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39 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 39.

De ontrafeling van de kosmos

Greene, Brian / Kerkhof, Marianne
De ontrafeling van de kosmos
Een zoektocht naar de theorie van alles Ruimte en tijd zijn de basiselementen van de kosmos. Maar wat zijn ruimte en tijd eigenlijk? Is ruimte een reëel bestaand iets? Waarom heeft tijd een richting? Zou het universum zonder ruimte en tijd kunnen bestaan? En de centrale vraag: hoe zit de kosmos in elkaar? De ontrafeling van de kosmos neemt de lezer mee op reis naar nieuwe lagen van de werkelijkheid, met briljant gebruik van analogieën én m...

CHF 40.90

Die verborgene Wirklichkeit

Greene, Brian / Vogel, Sebastian
Die verborgene Wirklichkeit
Universum - dieser Begriff bezeichnet nicht nur den Weltraum, sondern umfasst die Gesamtheit aller Dinge in unserer Welt. Doch was wäre, wenn das Universum doch nicht die gesamte Welt darstellen würde? Wenn es zwei, drei, ja unendlich viele Universen gäbe? Dass die Idee des Multiversums, also mehrerer möglicher Universen, nicht nur Stoff für Science-Fiction-Romane ist, sondern ein wichtiges Forschungsfeld der Physik, das unseren Blick auf die ...

CHF 22.50

The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, an...

Greene, Brian
The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory
Brian Greene, one of the world's leading string theorists, peels away layers of mystery to reveal a universe that consists of eleven dimensions, where the fabric of space tears and repairs itself, and all matter-from the smallest quarks to the most gargantuan supernovas-is generated by the vibrations of microscopically tiny loops of energy. The Elegant Universe makes some of the most sophisticated concepts ever contemplated accessible and thor...

CHF 22.50

The Hidden Reality

Greene, Brian
The Hidden Reality
Brian Greene is well known to many fans as a populariser of theoretical physics. He is the author of the bestselling books about string theory, The Elegant Universe, which was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for nonfiction and The Fabric of the Cosmos. Educated at Harvard and Oxford, he has taught at both Harvard and Cornell and has been Professor of Physics and Mathematics at Columbia University since 1996.

CHF 20.50

The Hidden Reality

Greene, Brian
The Hidden Reality
The bestselling author of The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos tackles perhaps the most mind-bending question in modern physics and cosmology: Is our universe the only universe?There was a time when "universe" meant all there is. Everything. Yet, a number of theories are converging on the possibility that our universe may be but one among many parallel universes populating a vast multiverse. Here, Briane Greene, one of our foremos...

CHF 28.50

The Fabric of the Cosmos

Greene, Brian
The Fabric of the Cosmos
An accessible evaluation of the cosmos, examining the string theory which has, in recent years, led the progress towards the Theory of Everything. Greene's lively, engaging manner makes this complex topic lucid to a general readership, whilst retaining a depth of research suitable for more specialist science enthusiasts. "Greene threatens to do for string theory what Stephen Hawking did for black holes" "New Yorker Magazine

CHF 23.90

The Fabric of the Cosmos

Greene, Brian
The Fabric of the Cosmos
From Brian Greene, one of the world's leading physicists and author of the Pulitzer Prize finalist The Elegant Universe, comes a grand tour of the universe that makes us look at reality in a completely different way.Space and time form the very fabric of the cosmos. Yet they remain among the most mysterious of concepts. Is space an entity? Why does time have a direction? Could the universe exist without space and time? Can we travel to the pas...

CHF 28.50

L'universo elegante. Superstringhe, dimensioni nascoste e...

Greene, Brian / Bartocci, C. / Civalleri, L.
L'universo elegante. Superstringhe, dimensioni nascoste e la ricerca della teoria ultima
Oggi fisici e matematici lavorano a una delle più ambiziose teorie mai proposte: la teoria delle stringhe. Grazie a essa, lo scontro secolare tra le leggi del grande (la relatività generale) e le leggi del piccolo (la meccanica dei quanti) viene superato a vantaggio di una superiore unità, basata sull'affermazione che tutti gli eventi dell'universo nascono da un'unica entità: microscopici cicli di energia nascosti nel cuore della materia. Per ...

CHF 27.50

La trama del cosmo. Spazio, tempo, realtà

Greene, Brian / Bartocci, C. / Civalleri, L. / Tissoni, A.
La trama del cosmo. Spazio, tempo, realtà
Dal regno immutabile di Newton, dove lo spazio e il tempo sono assoluti, alla concezione fluida dello spazio-tempo di Einstein, alle tesi della meccanica quantistica, il fisico americano mostra come il mondo sia molto diverso da quello che l'esperienza comune potrebbe far pensare. Concentrandosi sull'enigma del tempo, Greene stabilisce che nessuna regola fisica conferma l'idea che esso scorra in una particolare direzione. Attraverso l'analisi ...

CHF 31.50

The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, an...

Greene, Brian
The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory
Now with a new preface (not in any other edition) that will review the enormous public reception of the relatively obscure string theory-made possible by this book and an increased number of adherents amongst physicists-The Elegant Universe "sets a standard that will be hard to beat" (New York Times Book Review). Brian Greene, one of the world's leading string theorists, peels away the layers of mystery surrounding string theory to reveal a un...

CHF 40.90

The Elegant Universe

Greene, Brian
The Elegant Universe
An erudite explanation of String theory, which resolves the hundred-year-old antagonism between General Relativity and Quantum Theory. Relating the scientific struggle behind physics' search for the theory of everything, it makes some of the most complicated concepts ever contemplated viscerally accessible and entertaining. "Not since the extraordinary success of "A Brief History Of Time", has a scientific book caused such a stir" "Sunday Times".

CHF 23.50

Slave Badges and the Slave-hire System in Charleston, Sou...

Greene, Harlan / Hutchins, Harry S. / Hutchins, Brian E.
Slave Badges and the Slave-hire System in Charleston, South Carolina, 1783-1865
The slave-hire system of Charleston, South Carolina, in the 1700s and the 1800s produced a curious object the slave badge. The badges were intended to legislate the practice of hiring a slave from one master to another, and slaves were required by law to wear them. Slave badges have become quite collectible and have excited both scholarly and popular interest in recent years.This work documents how the slave-hire system in Charleston came abou...

CHF 52.50

The Fabric of the Cosmos

Greene, Brian
The Fabric of the Cosmos
From Brian Greene, one of the world's leading physicists, comes a grand tour of the universe that makes us look at reality in a completely different way.Space and time form the very fabric of the cosmos. Yet they remain among the most mysterious of concepts. Is space an entity? Why does time have a direction? Could the universe exist without space and time? Can we travel to the past? Greene uses these questions to guide us toward modern scienc...

CHF 42.90

Das elegante Universum

Greene, Brian / Kober, Hainer
Das elegante Universum
Eine hervorragende Darstellung unseres physikalischen Wissens und der Suche nach der "Weltformel".Was ist die Superstringtheorie? Brian Greene, einer der führenden Physiker auf dem Gebiet der Superstrings, nimmt uns mit auf eine faszinierende und aufregende Reise zu den Grenzen unseres Verständnisses von Zeit, Raum und Materie."Das elegante Universum" ist ein populär geschriebenes und allgemein verständliches Kompendium unseres physikalischen ...

CHF 17.50