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602 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Asterix Gesamtausgabe 15

Goscinny, René / Uderzo, Albert / Conrad, Didier / Ferri, Jean-Yves / Fabcaro / Jöken, Klaus / Berner, Horst
Asterix Gesamtausgabe 15
In dieser edlen, in Kunstleder gebundenen Gesamtausgabe kommen die Asterix-Abenteuer "Die Tochter des Vercingetorix", "Asterix und der Greif" und der brandneue Band "Die weiße Iris" zum Abdruck, sowie als besondere Zugabe der Sonderband "Der Goldene Hinkelstein". Komplettiert wird diese Ausgabe mit vielen Hintergrundinformationen zur Entstehungsgeschichte der Abenteuer aus der Feder des Asterix-Experten Horst Berner. Mit diesem Band wird die K...

CHF 78.00

Asterix e gli Elvezi

Goscinny René; Uderzo Albert
Asterix e gli Elvezi

Come tutti i druidi che si rispettino, Panoramix non è soltanto in grado di preparare la pozione magica che rende i Galli del suo villaggio imbattibile, ma può creare anche potenti antidoti, in grado perfino di sconfiggere i veleni. Stavolta, per allestire quello necessario a salvare un povero questore, ha però bisogno di una stella alpina... Tutti in Svizzera, dunque!

CHF 13.50

Asterix Omnibus Vol. 9

Goscinny, René / Uderzo, Albert
Asterix Omnibus Vol. 9
Contains 3 newly-translated classic Asterix tales in one volume! Asterix is a fearless Gaul with a magic potion that grants him incredible strength to protect his village and ward off Roman Empire from invading. With his pal, Obelix, they defend their village from not only the blundering Roman legionairies, but also lend their services to the rest of the world.First, Asterix and Obelix take on a new career as matchmakers as they help star-cros...

CHF 32.50

Asterix Omnibus Vol. 9

Goscinny, René / Uderzo, Albert
Asterix Omnibus Vol. 9
Contains 3 newly-translated classic Asterix tales in one volume! Asterix is a fearless Gaul with a magic potion that grants him incredible strength to protect his village and ward off Roman Empire from invading. With his pal, Obelix, they defend their village from not only the blundering Roman legionairies, but also lend their services to the rest of the world.First, Asterix and Obelix take on a new career as matchmakers as they help star-cros...

CHF 22.50