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72 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Raising Poultry for Fun and Profit

Hseham, Amrahs
Raising Poultry for Fun and Profit
This book is designed for beginners who are new to the world of poultry farming. It assumes no prior knowledge and is written in a clear, concise manner that is easy to understand. Even if you have no experience with poultry, by the end of this book, you will have a solid understanding of the basics of poultry farming and be well-equipped to start raising your own flock. In this book, you will learn about the different breeds of chickens and o...

CHF 24.50

The Budget Travel Guide

Hseham, Amrahs
The Budget Travel Guide
That's where 'The Budget Travel Guide' comes in. This book is designed to help you travel the world on a budget, without sacrificing quality or comfort. In this guide, you will find practical tips and advice on how to save money on every aspect of your trip, from transportation and accommodations to food and activities. The Budget Travel Guide is not just for backpackers and college students on a shoestring budget. It's for anyone who wants to...

CHF 28.50

Parenting with Purpose

Hseham, Amrahs
Parenting with Purpose
We understand that parenting can be challenging, and there will be times when things don't go as planned. However, it's important to remember that every setback is an opportunity to learn and grow. As parents, we must be patient with ourselves and our children, and we must continue to work towards our goals with purpose and dedication. Throughout this book, we have emphasized the importance of building a strong foundation for our children's fu...

CHF 23.90

Hjärtrörande Kärleksdikter

Hseham, Amrahs
Hjärtrörande Kärleksdikter
Poesi har länge ansetts vara kärlekens språk, och tillhandahåller ett intimt och uttrycksfullt medium genom vilket man kan förmedla djupet i sina känslor. Kärlek är en kraftfull och universell känsla som har inspirerat poeter genom tiderna. Från de gamla grekernas passionerade kärlekspoesi till moderna kärleksuttryck har poeter använt sina ord för att fånga essensen av denna komplexa och mångfacetterade känsla. I denna samling kärleksdikter sa...

CHF 28.50

Nh¿ng Bài Th¿ Tình C¿m ¿¿ng Trái Tim

Hseham, Amrahs
Nh¿ng Bài Th¿ Tình C¿m ¿¿ng Trái Tim
Th¿ ca t¿ lâu ¿ã ¿¿¿c coi là ngôn ng¿ c¿a tình yêu, cung c¿p m¿t ph¿¿ng ti¿n thân m¿t và bi¿u c¿m ¿¿ thông qua ¿ó truy¿n t¿i chi¿u sâu c¿m xúc c¿a m¿t ng¿¿i. Tình yêu là m¿t c¿m xúc m¿nh m¿ và ph¿ quát ¿ã truy¿n c¿m h¿ng cho các nhà th¿ qua các th¿i ¿¿i. T¿ nh¿ng bài th¿ tình n¿ng nàn c¿a ng¿¿i Hy L¿p c¿ ¿¿i cho ¿¿n nh¿ng bi¿u hi¿n tình yêu th¿i hi¿n ¿¿i, các nhà th¿ ¿ã s¿ d¿ng ngôn t¿ c¿a mình ¿¿ n¿m b¿t ¿¿¿c b¿n ch¿t c¿a c¿m xúc ph¿c t¿p và ...

CHF 28.50

Poemas de Amor que Tocam o Coração

Hseham, Amrahs
Poemas de Amor que Tocam o Coração
A poesia tem sido considerada a linguagem do amor, fornecendo um meio íntimo e expressivo para transmitir a profundidade das emoções. O amor é uma emoção poderosa e universal que inspirou poetas ao longo dos tempos. Da poesia de amor apaixonado dos gregos antigos às expressões de amor dos dias modernos, os poetas usaram suas palavras para capturar a essência dessa emoção complexa e multifacetada. Nesta coleção de poemas de amor, reunimos algum...

CHF 28.50

Hjerte Rørende Kjærlighetsdikt

Hseham, Amrahs
Hjerte Rørende Kjærlighetsdikt
Poesi har lenge vært ansett som kjærlighetens språk, og gir et intimt og uttrykksfullt medium for å formidle dybden av ens følelser. Kjærlighet er en kraftig og universell følelse som har inspirert diktere gjennom tidene. Fra de eldgamle grekernes lidenskapelige kjærlighetspoesi til moderne uttrykk for kjærlighet, har diktere brukt ordene sine for å fange essensen av denne komplekse og mangefasetterte følelsen. I denne samlingen av kjærlighets...

