Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

11 Ergebnisse.

Il nostro iceberg si sta sciogliendo

Kotter, John P. / Rathgeber, Holger / Solow, R. / Negri, C.
Il nostro iceberg si sta sciogliendo
Su un iceberg vicino alle coste dell'Antartide, un gruppo di maestosi pinguini imperatore vive secondo abitudini consolidate dalla notte dei tempi. Fino a quando uno di loro scopre una minaccia potenzialmente catastrofica, che potrebbe distruggere le loro case. Nessuno però vuole ascoltarlo: è più facile continuare a vivere facendo finta di niente che accettare di rivoluzionare il proprio mondo, anche se per il bene di tutti. Come fare a convi...

CHF 25.50

Our Iceberg is Melting

Kotter, John / Rathgeber, Holger
Our Iceberg is Melting
This charming story about a penguin colony in Antarctica illustrates key truths about how we deal with the issue of change: handle the challenge well and you can prosper greatly, handle it poorly and you put yourself at risk. The penguins are living happily on their iceberg as they have done for many years. Then one curious penguin discovers a potentially devastating problem threatening their home - and pretty much no one listens to him.The ch...

CHF 26.90

Das Pinguin-Prinzip

Kotter, John / Rathgeber, Holger / Stadler, Harald / Benson, Stephan
Das Pinguin-Prinzip
Was haben eine Pinguinkolonie auf einem schmelzenden Eisberg, ein Unternehmen in einem schrumpfenden Markt und eine Angestellte, deren langjähriger Job gefährdet ist, gemeinsam? Die Antwort geben die Autoren in ihrer herzerfrischende Parabel ?Das Pinguin-Prinzip?. Die Bedingungen des Lebens ändern sich. Damit müssen wir umgehen lernen. In diesem Ratgeber werden Strategien für erfolgreiches Handeln im Berufs- und Alltagsleben unterhaltsam vorge...

CHF 23.90

That's Not How We Do It Here!

Kotter, John / Rathgeber, Holger
That's Not How We Do It Here!
What's the worst thing you can hear when you have a good idea at work? "That's not how we do it here!" In their iconic bestseller Our Iceberg Is Melting, John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber used a simple fable about penguins to explain the process of lead­ing people through major changes. Now, ten years later, they're back with another must-read story that will help any team or organization cope with their biggest challenges and turn them into ...

CHF 19.50

Das Pinguin-Prinzip

Kotter, John / Rathgeber, Holger / Stadler, Harald
Das Pinguin-Prinzip
Die Erfolgsgeschichte geht weiter: Der Welt-Bestseller des Change-Management von Harvard-Professor John Kotter und Unternehmensberater Holger Rathgeber liegt nun in einer erweiterten und neu ausgestatteten Ausgabe vor! Der Eisberg schmilzt. Die Pinguinkolonie ist in Gefahr. Doch zunächst will keiner die schlimme Botschaft hören - bis einige Pinguine die Dringlichkeit erkennen, ein Team bilden und nach einem Ausweg suchen. Diese humorvolle Busi...

CHF 27.90

Das Erdmännchen-Prinzip

Kotter, John / Rathgeber, Holger / Jendricke, Bernhard
Das Erdmännchen-Prinzip
Der neue Wirtschaftsbestseller aus den USA: Lange Zeit hatte der Erdmännchen-Clan beste Lebensbedingungen in seiner angestammten Heimat. Doch plötzlich bedroht eine schwere Dürre seine Existenz. Das Gemeinschaftsgefühl gerät ins Wanken, als die Erdmännchen über mögliche Lösungen streiten ... Den Erdmännchen um Nadia und Ayo gelingt es in dieser Krisensituation schließlich, die Funktionen von Management und Führung zu verbinden. Sie sind innova...

CHF 23.90

Our Iceberg Is Melting

Kotter, John / Rathgeber, Holger
Our Iceberg Is Melting
The revised and updated tenth anniversary edition of the classic, beloved business fable that has changed millions of lives in organizations around the world. Our Iceberg Is Melting is a simple story about doing well under the stress and uncertainty of rapid change. Based on the award-winning work of Harvard Business School's John Kotter, it can help you and your colleagues thrive during tough times. On an iceberg near the coast of Antarc...

CHF 31.50

That's Not How We Do It Here!

Kotter, John / Rathgeber, Holger / Turpin, Bahni / Kotter, John
That's Not How We Do It Here!
What's the worst thing you can hear when you have a good idea at work? "That's not how we do it here!" In their iconic bestseller Our Iceberg Is Melting, John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber used a simple fable about penguins to explain the process of lead­ing people through major changes. Now, ten years later, they're back with another must-read story that will help any team or organization cope with their biggest challenges and turn them into ...

CHF 24.10

Il nostro iceberg si sta sciogliendo

Kotter, John P. / Rathgeber, Holger / Mueller, P. / Negri, C.
Il nostro iceberg si sta sciogliendo
Questa storia parla di una colonia di fantastici pinguini che vivono su un iceberg in Antartide, secondo abitudini consolidate dalla notte dei tempi. Un giorno, uno di essi scopre che una minaccia catastrofica incombe sulla loro casa, ma quasi nessuno è disposto ad ascoltarlo. I personaggi del racconto Fred, Alice, Louis, Buddy, il Professore e NoNo - sono molto simili alle persone con cui entriamo in contatto quotidianamente, persino a noi st...

CHF 23.90