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165 Ergebnisse - Zeige 141 von 160.

Your Erroneous Zones

Dyer, Wayne W.
Your Erroneous Zones
Learn how to overcome and eliminate the little personality quirks that are barriers to a fuller, richer life. First published in 1977, it has never been out of print and was on the US hardback non-fiction bestseller lists for over 12 months. This is the first time it has been published in B format.

CHF 18.50

Being in Balance

Dyer, Dr. Wayne W.
Being in Balance
Shows you how to restore balance in your life by offering nine principles for realigning your thoughts so that they correspond to your highest desires.

CHF 25.50

The Essence of Being in Balance: Creating Habits to Match...

Dyer, Wayne W.
The Essence of Being in Balance: Creating Habits to Match Your Desires
On this six-CD set, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer shows you how to restore balance in your life by offering nine principles for realigning your thoughts so that they correspond to your highest desires. Imagine a balance scale with one end weighted down to the ground, and the other end--featuring the objects of your desires--sticking up precariously in the air. This scale is a measurement of your thoughts. To restore the same balance that characterizes eve...

CHF 57.90

Credere per vedere

Dyer, Wayne W. / Zorzi, A.
Credere per vedere
Nella vita si vede essenzialmente ciò in cui si crede: se per esempio si crede nella "scarsità", essa diventa il centro di ogni pensiero, e non si conoscerà mai altro. Se invece si crede fermamente nella felicità e nell'abbondanza, queste caratteristiche non tarderanno a diventare il centro della nostra esistenza. "Dentro tutti noi esiste il ponte che ci unisce alla parte invisibile di noi stessi. La vita è qualcosa di più del mero esistere qu...

CHF 25.50

Tus Zonas Sagradas / Your Sacred Self

Dyer, Wayne W.
Tus Zonas Sagradas / Your Sacred Self
Conoce tu yo sagrado para abordar positivamente tus dificultades cotidianas. Te encuentras atenazado en los límites de tu realidad inmediata, aceptas las presiones, los ajetreos de esta como si fueran lo natural, la única vida posible. Pero existe otra realidad, una realidad más plena y dichosa a la que puedes acceder... simplemente despertando tu otro yo. Reconocer y aceptar la guía de ese yo sagrado te permitirá situarte por encima de las di...

CHF 17.90

Excuses Begone!: How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating T...

Dyer, Wayne W.
Excuses Begone!: How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits
Presents a compendium of conscious and subconscious excuses that are employed by virtually everyone, along with a concept that guides you to put those excuses to rest once and for all. This book lets you apply specific questions to any excuse, and then proceed through the steps of the 'Excuses Begone!' paradigm.

CHF 67.00

Ricordi del paradiso. La vita prima di nascere nelle stup...

Dyer, Wayne W. / Garnes, Dee / Daglino, O.
Ricordi del paradiso. La vita prima di nascere nelle stupefacenti testimonianze dei bambini
Sono i bambini le creature più vicine a Dio. Certo di questa verità, Wayne Dyer ha invitato i genitori di tutto il mondo a chiedere ai propri figli che cosa si "ricordassero" del tempo in cui non erano ancora nati. La risposta a questo invito è stata travolgente, al punto che Dyer ha pensato di raccogliere in un libro le storie più belle e illuminanti in cui i bambini raccontano i loro ricordi precedenti la nascita. Sembra infatti che i neonat...

CHF 24.50

Il mio sacro destino

Dyer, Wayne W. / Dossena, P. A.
Il mio sacro destino
Dopo quarant'anni di attività come life coach, Wayne Dyer riflette sulle esperienze che hanno trasformato la sua vita. "Il mio sacro destino" è la storia di un uomo che ha mostrato la via all'autorealizzazione e alla felicità a milioni di persone, e al tempo stesso si è offerto come guida per quanti cercano la strada verso l'illuminazione. Dyer, infatti, descrive la sua vita come un esempio dell'impronta del divino nei nostri destini individua...

CHF 19.50

Tus zonas mágicas

Dyer, Wayne W.
Tus zonas mágicas
Con Tus zonas mágicas el lector accederá al milagro cotidiano de aproximarse a la perfección. ¿Solo existe la realidad tangible, la que reconocemos por nuestros sentidos? ¿No existirá también una realidad «subyacente», sin desarrollar en la mayoría de los seres, pero que daría a estos un ilimitado poder para realizar sus vidas con plenitud? Wayne W. Dyer afirma que sí.Afirma la existencia de una realidad mágica en cada uno, una poderosa par...

CHF 16.00

Making the Shift: How to Live Your True Divine Purpose

Dyer, Wayne W.
Making the Shift: How to Live Your True Divine Purpose
In this deeply engaging live seminar, Dyer explains that instead of heeding the demands of the ego, which keep one mired in self-sabotage through never-ending pleas and false promises, listeners can choose to move in a new direction--one that leaves the false self behind so they can reclaim their true nature.

CHF 72.00

De verschuiving

Dyer, Wayne / Dyer, Wayne W. / Roest, Peter van der
De verschuiving
Van ambiteus naar zinvol leven. Meestel proberen we in de tweede helft van het leven erachter te komen wat onze unieke bijdrage aan de wereld is. Dat betekent dat we de lessen moeten loslaten die ons eerder werden geleerd door ouders en maatschappij, prestaties en succes wogen het zwaarst. In de tweede helft verschuift onze behoefte naar een leven met betekenis, dat dienstbaar is en gericht op teruggeven. Je hebt nog wel ambities, maar je zet...

CHF 21.50

The Shift

Dyer, Wayne W.
The Shift
The self-help guru reveals the key changes people need to make to find purpose and meaning in everyday life, without being dominated by ego, achievements and approval.

CHF 20.90

The Shift

Dyer, Dr. Wayne W.
The Shift
Explores the spiritual journey from ambition to meaning. This film shows the powerful departure from our obsession with self and status and always wanting more in stark contrast to a life of meaning, focused on serving and giving back.

CHF 28.50

You'll See It When You Believe It

Dyer, Wayne W. / Dyer, Wayne W.
You'll See It When You Believe It
Now available for the first time on CD--the bestseller from the recognized leader in the field of self-development. Listeners will learn to use their minds to see and feel the positive in any situation with insight from Dr. Dyer, who offers accessible methods for achieving inner and outer harmony. Abridged. 2 CDs.

CHF 23.90

There Is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem

Dyer, Wayne W.
There Is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem
This text proposes that we hold the keys to solving any problems we face within us. The author sets out basic principles and foundations we can understand and practice in order to access spiritual solutions to any problems we are experiencing.

CHF 66.00