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32 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Beyond Positivism

Caldwell, Bruce
Beyond Positivism
Since its publication in 1982, Beyond Positivism has become established as one of the definitive statements on economic methodology. The book¿s rejection of positivism and its advocacy of pluralism were to have a profound influence in the flowering of work methodology that has taken place in economics in the decade since its publication. This edition contains a new preface outlining the major developments in the area since the book¿s first app...

CHF 99.00

The Rebuilding of the Third Temple

Caldwell, Bruce
The Rebuilding of the Third Temple
Perhaps the most visible confirmation of prophecy being fulfilled will be the rebuilding of the temple for the 3rd time, in Jerusalem, at the outset of the tribulation period. We have in another section explained how the prophecies of Daniel and Ezekiel make the rebuilding of the temple an event that initiates the 7-year period of tribulation. If you are a "pretribulation" believer, you believe the "body of believers" will not be here when Tem...

CHF 14.50

The Most Difficult Question...: How Do You Know Who is Go...

Caldwell, Bruce
The Most Difficult Question...: How Do You Know Who is Going to be Saved?
One of the most difficult portions of scripture for me to comment upon is the point that "all Israel will be saved." Does that mean that the saints of Israel as well as sinners will be saved? Does it mean the family of those who married "outsiders" will be saved? Does it mean only those who obeyed the laws of God and faithfully worshipped Him will be saved? Gratefully, neither you nor I have to make that call.

CHF 11.90

The Word

Caldwell, Bruce
The Word
It seems impossible to please God if one will not heed His word nor obey His law. Do you heed His word? Today, most men listen far more to men than to God. In fact, reading these comments and excerpts is a very poor substitute for being fed directly from the Word of God. There is a wonderful verse that sums up the times in which we live.

CHF 14.90

The Two Witnesses

Caldwell, Bruce
The Two Witnesses
One of the most incredible occurrences during the 7-year period of the tribulation will be triggered by the destruction of the temple at the end of the first 3¿ years. At that moment, two "witnesses" will arrive. This fact is presented in the Revelation of Jesus Christ to His servant, John. Listen to these words.

CHF 14.90

Christian Core Values

Caldwell, Bruce
Christian Core Values
Many of us attend church, at least once in a while, and we sometimes read the Bible, but how can we be sure that our family is grounded in the fundamentals of Christianity? One way is to dedicate ourselves to a plan of study that involves the whole family. Why the whole family? Listen:

CHF 17.50

The Seed of Abraham

Caldwell, Bruce
The Seed of Abraham
As we hear about the impending disaster wherein the principal enemy of Israel is the nation of Islam, it would be useful to consider the fact that the nation of Israel and the nations of Islam both had their origins in Abraham. The Bible establishes the basis for that fact.As God prepared to call out this nation, eventually to be called Israel, He called Abram (Abraham) to move from the land of Ur to a place God would reveal to him. To put thi...

CHF 14.50

The Rapture of the Body of Believers

Caldwell, Bruce
The Rapture of the Body of Believers
What will be one of the most visible signs of the Messiahs coming? Most Biblical students agree that the Book of Daniel teaches that there will be a period known as the tribulation period in which the Antichrist, the prince of the earth, will reign for 7 years. Then the Messiah, the Prince, shall come. Listen to Daniel's prophecy.

CHF 13.90

End Time Signals You Must Not Miss

Caldwell, Bruce
End Time Signals You Must Not Miss
What will be the most obvious sign leading us into what is called the "End times?" I believe It will be the fulfillment of a very specific prophecy which states that the Temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt. The events leading up to the restoration of the Kingdom will start with the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. From that day forward, prophecy is very precise and very clear. The assertions listed below are based on the fulfillment of t...

