Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

147 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Fearsome Dream

Chase, Eva
Fearsome Dream
We are blood. And so are they... We're finally free-and we intend to stay that way. But our most dangerous enemy has plans that could upend the entire world. To carry out those plans, he's making more like us. More people twisted into something monstrous and forced to serve his psychotic ends. My guys and I have to stop him. It's our only hope of getting the peace we've dreamed of-for us and everyone else we've come to care about. But ...

CHF 31.50

Le lacrime del drago

Chase, Eva
Le lacrime del drago
Scoprire che potrei essere l'ultimo dei draghi mutaforma - e che sono destinata a prendere quattro affascinati uomini come miei compagni - mi ha messa a dura prova. Ma ora che ho riavuto i miei poteri e ho vinto una battaglia contro i miei nemici, ho finalmente ritrovato la fiducia in me stessa. Una piccola gita in montagna per scoprire l'ultimo segreto di mia madre sembra un gioco da ragazzi, soprattutto con loro al mio fianco. Peccato che ...

CHF 27.50

Il destino del drago

Chase, Eva
Il destino del drago
Il mondo paranormale non sembra volermi dare tregua. Proprio quando pensavo di potermi creare una vita normale - beh, relativamente normale - come l'ultimo dei draghi mutaforma insieme ai miei quattro compagni, la mia gente si trova sull'orlo di una guerra soprannaturale. I vampiri hanno deciso di sterminare tutti i mutaforma, e hanno abbastanza armi per riuscirci. Certo, anch'io ho le mie armi. Ma sono solo un drago contro un sacco di vampi...

CHF 27.50

Il desiderio del drago

Chase, Eva
Il desiderio del drago
Mi sto finalmente abituando all'idea di essere l'ultimo drago in vita. Sono destinata a prendere i quattro capifamiglia come compagni e legare tra loro tutti i mutaforma. Ma ecco altri pericoli incombere all'orizzonte. Il gruppo di ribelli che ha massacrato la mia famiglia è ancora assetato di sangue. Faranno a pezzi chiunque si metta sul loro cammino. Per stroncare la rivoluzione una volta per tutte, sono partita insieme ai miei quattro com...

CHF 27.50

L'ascesa del drago

Chase, Eva
L'ascesa del drago
L'ultimo drago mutaforma incontra i suoi quattro compagni. La sua vita sta per diventare molto pericolosa. In cerca di emozioni, la sera del mio ventunesimo compleanno, l'ultima cosa che mi aspetto è di essere rapita. E come se non bastasse, scopro che i mutaforma esistono e che anch'io sono una di loro. Rappresento l'ultima della stirpe dei draghi, e ho un compito da assolvere: prendere i capi delle quattro famiglie come miei compagni e leg...

CHF 27.50

Thief of Silver and Souls

Chase, Eva
Thief of Silver and Souls
What if it takes a monster to save a kingdom? I'll never forget the sight of my little sister's lifeless body-or that my rogue magic killed her. Sorcery like mine is punishable by death. So I live in the shadows, stealing from the corrupt to give to the needy. Maybe a little good can wash the blood from my hands. It seems like a decent plan... until I try to help a dying noblewoman and somehow steal her soul instead. Now her ghost is d...

CHF 43.90

Une sombre victoire

Chase, Eva
Une sombre victoire
Quand la vie vous offre des démons, autant semer la destruction. Je pensais que je voulais savoir ce que j'étais. Maintenant que j'ai découvert que les réponses ne sont pas si jolies, il s'avère qu'il n'y a pas de retour en arrière possible. Les monstres les plus puissants du monde craignent cette voleuse mortelle. Malheureusement, cela signifie qu'ils sont déterminés à supprimer mon existence. Le démon qui était mon meilleur allié est pri...

CHF 31.50

La Vengeance du soir

Chase, Eva
La Vengeance du soir
Un peu de pyromanie peut mener loin... La Compagnie de la Lumière était déjà sur ma liste noire avant qu'elle n'enlève l'un de mes amants monstrueux. Et maintenant ? Je suis prête à les envoyer tous griller dans les flammes. Surtout quand il s'avère qu'ils ont peut-être abîmé mon démon chéri de façon irrémédiable. Le problème, c'est que ces flammes ne sont pas très gentilles. Après avoir goûté à la liberté, mon feu intérieur semble vouloir...

CHF 31.50

La Voleuse d'ombres

Chase, Eva
La Voleuse d'ombres
Une voleuse pyromane impertinente, trois monstres sexy à souhait et une conspiration paranormale aux proportions épiques. C'était un travail ordinaire. Une autre nuit, un autre salaud collectionneur de surnaturel. Je libère quelques pauvres petites bêtes de leurs cages, j'empoche quelques babioles pour payer mes factures, et je brûle l'endroit en partant. Vous pouvez m'appeler le Robin des Bois de l'émancipation des monstres. Je n'avais pa...

