Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

33 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Llévame a casa

Carrasco, Jesús (España)
Llévame a casa

Juan ha conseguido independizarse lejos de su país cuando se ve obligado a regresar a su pueblo debido a la muerte de su padre. Su intención, tras el entierro, es retomar su vida en Edimburgo cuanto antes, pero una noticia cambia sus planes. Así, sin proponérselo, se verá en el mismo lugar del que decidió escapar, al cuidado de una madre a la que apenas conoce y con la que siente que solo tiene una ...

CHF 16.50


Carrasco, Jesús

Un niño escapado de casa escucha, agazapado en el fondo de su escondrijo, los gritos de los hombres que lo buscan. Cuando la partida pasa, lo que queda ante él es una llanura infinita y árida que deberá atravesar si quiere alejarse definitivamente de aquello que le ha hecho huir. Una noche, sus pasos se cruzan con los de un viejo cabrero y, a partir de ese momento, ya nada será igual para ninguno de los do...

CHF 15.00

La tierra que pisamos

Carrasco, Jesús
La tierra que pisamos

comienzos del siglo xx España ha sido anexionada al mayor imperioque Europa ha conocido. Tras la pacificación, las élites militares eligenun pequeño pueblo de Extremadura como gratificación para los mandosa cargo de la ocupación. Eva Holman, esposa de uno de ellos, vive suidílico retiro en la paz de su conciencia hasta que recibe la visita inesperadade un hombre que empezará ocupando s...

CHF 14.50


Carrasco, Jesús (España)
Un niño escapado de casa escucha, agazapado en el fondo de su escondrijo, los gritos de los hombres quelo buscan. Cuando la partida pasa, lo que queda ante él es una llanura infinita y árida que deberá atravesar si quiere alejarse definitivamente de aquello que le ha hecho huir. Una noche, sus pasos se cruzan con los de un viejo cabrero y, a partir de ese momento, ya nada será igual para ninguno de los dos. Intemperie narra la huida de un niñ...

CHF 23.00

Cases on Historical Thinking and Gamification in Social S...

Carrasco, Cosme Jesús Gómez / Martínez-Hita, María / Miralles-Martínez, Pedro
Cases on Historical Thinking and Gamification in Social Studies and Humanities Education
Research on history education and historical thinking is becoming increasingly relevant internationally. The need for a renewal of history education is not only justified by the epistemology of history itself, but also by the demand for a methodological change in education in general, making students active protagonists in the construction of their learning and based on the development of competencies. Further study on the potential use of gam...

CHF 236.00

Cases on Historical Thinking and Gamification in Social S...

Carrasco, Cosme Jesús Gómez / Martínez-Hita, María / Miralles-Martínez, Pedro
Cases on Historical Thinking and Gamification in Social Studies and Humanities Education
Research on history education and historical thinking is becoming increasingly relevant internationally. The need for a renewal of history education is not only justified by the epistemology of history itself, but also by the demand for a methodological change in education in general, making students active protagonists in the construction of their learning and based on the development of competencies. Further study on the potential use of gam...

CHF 191.00

Bring mich nach Hause

Carrasco, Jesús / Kleemann, Silke
Bring mich nach Hause
Juan hat Spanien vor Jahren im Streit mit den Eltern verlassen und sich in seinem neuen Leben eingerichtet - bis sein Vater stirbt und er zur Beerdigung in sein Heimatdorf zurückkehren muss. Juan möchte den Besuch kurz halten, um den alten Beziehungsdynamiken möglichst bald wieder entfliehen zu können. Doch dann erfährt er, dass seine Mutter an Alzheimer erkrankt ist und nicht mehr länger allein leben kann. Er sieht sich gezwungen, wieder in s...

CHF 31.90

Pattern Recognition

Carrasco-Ochoa, Jesús Ariel / Martínez-Trinidad, José Francisco / Olvera-López, José Arturo / Salas, Joaquín
Pattern Recognition
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 11th Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition, MCPR 2019, held in Querétaro, Mexico, in June 2019. The 40 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 86 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: artificial intelligence techniques and recognition, computer vision, industrial and medical applications of pattern recognition, image processing and analysis...

CHF 107.00


Carrasco, Jesús / Rey, Javi / Brusco, R.
Nel bel mezzo della sconfinata pianura spagnola devastata da una siccità interminabile, un bambino fugge spaventato tra i campi di ulivi. Lo sceriffo del villaggio e i suoi uomini battono la campagna per riportarlo da suo padre. Ma perché un bambino dovrebbe fuggire di casa? Perché preferirebbe soffrire le ferite provocate dal sole cocente piuttosto che tornare indietro? Il vecchio capraio nomade che raccoglie il bambino non si pone queste dom...

CHF 38.50

Out in the Open

Carrasco, Jesús
Out in the Open
A harrowing, humane, and very beautiful book." -Garth Greenwell, author of What Belongs to You A searing dystopian vision of a young boy's flight through an unnamed, savaged country, searching for sanctuary and redemption-a debut novel from one of Europe's bestselling literary stars. A young boy has fled his home. He's pursued by dangerous forces. What lies before him is an infinite, arid plain, one he must cross in order to escape those from ...

CHF 28.50

La terra che calpestiamo

Carrasco, Jesús / Marseguerra, C.
La terra che calpestiamo
All'inizio del Novecento, si immagina che l'Europa sia dominata dall'impero più grande, potente e brutale che si sia mai visto, di cui non si conosce il nome né l'origine. Anche la Spagna viene annessa ai suoi territori e, dopo la conquista, ai militari che hanno guidato l'occupazione viene dato come premio il permesso di trasferirsi in un piccolo villaggio idilliaco in Estremadura. Eva Holman, moglie di un colonnello in pensione, vive serena ...

CHF 27.50

Out in the Open

Carrasco, Jesús / Rey, Javi
Out in the Open
A graphic novel based on the award-winning volume by Jesus Carrasco. A cinematic volume about escaping abuse and finding humanity in a world torn apart by violence.

CHF 27.90

Pattern Recognition

Carrasco-Ochoa, Jesús Ariel / Martínez-Trinidad, José Francisco / Olvera-López, José Arturo
Pattern Recognition
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition, MCPR 2017, held in Huatulco, Mexico, in June 2017. The 29 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 55 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on pattern recognition and artificial intelligence techniques, image processing and analysis, robotics and remote sensing, natural language processing and ...

CHF 93.00