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Zur Kasse

9 Ergebnisse.


Carpenter, Patricia L.
My Mother had a snapshot of this shanty back in the late 1940's & the 'developed' picture showed this SHADOW (of an 'angel' or 'JESUS'?) on it. No-one could explain how it got there! ONLY THE LORD KNOWS!!! I decided to use it on my Poem Book Covers. The negative to this is awesome! Thanks, Pat

CHF 27.50

A Collection of Spiritual Poems

Carpenter, Patricia L.
A Collection of Spiritual Poems
Do you wonder what it is like to be a 'baby' Christian, with all the roller coaster 'ups & downs' of Life? We All have different ideas of what God is like & many times we get the wrong 'Image' of Him. A 'distorted' view, you might say, because of our up-bringing. Little do we realize that He is watching over us, seeing us through all of those 'storms of life'. Waiting on us to surrender our 'self' to Him so He can bring JOY into our lives & he...

CHF 15.90

Love Poems & Thoughts from the Father's Heart!

Carpenter, Patricia L.
Love Poems & Thoughts from the Father's Heart!
S E E K + T H E + L O R D... ..while you can find Him. 'CALL' upon Him NOW while He is near ...Let Them turn to The Lord that He may have 'MERCY' upon Them ...for He WILL 'Abundantly' Pardon! (Isaiah 55:6 7) The Lord knew what lay ahead of me ~ for BOTH my Dad & Step-Dad died in early 1999. He began to have me write 'Love' Poems from His Heart. Also showing me that His Timing is perfect in our Lives if we are, on purpose, seeking to Follow Him...

CHF 21.90


Carpenter, Patricia L.
Just two months after I'd finished Poem Book #5, I completed this Book. Between my Dad & Step-Dad's passing, I'd sought The Lord earnestly to be 'used' by Him & these questions came to me: "Do you want God to 'use' you for His Glory?" "Are you willing to become teachable & submissive to The Holy Spirit?" "Are you READY to Forgive both God & man?"In these Poems, God teaches us how to become 'usable' to Him by: Trusting & Learning to know Him be...

CHF 27.50

Poems & Thoughts to

Carpenter, Patricia L.
Poems & Thoughts to
Living in & Trusting Christ completely was what God wanted me to do, so that He could show a dying World His Strength through my weaknesses. Having had several 'falls' in the last few years, I was becoming less able to care for myself, needing God's help to make it through the day. Laying a desperate plea in my heart to tell others of His total Care for them, if they would turn all they were & had over to Jesus, & let Him Lead them down the Ri...

CHF 27.90