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5 Ergebnisse.


Farnham, K. J.
Sixteen-year-old Jenna Kemp is a typical high school girl, complete with a loyal group of friends and a seemingly understanding boyfriend. But when the demons from Jenna's childhood resurface, she's suddenly spinning out of control--drinking, partying--anything to numb the pain of the past. After distancing herself from her friends and befriending an outcast, her friends and family start questioning and judging her choices.But when Jenna doesn...

CHF 22.50

Click Date Repeat

Farnham, K. J.
Click Date Repeat
These days, finding love online is as commonplace as ordering that coveted sweater. But back in 2003, the whole concept of internet dating was still quite new, with a stigma attached to it that meant those who were willing to test the waters faced a fair amount of skepticism from friends and family. Such is the case for Chloe Thompson, a restless 20-something tired of the typical dating scene and curious about what she might find inside her pa...

CHF 21.50

Click Date Repeat Again

Farnham, K. J.
Click Date Repeat Again
Never in her wildest dreams would Jess Mason imagine herself being a part of the online dating hype. Yet here she is smack-dab in the middle of it all. And she's dated her fair share of online crazies to be a new connoisseur of all the weirdos out in the cyber world. After a slew of bad dates, Jess knows that she needs to finally commit to something-or someone. And suddenly there he is, a man she can actually imagine herself with. But when Jes...

CHF 22.50

Don't Call Me Kit Kat

Farnham, K. J.
Don't Call Me Kit Kat
Junior high is where things really start to happen. Cliques form and break apart. Couples are made and destroyed. And a reputation is solidified that you won't ever be able to escape. Everything you do and say, and everyone you spend your time with, matters. Katie Mills knows that. She gets it. That's why she tried so hard to get in with the cool girls at school. And why she was so devastated when those efforts found her detained for shoplifti...

CHF 21.90

A Case of Serendipity

Farnham, K. J.
A Case of Serendipity
Ruth Bateman is at her wit's end. If Bucky's Beans doesn't stop spamming her phone with discount codes for frou-frou java concoctions, she's going to flip. After multiple failed attempts to unsubscribe, Ruth takes to the company's Facebook page to vent her frustration over the never-ending texts. When attorney, Henry Mancuso, stumbles upon Ruth's complaint, he has no idea that a simple Facebook scroll is going to change his life. Now, he has t...

CHF 20.90