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63 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

La Regina di Ghiaccio

Cottman, Sasha
La Regina di Ghiaccio
Per Caroline Saunders la bellezza è una maledizione. Ovunque vada, è sempre circondata da uomini adoranti. Tuttavia, Caroline sa che nessuno di loro potrà mai amarla per ciò che lei è davvero. Ha sempre trattato la sua corte di spasimanti con freddo sdegno, tanto da essersi guadagnata il titolo di Regina di Ghiaccio. Con il cuore segnato dal disastroso matrimonio dei suoi genitori, Julian Palmer, il Conte di Newhall, non ha molta fretta di con...

CHF 26.50

The Ice Queen

Cottman, Sasha
The Ice Queen
For Caroline Saunders, beauty is a curse. She is constantly surrounded by men who worship her. But Caroline knows none of them could ever love her just for herself. She treats her court of suitors with cool disdain, gaining herself the title of the Ice Queen. With a heart scarred by his parent's disastrous marriage Julian Palmer, Earl Newhall has been in no particular hurry to take on a wife. But men with titles need heirs. The one name not on...

CHF 26.90

Two of a Kind

Cottman, Sasha
Two of a Kind
James Radley cannot put his finger on why he does not want Leah Shepherd to marry his best friend. She is kind, sweet and a true beauty. Any man should want to marry her. And therein lies the problem. Like a bolt out of the blue, James finds himself headlong in love with his best friend's fiancée. He promises himself that if he can just get through the wedding service, everything will fine. As his carriage draws up outside St Georges, London o...

CHF 26.50

An Unsuitable Match

Cottman, Sasha
An Unsuitable Match
The Favourite Heiress… Once engaged to the future Duke of Strathmore, the beautiful Lady Clarice Langham now finds herself in the humiliating position of celebrating his marriage - to another woman. But things begin to look up when handsome and charming rake David Radley makes it clear that, at least as far as he's concerned, she's still the catch of the season. The Illegitimate Son… The eldest son of the Duke of Strathmore, David Radley has ...

CHF 26.90

Letter from a Rake

Cottman, Sasha
Letter from a Rake
Recently arrived in London, Millie Ashton thinks English high society is full of empty headed, arrogant fools. But when she meets Lord Alex Radley, she falls desperately in love with him. Fearing humiliation and rejection, she decides the only sensible thing to do is take her pride and go home to India. Men like Alex do not fall for girls like her, whereas every girl loses her heart to Alexander the Great. Alex Radley, Marquis of Brooke rules ...

CHF 27.90

La mariée en fuite

Cottman, Sasha
La mariée en fuite
James Radley ne sait pas très bien pourquoi il ne veut pas que Leah Shepherd épouse son meilleur ami. Douce et gentille, c'est une véritable beauté. N'importe quel homme serait heureux de l'épouser. Et c'est bien là que réside le problème. Victime d'un coup de foudre inopiné, James se retrouve fou amoureux de la fiancée de son meilleur ami. Il se convainc que s'il survit à la messe de mariage, tout ira bien. Alors que sa calèche se range devan...

CHF 25.90

The Duke's Daughter

Cottman, Sasha
The Duke's Daughter
When handsome army officer Avery Fox unexpectedly inherits a fortune, he instantly becomes one of the season's most eligible bachelors. More accustomed to the battlefield, he has no patience with the naive debutantes who fill the ballrooms of London. Honest and impetuous Lady Lucy Radley is a breath of fresh air, guiding him through the season and helping him to avoid any traps. So when Avery is left with little option but to marry Lucy, he c...

CHF 26.90

Rogue for Hire

Cottman, Sasha
Rogue for Hire
When society peacock Lord Harry Steele's father reaches the end of his tether, he throws his wayward son out of the house. Forced to quickly find a way to make money, Harry hits upon a brilliant idea. Instead of creating scandals, he will get paid to manage them. Heiress, Alice North, is desperate. She seeks Harry's help to rid her of a fortune hunting scoundrel. In Harry she discovers a handsome, yet complex man, who sets her blood on fire. H...

CHF 19.50

La Reine de glace

Cottman, Sasha
La Reine de glace
Pour Caroline Saunders, la beauté est une malédiction. Partout où elle va, elle est entourée d'hommes qui la vénèrent. Mais Caroline sait qu'aucun d'eux ne pourra jamais l'aimer juste pour elle-même. Elle traite sa cour de prétendants avec froideur et dédain, ce qui lui vaut le titre de Reine de glace. Après une vilaine altercation avec un prétendant insistant, Caroline décide qu'il est temps de fuir les salles de bal bondées de Londres. À jam...

