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41 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Sogni, illusioni e altre realtà

Doniger, Wendy / Bertolino, A.
Sogni, illusioni e altre realtà
Che cos'è la realtà? Non appena lasciamo i rassicuranti ormeggi del senso comune, il contenuto di questa nozione si trasforma in una preda quanto mai sfuggente. In questo libro Wendy Doniger guida il lettore attraverso i vertiginosi labirinti di specchi che la mitologia e la narrativa indiana hanno saputo creare per esemplificare le infinite ambiguità e possibilità di stratificazione dell'illusione. Storie di mondi condivisi, di mondi parallel...

Gli indù

Doniger, Wendy / Bertolino, A.
Gli indù
Attingendo alle opere somme della letteratura sanscrita - i Veda, i grandi poemi epici, i testi tantrici e puranici - ma anche alla fonte inesauribile delle tradizioni locali e orali, Wendy Doniger, indologa di fama mondiale, studiosa originale e audace, ci offre della civiltà indù una storia eterodossa, capace di dare voce ai personaggi relegati ai margini dalla storiografia ufficiale. L'esito è una trama abbagliante di racconti, la celebrazi...

CHF 109.00

The Rig Veda

Doniger, Wendy
The Rig Veda
The earliest of the four Hindu religious scriptures known as the Vedas, and the first extensive composition to survive in any Indo-European language, "The Rig Veda" (c. 1200?900 bc) is a collection of more than 1, 000 individual Sanskrit hymns. A work of intricate beauty, it provides unique insight into early Indian mythology and culture. Fraught with paradox, the hymns are meant ?to puzzle, to surprise, to trouble the mind, ? writes translato...

CHF 18.50

The Implied Spider

Doniger, Wendy (The University of Chicago Divinity School)
The Implied Spider
At this time of heightened political sensitivities, it may seem impossible to make serious comparisons among different cultures. And at a time when human difference is so relentlessly celebrated, it may even seem impossible to talk about the traditions and experiences that join us across race, religion, and nation. Wendy Doniger offers a powerful antidote to the paralysis of postcolonial intellectual life. In this spirited, enlightening book, ...

CHF 145.00

Splitting the Difference

Doniger, Wendy
Splitting the Difference
Hindu and Greek mythologies teem with stories of women and men who are doubled, who double themselves, who are seduced by gods doubling as mortals, whose bodies are split or divided. In "Splitting the Difference, " the renowned scholar of mythology Wendy Doniger recounts and compares a vast range of these tales from ancient Greece and India, with occasional recourse to more recent "double features" from "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" to "Face/Off."...

CHF 51.50

Le origini del male nella mitologia indù

Doniger, Wendy / Vergiani, V.
Le origini del male nella mitologia indù
A causa di un antico abbaglio, propagato da illustri studiosi, si è a lungo sostenuto che la civiltà indiana mancasse di un vero senso dell'etica, riservato all'Occidente. Nulla di più falso. Sin dalle origine vediche, l'India rivela una sensibilità esacerbata nei confronti del male. Anzi, tutte le vicende degli dèi possono essere raccontare come altrettanti episodi di un conflitto con le forze maligne. Questo libro non intende solo spazzare v...

CHF 75.00

Myth and Method

Doniger, Wendy / Patton, Laurie L.
Myth and Method
In the wake of the elegant master theories of Joseph Campbell, Mircea Eliade, Georges Dumezil, and Claude Levi-Strauss, how are mythology and the comparative study of religion to be understood? In Myth and Method, a leading team of scholars assesses the current state of the study of myth and explores the possibilities for charting a methodological middle course between the comparative and the contextual issues raised in the last 25 years.

CHF 64.00

Myth and Method

Doniger, Wendy / Patton, Laurie L
Myth and Method
In the wake of the elegant master theories of Joseph Campbell, Mircea Eliade, Georges Dumezil, and Claude Levi-Strauss, how are mythology and the comparative study of religion to be understood? In Myth and Method, a leading team of scholars assesses the current state of the study of myth and explores the possibilities for charting a methodological middle course between the comparative and the contextual issues raised in the last ten years. In ...

