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8 Ergebnisse.

Adam Pendleton. Blackness, White and Light (Deutsch)

Dobner, Marianne
Adam Pendleton. Blackness, White and Light (Deutsch)
Der Katalog begleitet die erste umfassende europäische Einzelausstellung von Adam Pendleton. In seinen Gemälden, Zeichnungen und anderen Arbeiten verwendet Pendleton Buchstaben, Wörter, Tropfen, Spritzer, Sprays und gesammelte Bilder als primäre Materialien. Seine Arbeit ist eine Art kontinuierliche Schrift, in der Sprache, Bewegung, Erinnerung und Gesten aufgezeichnet, umgesetzt und überschrieben werden. Er verwischt die Grenzen zwischen Sehe...

CHF 49.90

Adam Pendleton. Blackness, White and Light (English)

Dobner, Marianne
Adam Pendleton. Blackness, White and Light (English)
The catalog accompanies the first comprehensive European solo exhibition of New York-based artist Adam Pendleton. In his paintings, drawings, and other works, Pendleton uses letters, words, drips, splashes, sprays, and collected images as primary materials. His work is a kind of continuous writing in which language, movement, memory, and gesture are recorded, transposed, and overwritten. He blurs the boundaries between seeing and reading, betw...

CHF 49.90

Elisabeth Wild. Fantasiefabrik

Dobner, Marianne
Elisabeth Wild. Fantasiefabrik
Die turbulente Biografie von Elisabeth Wild wirkt wie ein Spiegelbild des 20. Jahrhunderts: Geprägt von Flucht und Vertreibung, nationaler Identifikation und Nicht-Identifikation, glich ihr Leben einem steten Neuanfang. Dies zeigt sich nicht zuletzt in ihrem medial äußerst divers angelegten OEuvre, das Malerei, Skulptur und Textilentwürfe ebenso umfasst wie ihre weitaus bekannteren Collagen und die daraus resultierenden Installationen. Der Kat...

CHF 49.90

Elisabeth Wild. Imagination Factory

Dobner, Marianne
Elisabeth Wild. Imagination Factory
The turbulent biography of Elisabeth Wild reads like a recap of the twentieth century. Marked by flight and displacement, national identification and disidentification, her life seemed constantly to hit the reset button. This is not least evident in her oeuvre, which is highly diverse in terms of the media she used-including painting, sculpture, and textile design as well as collages and subsequent installations. The catalogue accompanies her ...

CHF 49.90

Cecile B. Evans. Amos World

Dobner, Marianne
Cecile B. Evans. Amos World
Evans examines the significance and role of emotion in contemporary societies as well as the increasing influence of new technologies on our feelings and actions. The video installation AMOS' WORLD is conceived as a television show set in a socially progressive housing estateand is scripted as a television series and is set in a socially progressive housing estate. The series divided into three episodes, and follows an architect called Amos an...

CHF 34.90

Cecile B. Evans. Amos World

Dobner, Marianne
Cecile B. Evans. Amos World
Evans examines the significance and role of emotion in contemporary societies as well as the increasing influence of new technologies on our feelings and actions. The video installation AMOS' WORLD is conceived as a television show set in a socially progressive housing estateand is scripted as a television series and is set in a socially progressive housing estate. The series divided into three episodes, and follows an architect called Amos an...

CHF 34.90

Andy Warhol. Exhibits - A Glittering Alternative

Dobner, Marianne
Andy Warhol. Exhibits - A Glittering Alternative
WARHOL EXHIBITS explores Andy Warhol's exhibition strategies and presents one of the most famous Pop art icons as installation artist and curator. It will be the first ever representative overview of the artist's exhibition practice, without ignoring his early and his late work. This broad cross-section will permit a balanced view of his use of diverse media and it will show that his modes of display must be considered key elements of his arti...

CHF 49.90

Andy Warhol. Exhibits - A Glittering Alternative (engl. A...

Dobner, Marianne
Andy Warhol. Exhibits - A Glittering Alternative (engl. Ausg.)
Andy Warhol. EXHIBITS a glittering alternative fragt nach Ausstellungsstrategien Andy Warhols und pra¿sentiert eine der beru¿hmtesten Pop Art Ikonen als Installationsku¿nstler und Kurator. Erstmals wird ein exemplarischer U¿berblick u¿ber die Ausstellungspraxis des Ku¿nstlers geboten, ohne dabei dessen Fru¿h- und Spa¿twerk außer Acht zu lassen. Der Querschnitt erlaubt eine gleichwertige Betrachtung der vielfa¿ltigen, von ihm eingesetzten Medie...

CHF 49.90