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21 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Innamorarsi del principe Federico

Burnham, Nicole
Innamorarsi del principe Federico
Il mondo lo conosce come il Principe Perfetto. Lei sta per scoprire la verità Il principe Federico diTalora conosce fin troppo bene il suo temuto soprannome: il Principe Perfetto. Ha trascorso la vita a salvaguardare la sua reputazione, conscio del dovere nei confronti del suo Paese e dei suoi concittadini. Ma da vedovo con due figli agitati, lo sforzo di essere un figlio, padre e principe perfetto lo ha spinto fino al punto di rottura. Pia Re...

CHF 24.90

Baciare un re

Burnham, Nicole
Baciare un re
Re Eduardo diTalora è all'apice della popolarità grazie al suo acume politico, alle sue opere di filantropia e, soprattutto, alla storia d'amore da favola che ha vissuto con la sua compianta moglie, la regina Aletta. Ha intenzione di sfruttare tale benevolenza nel modo migliore possibile: per sostenere progetti a lungo termine che porteranno benefici al suo Paese.Quando Claire Peyton, la nuova ambasciatrice americana, propone a sua volta un pr...

CHF 25.50

Il bacio del cavaliere

Burnham, Nicole
Il bacio del cavaliere
C'era una volta un cavaliere.Quando la principessa Isabella diTalora ha bisogno di un esperto che studi gli artefatti antichi nascosti sotto il palazzo reale, decide di ingaggiare il migliore: Nick Black, un misterioso collezionista che conosce il periodo medievale di San Rimini meglio di chiunque altro.Nick Black conosce la storia di San Rimini per un buon motivo: l'ha vissuta. Un tempo era noto come Domenico di Bollazio, potente cavaliere al...

CHF 24.90

La tutrice del principe

Burnham, Nicole
La tutrice del principe
Una Eliza Doolittle al maschile - nonché reale - incontra un professor Higgins al femminile. Avendo concluso il servizio militare, il principe Marco diTalora di San Rimini desidera solo una cosa una volta tornato a casa: la liberà. Ha buoni motivi per evitare l'attenzione del pubblico e scarso interesse nei progetti di suo padre di immergerlo nella vita reale. Nelle ore precedenti il matrimonio di alto profilo di suo fratello, sfugge alle or...

CHF 24.90

Andare al castello

Burnham, Nicole
Andare al castello
Un principe miliardario destinato a governare il mondo. Una donna decisa a salvarlo. Un'attrazione che nessuno può negare. La missione di Jennifer Allen è assistere i rifugiati, non farsi sedurre da un principe da favola... anche se il principe in questione è un miliardario spaventosamente sexy. Quando il principe Antony diTalora visita il suo campo profughi, Jennifer è certa che si tratti di una mera trovata pubblicitaria e lo tiene a debit...

CHF 24.90

Degno di una regina

Burnham, Nicole
Degno di una regina
Lei conserva i segreti di una regina. Lui è stato ingaggiato per sorvegliarla. Daniela D'Ambrosio è la collaboratrice più fidata di Fabrizia, regina di Sarcaccia, gestisce l'agenda della regina e si assicura che lei non faccia mai un passo falso in pubblico. Ma quando Fabrizia invia Daniela a organizzare gli effetti personali della defunta regina di San Rimini per un'asta di beneficienza, Daniela trova un camerino colmo di tesori, un re sosp...

CHF 25.90

To Kiss a King

Burnham, Nicole
To Kiss a King
He's heralded around the world as a romantic icon. The last thing he needs is to fall in love.King Eduardo diTalora is riding a popularity high, thanks to his political acumen, his charitable endeavors, and above all, the storybook romance he had with his late wife, Queen Aletta. He plans to use that goodwill in the best way possible, to push long-term projects that will benefit his country.When Claire Peyton, the new American ambassador, pitc...

CHF 21.90

Falling for Prince Federico

Burnham, Nicole
Falling for Prince Federico
The world knows him as Prince Perfect. She's about to discover the truth.Prince Federico diTalora is all too aware of his dreaded nickname: Prince Perfect. He's spent his life guarding his reputation, cognizant of the duty he owes his country and its citizens. But as a widower with two rambunctious boys, the strain of being an ideal son, father, and prince has pushed him to the breaking point.Pia Renati is in San Rimini to stay with her best f...

CHF 22.50

The Knight's Kiss

Burnham, Nicole
The Knight's Kiss
He lived in Once Upon a Time.When Princess Isabella diTalora needs an expert to study the ancient artifacts hidden beneath the royal palace, she's determined to hire the best: Nick Black, a mysterious collector who knows San Rimini's medieval era better than anyone.Nick Black knows San Rimini's history for good reason. He lived it. In fact, he was once known as Domenico of Bollazio, a powerful knight pledged to San Rimini's king. But he was cu...

CHF 21.90

The Prince's Tutor

Burnham, Nicole
The Prince's Tutor
A male-and royal-Eliza Doolittle meets a female Professor Higgins.Having completed his military service, Prince Marco diTalora of San Rimini wants only one thing on his return home: his freedom. He has good reason for avoiding the public eye, and little interest in his father's plans to immerse him in royal life. In the hours before his brother's high-profile wedding, he dodges the media hordes for a few hours of respite.Amanda Hutton is an ac...

