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Zur Kasse

14 Ergebnisse.


Kele¿, Annette
Anfang der 1990er-Jahre fühlt sich Nouri in Deutschland nicht mehr zu Hause. Araber sind dort nicht mehr gut gelitten, zudem leidet er unter der offenherzigen Art seiner deutschen Geliebten Ana. Auf einer Reise zu den Eltern nach Marseille und zur Familie nach Marokko versucht er, sich seiner kulturellen Wurzeln zu vergewissern, begibt sich sogar in die Stille der Wüste und überschreitet dort die Grenze nach Algerien, seinem Geburtsland. Er ke...

CHF 32.90



Keine Beschreibung.

CHF 19.90



Keine Beschreibung.

CHF 23.50

The Incredible Father

Kele, Murhari
The Incredible Father
This book is the biography of biographer's gem-like father Sopankaka, an ardent devotee of Lord Vitthal of Pandharpur from Maharashtra and a follower of the Warkari sect. Born in a downtrodden and marginalized community mired in superstition and ignorance, illiterate Sopankaka had to toil a lot to earn his bread and butter. While doing the backbreaking work, he began his spiritual journey under the guidance of his guru. He began this journey t...

CHF 16.90

The Incredible Father

Kele, Murhari
The Incredible Father
This book is the biography of biographer's gem-like father Sopankaka, an ardent devotee of Lord Vitthal of Pandharpur from Maharashtra and a follower of the Warkari sect. Born in a downtrodden and marginalized community mired in superstition and ignorance, illiterate Sopankaka had to toil a lot to earn his bread and butter. While doing the backbreaking work, he began his spiritual journey under the guidance of his guru. He began this journey t...

CHF 27.90

Access Your God Given Gifts

Kele, Bruce
Access Your God Given Gifts
This is a one of a kind book because it not only deals with Spiritual gifts, but Natural gifts as well as talents and abilities within man. In short, "all kinds of gifts!" Book teaches us how to discover these gifts, access them, develop and utilize them for the greater use. It teaches us how to discover our children's gifts and abilities and how to avoid the gift killer. It also teaches that your success may just be in you. Author teaches tha...

CHF 21.90



Keine Beschreibung.

CHF 19.90

Türk-Alman Edebiyat¿nda Kültürel Kimlik Sorunu

Kele¿, Alper
Türk-Alman Edebiyat¿nda Kültürel Kimlik Sorunu
Kültürel farkliliklar günümüzde bireysel ve toplumsal düzlemde kimi zaman ötekilestirmelere, yabancilastirmalara ve dislamalara sebebiyet vermektedir. Günümüz çokkültürlü toplumlarinda bu farkliliklarin dogrudan birbirleri ile etkilesime geçmesinden kaynaklanan sorunlarin önüne geçilebilmesi adina çesitli arastirmalar yapilmis ve yapilmaktadir. Kültürel farkliliklarin ve farkli kültürel kimliklerin ortak alanlarda varliklarini sorunsuz idame e...

CHF 83.00

Let Them Speak

Kele, Bruce
Let Them Speak
This is a book from a biblical point of view deals with the freedom of all women, in all walks of life and background. A very controversial area in the church and also the cultures of the world regarding the equality of the female to the male gender, but with only one exclusion! The author clearly presents how the women are no longer second class citizens as believed by most cultures and religions.The book is an exegesis of scriptures that wer...

CHF 23.90