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2 Ergebnisse.


Fairfoot, Desmond
THUNDERSTONE Synopsis Herne and Ashley Templar's Aunt Sophie is missing on her return from an underwater archaeological expedition to find the 'Lost City of Tiahuanaco', in Lake Titicaca, Bolivia. When searching through a trunk containing her forwarded belongings they are surprised by a mysterious green crystal globe, and find a coded diary that they feel have been left as clues to her whereabouts. An old colleague of Sophie's, an eccentric Pr...

CHF 52.90


Fairfoot, Desmond
Planet Gaea relies economically on the mining of the hallucinogenic black dust from the adjacent planet Mavrokon. When it disappears from storage and in transit. Director of Operations on Mavrokon, Krell Zorgman warns Gaea that the reason for the disappearance may be due to the sublimation of the dust and its adherent surroundings, when reaching a 'Critical Mass' The Central Consortium on Gaea insists that mining continue. Zorgman complies, ...

CHF 37.50