CHF 21.90

Going to the Castle

Burnham, Nicole
Going to the Castle
A billionaire prince destined to rule the world. A woman determined to save it. An attraction neither can deny.Jennifer Allen is on a mission to assist refugees, not to be swept away by a fairy tale prince…even if the prince in question is a drop-dead sexy billionaire. When Prince Antony diTalora visits her camp, she's certain it's a publicity stunt and keeps him at arm's length. But when he invites her to the palace to speak about her work, i...

CHF 21.90

Fit for a Queen

Burnham, Nicole
Fit for a Queen
She holds the secrets of a queen. He's been hired to watch her. Daniela D'Ambrosio is the most trusted employee of Sarcaccia's Queen Fabrizia, managing the queen's schedule and ensuring she never makes a misstep in public. But when Fabrizia sends Daniela to organize the belongings of San Rimini's late queen for a charity auction, Daniela finds a locked closet full of treasure, a suspicious king, and an attractive handyman who seems strangely f...

CHF 22.90

The Bowen Bride

Burnham, Nicole
The Bowen Bride
RITA Award Finalist Katie Schmidt runs The Bowen Bride, a wedding dress shop in charming Bowen, Nebraska. Rumors abound that a woman who wears a Bowen Bride creation stays married forever, drawing hopeful brides to the heart of farm country in search of a dream dress.Katie plays into the rumor because it's good for business, keeping the real magic behind her custom gowns a secret. However, when sexy single father Jared Porter enters the shop, ...

CHF 21.90

Honeymoon With a Prince

Burnham, Nicole
Honeymoon With a Prince
Passionate fantasy...or intimate betrayal? After dumping her rich, lying louse of a fiancé, designer Kelly Chase opts to take her honeymoon solo. What better chance to nurse her wounds in solitude than two weeks of pre-paid beachfront bliss on the breathtaking Mediterranean island of Sarcaccia? Yet when she meets gorgeous local beach bum Massimo, solitude is suddenly less important than enjoying the company of an honest man ... a man whose eye...

CHF 22.50

Scandal With a Prince

Burnham, Nicole
Scandal With a Prince
A one night stand. A lifelong obsession. One magical summer, Megan Hallberg met-and loved-Prince Stefano Barrali. But his royal duties took him home, and when she discovered she carried his child, she also discovered he was a beautiful, worldly aristocrat.Ten years later, Stefano runs into Megan at the grand opening of a Barcelona hotel, and it's his every sensual fantasy come to life. His memory of the stunning blonde and their p...

CHF 22.50

One Man's Princess

Burnham, Nicole
One Man's Princess
The man she couldn't forget... Beautiful, talented lingerie designer Lina Cornaro sits on the cusp of major success. After her fiery affair with tough Formula One driver Ivo Zanardi ended in heartbreak, she's learned to keep her focus on her career. Nothing could make her return to Ivo. Nothing, except the public revelation of her darkest secret: Lina is the illegitimate daughter of Sarcaccia's King Carlo, one of the most famous men in the wor...

CHF 21.90

The Wicked Prince

Burnham, Nicole
The Wicked Prince
Prince Alessandro Barrali is known for his wild ways. After he's compelled to stand in for his staid identical twin, all Alessandro wants is to escape the fishbowl of palace life and indulge himself. When he awakens aboard the royal yacht awash in hedonism, yet bored out of his mind, he decides a new quest is in order.Francesca "Frannie" Lawrence needs capable volunteers at the children's shelter she's opened on the tsunami-devastated South Pa...

CHF 22.50

A Royal Scandals Christmas

Burnham, Nicole
A Royal Scandals Christmas
A Glimpse Behind Palace Gates The Barrali family has seen its share of scandals. But what of those who work for the famous royals? This collection of three romantic holiday tales takes you to the Barrali winery, an elegant royal yacht, and through the palace's secret garden to experience the passions of those who serve.A Special Time of Year Christmas With a Prince - A Christmas wedding at the Famiglia Barrali winery forces Holly Elliott to ch...

CHF 21.90

The Royal Bastard

Burnham, Nicole
The Royal Bastard
A brilliant man with a profound secret... Rocco Cornaro dedicates his life to creating innovative, life-saving medical devices...and in the process has become a wealthy man. However, he harbors a deep secret: his mother was once the lover of Sarcaccia's King Carlo Barrali, and Rocco is the product of their illicit affair.Leaves a marriage on the edge and a royal family in jeopardy Trained from birth to keep his royal parentage quiet, Rocco can...

CHF 21.90

Slow Tango With a Prince

Burnham, Nicole
Slow Tango With a Prince
RITA Award FinalistPublic figures, private anguish...and devastating secrets. Tormented by the suicide of his ex-girlfriend, Sarcaccia's crown prince Vittorio Barrali escapes the glare of the cameras by secretly trading places with his twin brother and traveling to Argentina. There, he nurses his wounds in private, mentally preparing to resume the role to which he was born, a role that doesn't allow emotion to take precedence over duty. With h...

CHF 22.50