke, Raymond Leo / Bux, Nicola / Coppola, Raffaele
La danza vuota intorno al vitello d'oro. Liturgie secolarizzate e diritto
I contributi raccolti nel volume affrontano sotto varie angolature il tema, assai caro alla teologia di Benedetto XVI, della "tentazione costante nel cammino della fede" di eludere il profondo mistero di Dio, "costruendo un dio comprensibile, corrispondente ai propri schemi e ai propri progetti". Questa deviazione si è verificata pure in campo liturgico: dopo il Vaticano II e sino ai nostri giorni vi sono stati non rari abusi, i quali risultan...

CHF 36.90