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852 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Gens de Dublin

Joyce, James
Gens de Dublin
Les quinze nouvelles de ce recueil, construites autour de Dublin, au plutôt des , nous montrent des personnes ternes menant des vies qui ne le sont pas moins, non exemptes de violence, de bassesse ni de vulgarité, dans une ville paralysée et paralysante, en 1914. Chaque nouvelle est contruite en fonction d'une «épiphanie», toujours exprimée dans la dernière phrase, qui décrit une soudaine prise de conscience de l'«âme» de quelque chose, la mis...

CHF 27.90

Ulysse - Tome I

Joyce, James
Ulysse - Tome I
Le roman relate les pérégrinations de Leopold Bloom et Stephen Dedalus à travers la ville de Dublin lors d'une journée ordinaire. L'action commence le 16 juin 1904 à 8 h 00 pour se terminer dans la nuit aux alentours de 3 h 00. L'auteur fait naître un Dublin dense et débordant de détails qui sont pour la plupart discutables, voire délibérément faux, la ville ne servant que de décor à l'action. Dans la banalité du quotidien de ces deux hommes, ...

CHF 36.90


Joyce, James / Gröls-Verlag, Redaktion
Dublin around 1900. People long to break out of their rut, but fail because of their fears. Even more than religion or nationality in Ireland at the turn of the century, material constraints determine life. When the Reverend Flynn dies after his third stroke, the child narrator remembers him with a mixture of admiration and disgust. Flynn was indeed his spiritual and intellectual mentor, nevertheless, he feels a sense of release after his deat...

CHF 16.90

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Joyce, James / Gröls-Verlag, Redaktion
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
With the greatest precision, the author follows the development of his literary alter ego Stephen Dedalus from toddler to self-confident artist. It is no coincidence that the character's name is reminiscent of Daedalus in Greek mythology, who escapes from his prison with wings he built himself. Stephen, too, must free himself: he overcomes the limits of his conservative, narrow-minded upbringing in Catholic Ireland and henceforth enjoys visits...

CHF 30.50


Joyce, James / Gröls-Verlag, Redaktion
Dublin around 1900. People long to break out of their rut, but fail because of their fears. Even more than religion or nationality in Ireland at the turn of the century, material constraints determine life. When the Reverend Flynn dies after his third stroke, the child narrator remembers him with a mixture of admiration and disgust. Flynn was indeed his spiritual and intellectual mentor, nevertheless, he feels a sense of release after his deat...

CHF 27.90

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Joyce, James
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
With the greatest precision, the author follows the development of his literary alter ego Stephen Dedalus from toddler to self-confident artist. It is no coincidence that the character's name is reminiscent of Daedalus in Greek mythology, who escapes from his prison with wings he built himself. Stephen, too, must free himself: he overcomes the limits of his conservative, narrow-minded upbringing in Catholic Ireland and henceforth enjoys visits...

CHF 18.50


Joyce, James
There are titles that go down in history for reasons that have more to do with the legend around their publication than with their content. Ulysses' fame is due, above all else, to the immense controversy that accompanies it and that has made it the most fascinating book of the 20th century. It should be remembered that Ulysses is not so much a novel as a colossal experiment that requires patience to understand the rules of the game that James...

CHF 59.50

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Joyce, James
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The first novel of Irish author James Joyce is titled A Portrait of the Artist As A Young Man. Stephen Dedalus describes his early years in a voice that is not his own yet is sensitive to his sentiments, using vocabulary that evolves as he does. Stephen is coming to grips with the world, and the reader experiences his worries and confusion with him. Word gets throughout Clongowes Wood College that some guys have been caught "smuggling."When St...

CHF 33.90

Finnegans Wake

Joyce, James
Finnegans Wake
Finnegans Wake is one of the most difficult works of fiction in the Western canon.There are four Parts or Books and seventeen chapters total in Finnegans Wake. The chapters lack titles, and while Joyce didn't offer potential chapter titles as he had for Ulysses, he did give titles to several portions that were published separately. Part 1: Dublin hod carrier "Finnegan, " Joyce's central figure, perishes after falling from a ladder while buildi...

CHF 55.90


Joyce, James
Dubliners, a collection of James Joyce's fifteen short stories, was first published in 1914. It provides a realistic portrayal of Irish middle-class life in Dublin and the surrounding area in the early 20th century. When the stories were written, Irish nationalism was at its peak, and there was a huge desire for a sense of national identity and mission. Standing at a nexus of history and culture, Ireland was being jolted by numerous converging...

CHF 32.50

Chamber Music

Joyce, James
Chamber Music
James Joyce's book of poems titled Chamber Music was released by Elkin Mathews in May 1907. There were originally thirty-four love poems in the anthology, but two more were added before it was published ("All day I hear the noise of waters" and "I hear an army charging upon the land"). Although it is widely believed that the title refers to the sound of urine tinkling in a chamber pot, this is a later Joycean embellishment that gives an earthi...

CHF 20.50

Kedi Ile Seytan

Joyce, James
Kedi Ile Seytan
Romanlari 20. Yüzyil edebiyatinin klasikleri arasinda sayilan dünyaca ünlü yazar James Joycetan bu defa bir cocuk kitabi. Iki dünya savasi arasi yillarini Pariste geciren Joyce, buradan torunu Stephena yazdigi bir mektupta ona bir hikaye anlatir. Fransiz halk masallarindan ilham alan bu hikaye, insanin ruhunu seytana satmasi temasini ele aliyor. Klasik bir yazarin bilmedigimiz bir yüzüyle tanismak icin harika bir firsat.

CHF 15.50

The Best of James Joyce

Joyce, James
The Best of James Joyce
Because of its daringly original structure, style, and content, Ulysses was outlawed in the United States and the United Kingdom throughout much of the 1920s. Joyce's story, which is heavily influenced by the Greek myth of the Trojan War hero, is based on Ulysses or Odysseus, who is destined to travel for ten years before returning to Ithaca. The Iliad and the Odyssey, which Joyce had read as a youngster from Charles Lamb's versions, had had a...

CHF 59.90

The Best of James Joyce

Joyce, James
The Best of James Joyce
Because of its daringly original structure, style, and content, Ulysses was outlawed in the United States and the United Kingdom throughout much of the 1920s. Joyce's story, which is heavily influenced by the Greek myth of the Trojan War hero, is based on Ulysses or Odysseus, who is destined to travel for ten years before returning to Ithaca. The Iliad and the Odyssey, which Joyce had read as a youngster from Charles Lamb's versions, had had a...

CHF 74.00

Ulysses by James Joyce

Joyce, James
Ulysses by James Joyce
This masterpiece of contemporary writing, loosely inspired on the Odyssey, follows common Dubliners in 1904. Joyce takes Celtic lyricism and obscenity to glorious extremes as he depicts a single day in the life of Dubliner Leopold Bloom, his pals Buck Mulligan and Stephen Dedalus, his wife Molly, and a captivating ensemble of supporting characters. Exciting creative tactics include wordplay, earthy comedy, and introspective monologues. A signi...

CHF 55.90