CHF 26.90

La signora dal cuore indomito

Cottman, Sasha
La signora dal cuore indomito
In quanto secondogenito di un visconte, Freddie Rosemount è consapevole che, qualunque cosa realizzi nella vita, non sarà il primo membro della sua famiglia ad averla ottenuta. Di bell'aspetto, ricco e con la casa paterna a disposizione, Freddie decide che è arrivato il momento di trasferirsi a Londra e assicurarsi un successo tutto suo. Preso dal vortice infinito di feste eleganti e giochi politici, si ritroverà ben presto a frequentare perso...

CHF 27.90

The Vagabond Viscount

Cottman, Sasha
The Vagabond Viscount
An English lord torn from his homeland and forced to survive by his wits. The determined daughter of a duke who will never give up looking for him. Fate binds them together, but it will take an uncommon love to overcome the heartbreaking disaster which awaits them. Penniless aristocrat Flynn Cadnam has been dubbed the Vagabond Viscount by London society. But when Flynn informs his father that he intends to marry Lady Augusta Kembal, he is shoc...

CHF 30.90

La Dame au c¿ur indompté

Cottman, Sasha
La Dame au c¿ur indompté
Comme il est le second fils d'un vicomte, Freddie Rosemount sait pertinemment que quoiqu'il accomplisse, il ne sera pas le premier membre de sa famille à l'avoir fait. Il n'est pas dénué d'atouts - la beauté, la fortune et la maison de ville de son père à sa disposition - aussi Freddie décide-t-il qu'il est temps de se rendre à Londres et d'être enfin le premier. Pris dans le tourbillon sans fin des fêtes élégantes et des manœuvres politiques,...

CHF 27.90

Una sposa di Natale per il Duca

Cottman, Sasha / Evans, Bronwen / Maupassant, Emmanuelle de
Una sposa di Natale per il Duca
Tutti meritano di trovare l'amore a Natale. Quattro romantiche storie che ti aiuteranno a entrare nello spirito giusto per quelle magiche notti invernali piene d'amore e di meravigliose riunioni di famiglia. Sedotta dal duca scozzese Sasha Cottman Una notte di scandalosa passione è costata cara a Ewan Radley, Duca di Strathmore. La sua caparbia fidanzata è morta, e ora lui si ritrova a dover crescere da solo il loro figlio. Intrappolato in...

CHF 31.50

A Seductive Rogue for Lady Eliza

Cottman, Sasha
A Seductive Rogue for Lady Eliza
The battle for Europe might well be over, but Sir Callum Sharp is left fighting a new enemy. One who comes to him in his dreams and will never let him rest. Callum Sharp is the life and soul of the party. If there are hijinks to be started, Callum will be both the fuse and the flame. No one can resist his charms, least of all Lady Eliza Follett the sister of his fellow Noble Lord, Reid. She has held a place in her heart for Callum since they w...

CHF 25.90

A Lady's Heart Deceived

Cottman, Sasha
A Lady's Heart Deceived
His love will heal her heart. It's been over two years since her fiancé, Robert, died at the battle of Waterloo, and Maggie Radley has spent almost all that time lost in a fog of grief. When she receives a letter from the war office, explaining that they have no record of Robert, she is determined to get to the truth. Captain Piers Denford should be putting the war behind him and looking for his future viscountess. Instead, he is stuck at a de...

CHF 26.90

Tempted by the English Marquis

Cottman, Sasha
Tempted by the English Marquis
When Love Conquers Duty. Gideon Kembal, Marquis of Holwell, vows to save those he loves from the shocking scandal which threatens to tear his family apart. Duty bound, he sails to Italy, determined to bring his wayward mother and sister back to England. Serafina de Luca is the obedient daughter of one of Rome's most wealthy and powerful families. Despite her heart's secret desire, she knows her future lies in a loveless, political marriage. Ar...

CHF 29.50

Lettera di un Libertino

Cottman, Sasha
Lettera di un Libertino
Millie Ashton pensa che la società londinese sia piena di sciocchi arroganti dalla testa vuota, ma quando incontra Alex Radley, si innamora perdutamente di lui. Temendo l'umiliazione e il rifiuto, decide che l'unica cosa sensata da fare sia tornare a casa in India con l'orgoglio ferito. Uomini come Alex non si innamorano di quelle come lei, mentre ogni ragazza perde la testa per Alessandro Magno. Alex Radley, Marchese di Brooke, domina l'alta ...

CHF 26.90

Unexpected Duke

Cottman, Sasha
Unexpected Duke
Lord Kendal Grant is a self-centered egotistical nightmare. He is also a solid gold genius when it comes to his music. But his muse has fled, and he is left fending off fools who would have him compose music just like Mozart. Kendal hates Mozart with the passion of a thousand fiery suns. Mercy Wood has no time for bad boy egos, she simply needs to make enough money to pay the rent. Kendal Grant is just another wealthy musician with money to bu...

CHF 25.50