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17 Ergebnisse.

Electric City: The Lost History of Ford and Edison's Amer...

Hager, Thomas
Electric City: The Lost History of Ford and Edison's American Utopia
UNTOLD STORY: Ford and Edison are figures of enduring fascination, but this important chapter in their lives is almost entirely forgotten.MODERN RELEVANCE: Turns on dueling visions of Americäs future¿public programs and big government versus the profits of private industry.EXPERT AUTHOR: Hager is a highly skilled, experienced writer, top-notch at bringing to life distant times and unusual people.

CHF 23.90

Electric City

Hager, Thomas
Electric City
The extraordinary, unknown story of two giants of American history—Henry Ford and Thomas Edison—and their attempt to create an electric-powered city of tomorrow on the Tennessee River During the roaring twenties, two of the most revered and influential men in American business proposed to transform one of the country's poorest regions into a dream technological metropolis, a shining paradise of small farms, giant factories, and sparkling labo...

CHF 36.50

Heilmittel, Partydroge, Teufelszeug

Hager, Thomas / Tschöpe, Annika
Heilmittel, Partydroge, Teufelszeug
Jede landläufig bekannte medizinische Ingredienz hat ihre eigene dramatische Geschichte. Manche erblickten als Nebenprodukt einer medizinischen Forschungsarbeit mit ganz anderer Zielsetzung das Licht der Welt. Andere waren irgendwie immer schon da, aber machten erst durch einen Zufall Karriere im Apothekenregal. Wieder andere kamen mit großem Gedöns als Wundermedikament auf den Markt, wurden hochgepriesen und oft verschrieben, bis schließlich ...

CHF 35.50

Ten Drugs

Hager, Thomas
Ten Drugs
Behind every landmark drug is a story. It could be an oddball researcher's genius insight, a catalyzing moment in geopolitical history, a new breakthrough technology, or an unexpected but welcome side effect discovered during clinical trials. Piece together these stories, as Thomas Hager does in this remarkable, century-spanning history, and you can trace the evolution of our culture and the practice of medicine. ​Beginning with opium, the "...

CHF 19.50

Ten Drugs

Hager, Thomas
Ten Drugs
Beginning with opium, the "joy plant, " which has been used for 10, 000 years, Hager's subjects include the largely forgotten female pioneer who introduced smallpox inoculation to Britain, the infamous knockout drops, the first antibiotic, which saved countless lives, the first antipsychotic, which helped empty public mental hospitals, Viagra, statins, and the new frontier of monoclonal antibodies.

CHF 34.50

Echt bayerisch kochen

Hager, Michaela / Apolt, Thomas
Echt bayerisch kochen
In der Sendung "Wir in Bayern" schwingt Michaela Hager regelmäßig im Bayerischen Fernsehen den Kochlöffel. Mit ihrem lockeren, bodenständigen Charme und ihrer unverfälschten, gestandenen bayerischen Küche kochte sie sich schnell in die Herzen der Zuschauer. Michaelas Küche ist sinnlich und verführerisch, sie vermittelt Genuss auf höchstem Niveau und ein Lebensgefühl, das Bayern in der ganzen Welt berühmt gemacht hat: gemütlich, urig und gesell...

CHF 47.90

The Demon Under the Microscope: From Battlefield Hospital...

Hager, Thomas
The Demon Under the Microscope: From Battlefield Hospitals to Nazi Labs, One Doctor's Heroic Search for the World's First Miracle Drug
In The Demon Under the Microscope, Thomas Hager chronicles the dramatic history of sulfa, the first antibiotic and the drug that shaped modern medicine. The Nazis discovered it. The Allies won the war with it. It conquered diseases, changed laws, and single-handedly launched the era of antibiotics. Sulfa saved millions of lives-among them those of Winston Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr.-but its real effects are even more far reachi...

CHF 22.50

The Alchemy of Air

Hager, Thomas
The Alchemy of Air
A sweeping history of tragic genius, cutting-edge science, and the Haber-Bosch discovery that changed billions of lives-including your own. At the dawn of the twentieth century, humanity was facing global disaster: Mass starvation was about to become a reality. A call went out to the world' s scientists to find a solution. This is the story of the two men who found it: brilliant, self-important Fritz Haber and reclusive, alcoholic Carl Bosch. ...

CHF 23.90