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Zur Kasse

7 Ergebnisse.

Intermittent Fasting for Woman over 50

Gordon, Lane
Intermittent Fasting for Woman over 50
A whole new approach tailored for you! Get ready to detoxify your body, rev up your metabolism and promote longevity in your middle-age... How many times have you found yourself thinking: "But how can she eat so much and not gain weight?" - "All because of slow metabolism! If only I could do something about it..." Let me tell you something: IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT! How? It's not because I'm not very determined? No, dear, let me break it down...

CHF 28.50

Ayuno intermitente para mujeres mayores de 50 años

Gordon, Lane
Ayuno intermitente para mujeres mayores de 50 años
Un nuevo enfoque adaptado a usted.Prepárese para desintoxicar su cuerpo, acelerar su metabolismo y promover la longevidad en su mediana edad...Cuántas veces se ha encontrado pensando: "Pero cómo puede comer tanto y no ganar peso?" - "Todo por culpa del metabolismo lento! Si pudiera hacer algo al respecto..."Déjeme decirle algo: NO ES SU CULPA!Cómo? No es porque no soy muy decidida? No, querida, déjame que te lo explique. Los cientos de dietas ...

CHF 42.50

Digiuno Intermittente per Donne Over 50

Gordon, Lane
Digiuno Intermittente per Donne Over 50
Un approccio completamente nuovo su misura per te!Preparati a disintossicare il tuo corpo, ad accelerare il tuo metabolismo e a promuovere la longevità nella tua mezza età...Quante volte ti sei trovato a pensare: "Ma come può mangiare così tanto e non ingrassare?". - "Tutta colpa del metabolismo lento! Se solo potessi fare qualcosa al riguardo...".Lascia che ti dica una cosa: non è colpa tua!Come? Non è perché non sono molto determinata? No, c...

CHF 37.50

Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 50: A Complete Guide ...

Gordon, Lane
Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 50: A Complete Guide for Understanding the Science Behind Intermittent Fasting, Weight Loss and Healthy Lifestyle
A whole new approach tailored for you!Get ready to detoxify your body, rev up your metabolism and promote longevity in your middle-age...How many times have you found yourself thinking: "But how can she eat so much and not gain weight?" - "All because of slow metabolism! If only I could do something about it..."Let me tell you something: IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT!How? It's not because I'm not very determined? No, dear, let me break it down for you. ...

CHF 38.90

Selman Waksman and the Discovery of the Streptomycin

Gordon, Karen
Selman Waksman and the Discovery of the Streptomycin
Written especially for young adult readers, this series helps place each significant invention, discovery, or development in historical perspective while exploring the life of the person responsible for each breakthrough. Readers will travel back in time to learn about each important scientific, medical, or technological discovery. No science fiction story even approximates the mystery and suspense contained in these true science biographies. ...

CHF 32.50