CHF 31.50

La Ruse du crépuscule

Chase, Eva
La Ruse du crépuscule
Qu'y a-t-il de mieux que trois monstres sexy ? Pourquoi pas quatre... En aidant le trio de monstres sexy comme pas possible qui m'ont suivie chez moi, j'ai perdu mon appartement, mon sens de la sécurité et plus de sang qu'il n'en fallait. D'une certaine manière, mes nouveaux amants me donnent l'impression d'avoir obtenu la meilleure part du marché. Malheureusement, leur patron fraîchement sauvé n'est pas très enthousiaste à l'égard des hum...

CHF 31.50

Thief of Silver and Souls

Chase, Eva
Thief of Silver and Souls
What if it takes a monster to save a kingdom? I'll never forget the sight of my little sister's lifeless body-or that my rogue magic killed her. Sorcery like mine is punishable by death. So I live in the shadows, stealing from the corrupt to give to the needy. Maybe a little good can wash the blood from my hands. It seems like a decent plan... until I try to help a dying noblewoman and somehow steal her soul instead. Now her ghost is d...

CHF 36.50

Games of Death and Desire

Chase, Eva
Games of Death and Desire
To prove I'm not a monster, I have to play a monstrous game. The men I'm falling for have discovered my horrific secret. Only the intervention of a god has saved me and my forbidden magic from the gallows... for now. We've barely scraped the surface of the brutal conspiracy lurking at the royal college, and the threat looms ever larger. To get to the root of the evil and destroy it, we'll have to infiltrate it at its source. And I'm the ...

CHF 38.90

Games of Death and Desire

Chase, Eva
Games of Death and Desire
To prove I'm not a monster, I have to play a monstrous game. The men I'm falling for have discovered my horrific secret. Only the intervention of a god has saved me and my forbidden magic from the gallows... for now. We've barely scraped the surface of the brutal conspiracy lurking at the royal college, and the threat looms ever larger. To get to the root of the evil and destroy it, we'll have to infiltrate it at its source. And I'm the ...

CHF 45.50

Dragon of Destiny

Chase, Eva
Dragon of Destiny
Kill the king to save the world? Not on this wizard's watch.... Reborn wizard Emma Hale hadn't thought she could make a bigger mess of her life-and that of her liege and sometimes lover, the legendary King Arthur. Turns out she was wrong. With the greatest of the dark fae roaming free and the spell that preserved Arthur's soul broken, it'll only take one misstep for her to lose him forever. Keeping her balance is no easy feat. Thanks to the oa...

CHF 18.90

Soul's Blade

Chase, Eva
Soul's Blade
Find the magic sword or die. Just another day in a reincarnated wizard's life... After being chased across the country by a faerie mercenary, reborn wizard Emma Hale is shocked she's still alive. But victory doesn't mean she can slack off on her mission to protect the current incarnation of her liege and sometimes lover, the legendary King Arthur. Now that Arthur's soul is awakening, every creature of darkness in a thousand-mile radius is slav...

CHF 18.90

Caught in the Dream

Chase, Eva
Caught in the Dream
Mateo Jimenez is haunted by the death of his first girlfriend, and his fear of repeating past mistakes has cost him personal relationships and now his job. While his colleagues protect L.A. from the demonic Glowers, he's been demoted to office work. So when a Glower approaches him to negotiate a ceasefire, Mateo agrees to listen, planning to gather information on the demons that will prove his worth. He isn't prepared to be so tempted by Kess,...

CHF 14.90

Magic Waking

Chase, Eva
Magic Waking
Die, reincarnate, repeat. It's been a long fifteen hundred years...Reborn wizard Emma Hale has three goals in life, or rather lives: Track down the present incarnation of the legendary King Arthur, fend off the shadow creatures that hound him for as long as she can, and break the spell that binds their souls in this morbid cycle.If only she had a better idea how she'd cast that spell in the first place. And if only Arthur's current host wasn't...

CHF 18.90

Heartless Foe

Chase, Eva
Heartless Foe
I thought we'd faced the worst possible horrors already. I was wrong. My men and I have fought the guardians who held us captive for so long. Refused to let them harness our powers yet again. But there's another villain lurking in the shadows. One who doesn't even pretend to care about anyone's interests other than his own. With every move he makes, I feel one step closer to breaking. How can we ever escape while a man like this controls...

CHF 31.50

Gang of Ghouls

Chase, Eva
Gang of Ghouls
Kinda dead. Straight-up psycho. Totally obsessed with her. I did a bad, bad thing. Thanks to a blank in my memory, I'm not sure what that thing was, but it was horrible enough to get me locked up in the psych ward for seven years. When I'm released back into a town determined to rub my unknown sins in my face, the past isn't the only thing that's haunting me. The four "imaginary" friends who made my childhood bearable are back... and u...

CHF 71.00