CHF 28.50

Sirdi Aizkustino¿i M¿las Dzejo¿i

Hseham, Amrahs
Sirdi Aizkustino¿i M¿las Dzejo¿i
Dzeja jau sen tiek uzskat¿ta par m¿lest¿bas valodu, kas nodrošina int¿mu un izteiksm¿gu l¿dzekli, ar kuru var izpaust savu emociju dzi¿umu. M¿lest¿ba ir sp¿c¿ga un univers¿la emocija, kas ir iedvesmojusi dzejniekus visu laiku. No seno grie¿u kaisl¿g¿s m¿las dzejas l¿dz m¿sdienu m¿lest¿bas izpausm¿m dzejnieki ir izmantojuši savus v¿rdus, lai aptvertu š¿s sare¿¿¿t¿s un daudzpus¿g¿s emocijas b¿t¿bu. Šaj¿ m¿lest¿bas dzejöu kr¿jum¿ m¿s apkopojam dä...

CHF 28.50

Tales of Mahabharata

Hseham, Amrahs
Tales of Mahabharata
Religious texts play an important role in benefiting society as well as in upholding the values in it. The Vedas, the Ramayana, the Gita, the Puranas and the Mahabharata are some of Hindu's ancient religious texts that have been guiding the society for ages towards the development of a better society. A God-fearing person on his own desists himself from doing wrong, as he is aware of the omnipresence of the Lord. Hindu religious texts make one...

CHF 23.90

The Wondrous Khajuraho Temples

Hseham, Amrahs
The Wondrous Khajuraho Temples
This book, "The Wondrous Khajuraho Temples, " is a comprehensive guide to the history, architecture, art, religion, and culture of the Khajuraho temples. It delves into the intricate details of these temples, their significance, and their impact on Indian history and culture. The book is an effort to bring together all the information related to the temples in one place. The book is divided into several chapters, each focusing on a specific as...

CHF 23.90

Poesie D'amore che Toccano il Cuore

Hseham, Amrahs
Poesie D'amore che Toccano il Cuore
La poesia è stata a lungo considerata il linguaggio dell'amore, fornendo un mezzo intimo ed espressivo attraverso il quale trasmettere la profondità delle proprie emozioni. L'amore è un'emozione potente e universale che ha ispirato i poeti nel corso dei secoli. Dall'appassionata poesia d'amore degli antichi greci alle moderne espressioni d'amore, i poeti hanno usato le loro parole per catturare l'essenza di questa emozione complessa e sfaccett...

CHF 28.50

Herz Berührende Liebesgedichte

Hseham, Amrahs
Herz Berührende Liebesgedichte
Poesie gilt seit langem als die Sprache der Liebe und bietet ein intimes und ausdrucksstarkes Medium, durch das die Tiefe der eigenen Gefühle vermittelt werden kann. Liebe ist eine mächtige und universelle Emotion, die Dichter zu allen Zeiten inspiriert hat. Von der leidenschaftlichen Liebeslyrik der alten Griechen bis zu den modernen Ausdrucksformen der Liebe haben Dichter ihre Worte verwendet, um die Essenz dieser komplexen und facettenreich...

CHF 27.90

Dánta Grá ag Baint le Croí

Hseham, Amrahs
Dánta Grá ag Baint le Croí
Breathnaíodh ar an bhfilíocht le fada an lá mar theanga an ghrá, ag soláthar meán dlúth agus léiritheach trínar féidir doimhneacht mothúcháin an duine a chur in iúl. Is mothúchán cumhachtach uilíoch é an grá a spreag filí ar feadh na n-aoiseanna. Ó fhilíocht ghrá paiseanta na Sean-Ghréagach go léirithe an ghrá sa lá atá inniu ann, d'úsáid filí a gcuid focal chun bunbhrí na mothúchán casta agus ilghnéitheach seo a ghabháil. Sa chnuasach dánta g...

