Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

9 Ergebnisse.

Pharmaceutical Energetics

Lewis, Randine
Pharmaceutical Energetics
This book integrates western medical understanding around pharmaceuticals into the framework of Chinese medicine, giving practitioners an understanding of how drugs may be interacting with their diagnoses and treatment plans. It includes various illnesses for which medicines are prescribed and offers an integrative approach to healing.

CHF 61.00

Der sanfte Weg zur Fruchtbarkeit

Lewis, Randine / Sande, Mona / Goth, Samira
Der sanfte Weg zur Fruchtbarkeit
Ein kompetenter Ratgeber, der eine alternativen Ansatz zur Behandlung von Unfruchtbarkeit mit der Traditionellen Chinesischer Medizin und bewusster Ernährung bietet. Lewis zeigt die physischen und emotionalen Stressoren auf, die das Fortpflanzungssystem beeinträchtigen und wie diese korrigiert werden können, um auf natürliche Weise schwanger zu werden. Das Programm bestehend aus Anwendungen mit Heilkräutern, Akkupunktur und Akkupressur...

CHF 34.50

Birthing the Tao

Lewis, Randine
Birthing the Tao
This Taoist approach to pregnancy provides practitioners with comprehensive theory whilst also offering guidance on the practical application of Taoist embryology in the modern world via suggestions on diet, lifestyle, acupuncture and herbal remedies. It moves away from a symptom-based framework and places importance on the development of the soul.

CHF 49.90

La cura dell'infertilità. Un metodo naturale per concepir...

Lewis, Randine / Faccia, M.
La cura dell'infertilità. Un metodo naturale per concepire e partorire bimbi sani
Un programma per curare l'infertilità per mezzo della medicina tradizionale cinese, da sola o associata alla più moderna tecnologia riproduttiva dell'Occidente. "La cura dell'infertilità" offre un metodo naturale per sostenere le donne nel concepimento. Usando tecniche semplici da seguire e rimedi che implicano l'alimentazione e l'uso delle erbe e della digitopressione, la dottoressa Randine Lewis mostra come migliorare la salute e il benesser...

CHF 46.50

The Way of the Fertile Soul

Lewis, Randine
The Way of the Fertile Soul
Holding to a feminine Taoist model, Dr. Lewis takes women through exercises and meditations that help align the body, mind, and spirit, while unlocking creativity and suppressed energy that can then be directed toward a balanced, healthy life.

CHF 21.50

Techniques of Medical Litigation

Lewis, Randine
Techniques of Medical Litigation
Medical-legal consultant Randine Lewis provides lawyers with basic instruction in the practice of modern medicine, and introduces health care professionals to the process of litigation. Her goal is not to incite frivolous or excessive legal actions, instead, she hopes to enable people on both sides of a legal issue to understand how the other side will proceed toward obtaining some kind of redress. Lewis maintains that medical knowledge is lac...

CHF 133.00