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26 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Barrow's Boys

Fleming, Fergus / Ahrens, Henning
Barrow's Boys
1816 startete John Barrow, Zweiter Sekretär der Englischen Admiralität, ein Entdeckungsprogramm, das bis heute nur vergleichbar ist mit dem der NASA-Landung auf dem Mond. Barrow ist ein sturer Vollblutbürokrat, den eine verhängnisvolle Leidenschaft beseelt: die weißen Flecken auf der Weltkarte zu füllen. Von seinem Stehpult am Kamin aus dirigiert er seine Männer an die Enden der erforschten Welt, unter ihnen auch John Franklin, der sich auf de...

CHF 26.50


Fleming, Ian / Fleming, Fergus
From the first James Bond novel, Casino Royale, in which Bond christens The Vesper martini to the immortal line, “shaken and not stirred, ” which first appeared in print in Diamonds Are Forever, strong, carefully crafted cocktails are at the glamorous heart of every Bond story.In this authorized cocktail book, discover extracts from Ian Fleming’s writing, the stories behind the James Bond phenomenon, and drinks inspired by 007 and his creator....

CHF 38.50

The Traveller's Daybook

Fleming, Fergus (Author)
The Traveller's Daybook
A masterly anthology of extracts from the journals and writings of travellers, explorers and adventurers throughout history, The Traveller's Daybook takes the reader on 366 unforgettable journeys - one for each day of the year.

CHF 43.50

I ragazzi di Barrow

Fleming, Fergus / Codignola, M.
I ragazzi di Barrow
Nel 1804, quando John Barrow ascende al soglio di secondo segretario dell'Ammiragliato britannico, sulle carte dei di lì a poco sudditi di Vittoria spicca ancora un numero allarmante di zone bianche. Alcune - l'Australia, e anche l'Antartide - per il momento potevano rimanere tali, ma in altre si annidavano enigmi da sciogliere quanto prima, data l'importanza strategica loro attribuita: il vero corso del Niger, ad esempio, e l'esistenza o meno...

CHF 65.00

Legendäre Expeditionen

Fleming, Fergus / Merullo, Annabel
Legendäre Expeditionen
Im 18. Jahrhundert erhielt die Entdeckung der Welt eine neue Dimension. Neben der Erschließung der Länder galt es, die vielen Rätsel der Welt zu erforschen. Alles, was den großen Forschungsreisenden begegnete, sammelten sie, zeichneten es auf und systematisierten es. In Originalberichten zeigt »Legendäre Expeditionen«, wer diese Männer und Frauen waren: eine bunt gemischte Truppe aus Forschern, Seefahrern, einsamen Wanderern und Abenteurern, d...

CHF 27.90

Nach oben

Fleming, Fergus / Rullkötter, Bernd
Nach oben
Im 19. Jahrhundert ist fast alles auf der Welt entdeckt, erfasst und aufgezeichnet. Aber inmitten Europas erhebt sich ein Gebiet, auf dessen Gipfel noch kein Mensch vorgedrungen ist: die Eisbarriere der Alpen. Man erzählt sich, dort oben hausten Drachen und andere gefährliche Schneewesen, die ganze Dörfer mit Lawinen ausradierten, wenn man sie verärgerte oder störte. Naturforscher und Abenteurer machen sich auf den Weg. Die Briten erklären Be...

CHF 19.90

Off the Map

Fleming, Fergus
Off the Map
Forty-five gripping accounts of some of the most amazing feats in the historyof exploration are divided between three "ages of exploration, " each of whichis prefaced by a lively essay introducing key aspects of the age in question.560 pp.

CHF 25.90

A caccia di draghi. La conquista delle Alpi

Fleming, Fergus / Francesconi, D.
A caccia di draghi. La conquista delle Alpi
Qui draghi" era l'indicazione che spesso le antiche mappe riportavano negli spazi vuoti riferiti alle Alpi. Spaventose eppure affascinanti, erano considerate luoghi paurosi popolati da creature mostruose e malvagie. Si dovrà aspettare la fine del XVIII secolo perché avvenga il primo tentativo di ascensione al Monte Bianco, e altri anni ancora per il raggiungimento della sua piatta e spettrale cresta ventosa. Fergus Fleming ripercorre qui la st...

CHF 35.90

Ninety Degrees North

Fleming, Fergus
Ninety Degrees North
Barrow's Boys, Fergus Fleming's history of British exploration in the first half of the nineteenth century was an excellent book. Ninety Degrees North ... is an even better one' Sunday Telegraph

CHF 18.50

Barrow's Boys

Fleming, Fergus
Barrow's Boys
In the mid-nineteenth century, John Barrow, Second Secretary to the Admiralty, launched the most ambitious programme of exploration the world had ever seen. Between 1816 and 1845 his hand-picked teams of elite naval officers scoured the globe's empty spaces. This book tells his story.

CHF 18.50

The Man with the Golden Typewriter: Ian Fleming's James B...

Fleming, Fergus
The Man with the Golden Typewriter: Ian Fleming's James Bond Letters
On August 16, 1952, Ian Fleming wrote to his wife, Ann, "My love, This is only a tiny letter to try out my new typewriter and to see if it will write golden words since it is made of gold." He had bought the golden typewriter as a present to himself for finishing his first novel, Casino Royale. It marked in glamorous style the arrival of James Bond, agent 007, and the start of a career that saw Fleming become one the world's most celebrated th...

CHF 42.90

The Man with the Golden Typewriter

Fleming, Fergus
The Man with the Golden Typewriter
When he had finished writing Casino Royale, the first in the James Bond series, Ian Fleming treated himself to a gold-plated typewriter. It was on this glittering machine that he typed not only his bestselling novels, but also his letters. Readers immediately engaged with Secret Agent 007 and wrote to Fleming with all sorts of quibbles, corrections and opinions, Fleming's replies were considered and often charming, full of wry remarks and orig...

CHF 29.90