CHF 28.50

Szívet Megható Szerelmes Versek

Hseham, Amrahs
Szívet Megható Szerelmes Versek
A költészetet régóta a szerelem nyelvének tekintik, amely bens¿séges és kifejez¿ médiumot biztosít az érzelmek mélységének közvetítésére. A szerelem er¿teljes és univerzális érzelem, amely korszakokon át inspirálta a költ¿ket. Az ókori görögök szenvedélyes szerelmi költészetét¿l a szerelem modernkori megnyilvánulásaiig a költ¿k szavaikkal ragadták meg ennek az összetett és sokrét¿ érzelemnek a lényegét. Ebben a szerelmes versgy¿jteményben a sz...

CHF 28.50

Sydäntä Koskettavia Rakkausrunoja

Hseham, Amrahs
Sydäntä Koskettavia Rakkausrunoja
Runoutta on pitkään pidetty rakkauden kielenä, ja se tarjoaa intiimin ja ilmaisuvoimaisen välineen tunteiden syvyyden välittämiseen. Rakkaus on voimakas ja universaali tunne, joka on innoittanut runoilijoita kautta aikojen. Muinaisten kreikkalaisten intohimoisesta rakkausrunoudesta nykyajan rakkauden ilmaisuihin runoilijat ovat käyttäneet sanojaan vangitakseen tämän monimutkaisen ja monitahoisen tunteen olemuksen. Tässä rakkausrunokokoelmassa ...

CHF 28.50

The Stories of Humor

Hseham, Amrahs
The Stories of Humor
The idea for this book came to me during a particularly difficult time in my life. I was going through a rough patch and found myself constantly worrying and feeling anxious. Then, one day, I came across a comedy show on TV, and it was like a light bulb went off in my head. Suddenly, I was laughing, and for a few moments, I forgot about everything else. It was then that I realized the power of laughter and how it can change your mood and outlo...

CHF 25.50

Incredible Fantasy Romance

Hseham, Amrahs
Incredible Fantasy Romance
Fantasy romance is a genre that blends elements of fantasy and romance together. In these stories, the fantastical elements range from mythical creatures like dragons and unicorns to enchanted forests and mysterious kingdoms. The romance aspect can range from passionate love affairs to slow-burning romances that build over time. Throughout the stories in this book, you will encounter characters who must navigate treacherous obstacles, overcome...

CHF 24.90

Aprende el Arte Empresarial de Jack Ma

Hseham, Amrahs
Aprende el Arte Empresarial de Jack Ma
Este es el camino de la vida, la victoria es sólo después de la derrota." Las palabras encajan en la historia de vida de Jack Ma, desde los altibajos de la vida hasta la cima. La historia detrás de cómo un niño simple llamado Ma Yun se convirtió en el propietario de una empresa de miles de millones de dólares,, está escrita en la dura superficie de la vida. No solo es inspirador sino que muestra cómo una partícula puede convertirse...

CHF 16.90

Apprenez L'art des Affaires de Jack Ma

Hseham, Amrahs
Apprenez L'art des Affaires de Jack Ma
C'est le mode de vie , la victoire n'est qu'après la défaite. Les mots correspondent à l'histoire de la vie de Jack Ma, des hauts et des bas de la vie au sommet. L'histoire derrière la façon dont un garçon simple nommé Ma Yun est devenu propriétaire d'une entreprise d'un milliard de dollars,, est écrite sur la dure surface de la vie. Ce n'est pas seulement inspirant, mais montre comment une particule peut être transformée en alpini...

CHF 16.90

Modismos Animales y Proverbios

Hseham, Amrahs
Modismos Animales y Proverbios
Un proverbio es un conjunto de palabras donde el significado literal es diferente al simbólico. El propósito de un proverbio es usar lenguaje figurado para cautivar a una audiencia y transmitir un mensaje beneficioso o una lección moral. Un proverbio se define como un conjunto de palabras cuyo significado no puede deducirse de su significado literal. Por ejemplo, "tirar de la pierna de alguien" es una expresión idiomática, pero no significa qu...

CHF 17.50