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42 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Clark, Stuart / Clark, Dave
The pages of this book are filled with witty remarks, fun facts and quirky one-liners like these for you to whip out at your next event and spice up your conversations. Let's turn those boring conversations into funversations! When the Conversation is on Families The Internet went down at our house, so I had to spend time with the family. They seem like good people. When the Conversation is on Aging My grandmother lived to be 98 and nev...

CHF 20.90

The Book of Mars

Clark, Stuart
The Book of Mars
From myth to Musk, astrology to astronomy, the Red Planet in fact and fiction - Dr Stuark Clark selects the very best writing about Mars.

CHF 44.50

Equine Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease

Clark-Price, Stuart / Mama, Khursheed
Equine Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease
Equine Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease offers practical guidance on anesthetizing horses with pre-existing diseases or other unique conditions. Filling a significant gap in available literature, this authoritative reference is the ideal companion to existing publications on basic management principles, equipment, and complications in equine anesthesia. Detailed chapters, co-authored by anesthesiologists and other allied specialists, offer a...

CHF 165.00

The Miniature Library of Queen Mary's Dolls' House

Clark Ashby, Elizabeth / Heard, Kate / Jones, Kathryn / Stuart, Emma / Kelly, Sophie
The Miniature Library of Queen Mary's Dolls' House
Queen Mary's Dolls' House is one of the most beautiful and famous dolls' houses in the world. Running the full length of its ground floor is a spellbinding library, filled with 300 miniature books and dozens of original paintings.Lining the bookshelves of this miniature Edwardian library are specially produced works by some of the finest authors of the 1920s. From poetry by Thomas Hardy to stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, gardening books to ...

CHF 26.50

Alla ricerca di una nuova Terra. Esopianeti, esplorazioni...

Clark, Stuart / Filoramo, E.
Alla ricerca di una nuova Terra. Esopianeti, esplorazioni spaziali e vita extraterrestre
Con uno stile coinvolgente e un ritmo incalzante, l'astrofisico Stuart Clark racconta la tormentata e appassionante storia della ricerca di pianeti simili alla Terra fuori dal Sistema Solare. Dopo innumerevoli falsi allarmi, il primo esopianeta in orbita attorno a una stella diversa dal Sole è stato scoperto nel 1995. Oggi, poco più di due decenni dopo, i pianeti extrasolari scovati dai ricercatori sono centinaia. Alcuni sono più neri del carb...

CHF 33.50

Das unbekannte Universum

Clark, Stuart / Gerl, Bernhard
Das unbekannte Universum
Eine Tour d'horizon bis an die Grenzen des Kosmos In zehn Kapiteln präsentiert Stuart Clark eine aktuelle Einführung in die Wissenschaft der Kosmologie: wie sie sich entwickelt hat, welche Konzepte und Personen sie maßgeblich geprägt haben, wo wir heute stehen - und wie es weitergehen könnte. Am 21. März 2013 veröffentlichte die Europäische Weltraumorganisation ESA eine neue Karte vom Echo des Urknalls. Diese - im Zuge der Planck-Mission erste...

CHF 35.50

L'universo, questo sconosciuto

Clark, Stuart / Gili, V. L.
L'universo, questo sconosciuto
Il 21 marzo 2013 è iniziata una nuova stagione per la cosmologia. L'Agenzia Spaziale Europea ha diffuso la mappa della radiazione cosmica di fondo, il bagliore residuo del Big Bang. Probabilmente la più importante immagine dell'Universo mai catturata, la mappa ci ha svelato il vero aspetto del cosmo. Per la prima volta, ci siamo trovati davanti agli occhi il modello, e in un certo senso la storia, della nascita dell'Universo. Lontana dal forni...

CHF 34.90

Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture

Clark, Stuart
Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture
In this original and fascinating book, Stuart Clark investigates the cultural history of the senses in early modern Europe. At a time in which the nature and reliability of human vision was a focus for debate in medicine, art theory, science, and philosophy, there was an explosion of interest in the truth (or otherwise) of miracles, dreams, magic, and witchcraft. Was seeing really believing? Vanities of the Eye wonderfully illustrates how this...

CHF 160.00

Thinking with Demons

Clark, Stuart
Thinking with Demons
This major work offers a new interpretation of the witchcraft beliefs of European intellectuals between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries, showing how these beliefs fitted rationally with other beliefs of the period and how far the nature of rationality is dependent on its historical context.

CHF 170.00