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Zur Kasse

15 Ergebnisse.

Il dossier Hadrian

Folsom, Allan / Cappi, A. C.
Il dossier Hadrian
Isola di Bioko, Guinea equatoriale. Un paese devastato dalle insurrezioni. Due uomini avanzano a fatica nella giungla, due uomini che non sanno se possono fidarsi l'uno dell'altro, ma non hanno scelta. Uno è padre Willy, missionario cattolico, l'altro è Nicholas Marten, inviato in missione segreta dal presidente degli Stati Uniti. Padre Willy ha delle foto compromettenti da mostrare a Marten, foto dalle quali appare chiaro un coinvolgimento ne...

CHF 15.50

Il giorno dopo domani

Folsom, Allan / Curtoni, V.
Il giorno dopo domani
A Parigi, un chirurgo americano in vacanza, Paul Osborn, individua tra la folla l'uomo che ha assassinato suo padre trent'anni prima proprio sotto i suoi occhi e vuole vendicarsi. A Londra un famoso detective dell'Interpol indaga su una sconcertante serie di delitti: a tutte le vittime è stata tagliata la testa. A Ginevra un'affascinante dottoressa inizia una storia d'amore che cambierà per sempre la sua vita. Nel New Mexico un medico è invita...

CHF 17.50

The Hadrian Memorandum

Folsom, Allan / Sowers, Scott
The Hadrian Memorandum
The sequel to Allan Folsom's New York Times bestselling The Machiavelli Covenant! When an ocean of oil is found beneath Equatorial Guinea, the discovery sets of an international plot to overthrow the nation's corrupt government. Nicholas Marten has come face to face with the world's most dangerous men---secret global alliances that go back centuries and involve those at the highest ranks of political power and economic influence. Marten is a m...

CHF 94.00

Dag van bekentenis

Folsom, Allan
Dag van bekentenis
De bekende klassieker van Allan Folsom: het perfecte cadeau voor de lezers van Ik ben pelgrim Harry Addison is showbizz-advocaat en werkt in Hollywood. Hij leidt een prettig leven van hard werken, veel geld verdienen en af en toe een relatie met een mooie vrouw. Tot hij uit Rome een paniekerig telefoontje krijgt van zijn broer Danny. Een week later is Harry Addison de meest gezochte man van Italië en belandt hij berooid, gewond en vervui...

CHF 14.50

De dag na morgen

Folsom, Allan
De dag na morgen
De klassieke everseller van Allan Folsom: de perfecte thriller voor de lezers van Ik ben pelgrim Paul Osborn, een Amerikaans chirurg, herkent in een Parijse bistro de man die jaren geleden zijn vader heeft vermoord. Osborn gaat op jacht naar deze man. Daarmee begint een verbijsterende geschiedenis die voert naar een internationale moordzaak met onthoofde lijken. Langzamerhand wordt duidelijk dat achter al deze moorden een geheimzinnige orga...

CHF 14.50

El Dia de la Confesion

Folsom, Allan / Arcos, Melissa / Laks, Daniel
El Dia de la Confesion
The Addison brothers, Harry and Danny, have been estranged for many years, but when Danny calls from Rome pleading for Harry to get in touch, his brother doesn't ignore him. Except it seems he is too late, as Danny was on board a tourist bus which was blown apart by a bomb. But when Harry arrives in Italy he is plunged into a Kafka-esque nightmare, discovering that his brother is accused of assassinating the Cardinal Vicar of Rome and when he ...

CHF 35.50

La conspiración Maquiavelo

Folsom, Allan / Vidal Aparicio, María del Mar
La conspiración Maquiavelo
Un plan siniestro se cierne sobre el mundo. Tres personas deben detenerlo. El ex policía Nicholas Marten se ve involucrado accidentalmente en un complot internacional cuyo objetivo es desestabilizar el mundo. Detrás de esta conspiración se oculta una orden secreta que custodia un manuscrito aparentemente escrito por Maquiavelo. En éste se detalla un plan para mantener un estado de dominación glogal. Marten se encamina en un aventura, junto al ...

CHF 19.90

La Conspiracion Maquiavelo

Folsom, Allan / Vidal, Mar
La Conspiracion Maquiavelo
Nicholas Marten, the ex-LAPD detective who played a major role in Folsom's The Exile (2004), pursues an international conspiracy in this frenetic page-turner long on action but short on plausibility. When an old love of Marten's, Caroline Parsons, dies of a mysterious infection shortly after her congressman husband and son perish in a plane accident, her dying words set Marten on the trail of a South African bioterrorist. The former cop soon f...

CHF 34.90

The Day After Tomorrow

Folsom, Allan
The Day After Tomorrow
A thriller which weaves together three stories of international intrigue. In the first a doctor has to confront his father's killer, in the second a detective investigates a series of horrific murders, and in the third an international organization devises a masterplan of apocalyptic dimensions.

CHF 22.90

The Day After Tomorrow

Folsom, Allan
The Day After Tomorrow
The novel that took the nation by storm is now in paperback. Allan Folsom has created an international conspiracy of apocalyptic dimensions that interconnects three intricate and compelling stories spanning two continents and five decades. "A page-turning whopper".--Entertainment Weekly.

CHF 14.50