CHF 86.00

The Hindus

Doniger, Wendy
The Hindus
Don't miss this equivalent of a brilliant graduate course froma feisty and exhilarating teacher." -The Washington Post An engrossing and definitive narrative account of history and myth, The Hindus offers a new way of understanding one of the world's oldest major religions. Hinduism does not lend itself easily to a strictly chronological account. Many of its central texts cannot be reliably dated within a century, its central tenets arise at p...

CHF 32.50

The Laws of Manu

Doniger, Wendy / Smith, Brian K. / Doniger, Wendy / Smith, Brian K. / Doniger, Wendy / Smith, Brian K.
The Laws of Manu
The Laws of Manu form a towering work of Hindu philosophy. Composed by many Brahmin priests, this is an extraordinary, encyclopaedic representation of human life in the world, and how it should be lived. Manu encompasses topics as wide-ranging as the social obligations and duties of the various castes, the proper way for a righteous king to rule and to punish transgressors, relations between men and women, birth, death, taxes, karma, rebirth a...

CHF 23.90

What Reason Promises

Doniger, Wendy / Neiman, Susan / Galison, Peter
What Reason Promises
This collection demonstrates the range of approaches that some of the leading scholars of our day take to basic questions at the intersection of the natural and human worlds. The essays focus on three interlocking categories: Reason stakes a bigger territory than the enclosed yard of universal rules. Nature expands over a far larger region than an eternal category of the natural. And history refuses to be confined to claims of an unencumbered ...

CHF 163.00

Siva. L'asceta erotico

Doniger, Wendy / Orsini, F.
Siva. L'asceta erotico
Nel mondo della mitologia indù nessuna figura desta più sconcerto di Siva, il "Benevolo", il quale già nell'antifrasi del nome attribuitogli (è lui il dio che presiede alla distruzione dell'universo) si annuncia come luogo dell'ambiguità, delle contraddizioni, del paradosso. La sua inquietante presenza si manifesta fin dai tempi più remoti, nei sigilli preistorici appartenenti alla civiltà della valle dell'Indo che raffigurano un suo enigmatic...

CHF 82.00

La differenza sdoppiata

Doniger, Wendy / Bertolino, A.
La differenza sdoppiata
Secondo l'Iliade, il rapimento di Elena da parte di Paride diede l'avvio all'assedio di Troia, parallelamente, secondo il Ramayana, la grande epopea indiana che si affianca al Mahabharata, il rapimento di Sita fece sì che per riaverla il suo sposo Rama muovesse guerra a Ravana, il demone sovrano di Lanka. In Grecia come in India, tuttavia, altri sostennero che né Elena né Sita sarebbero mai state veramente rapite. Secondo Platone, Stesicoro, p...

CHF 88.00

The Implied Spider

Doniger, Wendy (The University of Chicago Divinity School)
The Implied Spider
Wendy Doniger's foundational study is both modern in its engagement with a diverse range of religions and refreshingly classic in its transhistorical, cross-cultural approach. By responsibly analyzing patterns and themes across context, Doniger reinvigorates the comparative reading of religion, tapping into a wealth of narrative traditions, from the instructive tales of Judaism and Christianity to the moral lessons of the "Bhagavad Gita." She ...

CHF 47.90

The Implied Spider

Doniger, Wendy (The University of Chicago Divinity School)
The Implied Spider
Wendy Doniger's foundational study is both modern in its engagement with a diverse range of religions and refreshingly classic in its transhistorical, cross-cultural approach. By responsibly analyzing patterns and themes across context, Doniger reinvigorates the comparative reading of religion, tapping into a wealth of narrative traditions, from the instructive tales of Judaism and Christianity to the moral lessons of the "Bhagavad Gita." She ...

CHF 145.00

The Essential Kamasutra

Doniger, Wendy
The Essential Kamasutra
In this revised translation by one of the world's foremost Sanskrit scholars, listeners will gain new insight into the meaning of the "Kamasutra"--a practice of close intimate relationship, the divine meaning of love, sensuality, desire, and romance.

CHF 37.50