CHF 11.90


Caldwell, Bruce / Klausinger, Hansjoerg
Few twentieth-century figures have been lionized and vilified in such equal measure as Friedrich Hayek-economist, social theorist, leader of the Austrian school of economics, and champion of classical liberalism. Hayek's erudite arguments in support of individualism and the market economy have attracted a devout following, including many at the levers of power in business and government. Critics, meanwhile, cast Hayek as the intellectual foref...

CHF 57.90

How Could a Loving God Allow His Children to Die?

Caldwell, Bruce
How Could a Loving God Allow His Children to Die?
This question has always plagued mankind. It seems incongruous that a loving father would ever permit his child to perish, much less a Holy Father, His child. The primary fact to take into consideration when anyone dies, who is "in Christ" and especially a child, is that they must leave a temporary "testing ground" in order to enter into a permanent state of peace and joy. They in effect, "go to their reward." They give up the transient for th...

CHF 14.90

The Mark of the Beast, a Choice for Eternity

Caldwell, Bruce
The Mark of the Beast, a Choice for Eternity
The decision to reject the mark of the beast is an eternal decision. It will take great courage, not of yourself, to declare your faith when faced with the question, "will you accept the mark, or not?" Take note that you will know whether you are taking the mark or the number of his name by understanding that you can not buy or sell without it. You do not have to take the mark or number of his name but listen to what happened to some that did ...

CHF 14.90

The Missing Link in the Process of Sanctification

Caldwell, Bruce
The Missing Link in the Process of Sanctification
What is life? How can you choose life? When the scriptures speak of life and death, life is described as both physical and transitory and as eternal and spiritual. There is no question about the transitory, physical part. We are born, we live and we die. But if that was all there was to it, then those who say, "Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die" would have a good point.There is not a single "seeker of pleasure, " who does not have a...

CHF 14.90

What is the Great Tribulation?

Caldwell, Bruce
What is the Great Tribulation?
Let's go to the question of those Jews who will survive what is called the "great tribulation", that is, those who will enter into the Kingdom Age and reign with the Messiah, following the Battle of Armageddon, wherein God destroys the armies of the antichrist. If you do not yet understand the tribulation, you will. You may believe the Messiah is coming to set up His Kingdom and to restore Jerusalem. He is! But first comes the tribulation.

CHF 14.90

Omnipotence-Omniscience-Omnipresence: It's True of No One...

Caldwell, Bruce
Omnipotence-Omniscience-Omnipresence: It's True of No One Else
We have a very limited ability to understand the mind of God. Words like omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence are easily defined but completely outside of our experience and in the case of many people, stumbling blocks. What we can't grasp, we often deny. But listen to what God's Word says about God.

CHF 11.90

Got Eternity?

Caldwell, Bruce
Got Eternity?
Are you certain that death is the end?We all face two deaths, one physical and one spiritual. We cannot avoid physical death but we can avoid spiritual death. Those who feel that you are spiritually dead are wrong, at least for the present, because your choices remain before you.Spiritual death comes, in this lifetime and for eternity, when you decide that you are simply flesh and that you reject the notion that God exists. Spiritual death acc...

CHF 14.50

Why Would God be Angry with His People?

Caldwell, Bruce
Why Would God be Angry with His People?
I would rather that the reader fills in the answer to this question, because in pointing out the reasons, it sounds like I am offering criticism of the Jews. Of course the Gentiles face the same judgment as the Jews. Whether the Jews have had more "light" (thus they should have less darkness) is a question you must consider. God's Word has told us, repeatedly, what it is that makes Him angry. The specific incidents that caused God to spell out...

CHF 11.90

Was the Messiah Really in the Old Testament?

Caldwell, Bruce
Was the Messiah Really in the Old Testament?
I realize that when writing to Israel, we must deal with the question, "Who was Jesus Christ?" while standing in the Light of the New Testament and while maintaining the integrity of the Old Testament. The answer to the question is the fulcrum upon which the history of the world turns. If so, and as the world looks to each new Millennium and beyond, those who honor the Jewish calendar would seem to be well served by doing some research on this...

CHF 14.50