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43 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

King Solomon's Ring: New Light on Animal Ways

Lorenz, Konrad / Huxley, Julian
King Solomon's Ring: New Light on Animal Ways
The title refers to the legendary Seal of Solomon, a ring that supposedly gave King Solomon the power to speak to animals. Lorenz claimed to have achieved this feat of communication and of being "understood" by several species, by raising them in and around his home and observing their behavior and personally interacting with them. King Solomon's Ring describes the scientific methods of his investigation and his fascinating resulting conclusio...

CHF 17.90

King Solomon's Ring

Lorenz, Konrad
King Solomon's Ring
2020 Reprint of the 1952 Edition. Exact facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. The book's title refers to the legendary Seal of Solomon, a ring that supposedly gave King Solomon the power to speak to animals. Lorenz claims that he likewise achieved this feat of communication with several species. He accomplished this by raising them in and around his home and observing their behavior. King Solom...

CHF 30.90

On Aggression

Lorenz, Konrad
On Aggression
With a new introduction by Eric Salzen the debate around Lorenz's work is set in its social and political context, and recent new evidence is examined that may refute some of the claims made by his critics.

CHF 33.50

Intervista sull'etologia

Lorenz, Konrad / Benoist, A. D. / Grillo, P. / Visani, P.
Intervista sull'etologia
Il premio Nobel per la medicina e la fisiologia Konrad Lorenz, fondatore della moderna etologia scientifica, intervistato dal raffinato intellettuale francese Alain de Benoist. È più importante l'istinto o l'apprendimento nel determinare il comportamento umano? In un momento di grande incertezza, in cui vengono messi in discussione opinioni e giudizi tradizionali, questo libro aiuta a chiarire i termini della discussione, fornendo in maniera c...

CHF 27.90

Man Meets Dog

Lorenz, Konrad
Man Meets Dog
An enlightening and entertaining account of the unique relationship between humans and their pets. It offers a delightful insight into animal and human thinking and feeling. An essential companion for all dog lovers!

CHF 136.00

On Aggression

Lorenz, Konrad
On Aggression
Hugely controversial on publication, this is an insightful and characteristically entertaining survey of animal behaviour and the evolution of aggression throughout the animal world.

CHF 136.00

Il declino dell'uomo

Lorenz, Konrad
Il declino dell'uomo
Il declino dell'uomo, scritto nel 1983, è l'opera di Lorenz maggiormente incentrata sulle problematiche del nostro tempo. Profetica e cupa, conferma il suo peculiare status di scienziato "antimoderno", data la lucidità e la ferocia con cui in questo volume attacca i capisaldi della modernità: la tecnica e la cultura tecnocratica e lo scientismo, identificati da Lorenz come i "mali" che rischiano di condurre l'umanità verso il baratro. La polem...

CHF 25.00


Lorenz, Konrad / Scapini, F.
Al pari della teoria relativistica di Einstein o di quella psicoanalitica di Freud, l'etologia, la scienza di cui Konrad Lorenz è stato l'iniziatore e che studia il comportamento animale con il metodo dell'analisi comparata, è entrata ormai stabilmente nella "coscienza collettiva" e nella cultura dell'Occidente. Questo trattato di "fondamenti e metodi" è una vera summa del pensiero lorenziano, con la quale deve misurarsi anche chi voglia solo ...

CHF 22.50

Er redete mit dem Vieh, den Vögeln und den Fischen

Lorenz, Konrad
Er redete mit dem Vieh, den Vögeln und den Fischen
Ein Leben in einer Arche Noah. Konrad Lorenz erzählt mit der liebenden Zuneigung des Tierfreundes von den Lebensgewohnheiten seiner zwei- und vierbeinigen Gefährten und stellt fest: »...nicht, dass der Mensch ein Viech ist. Aber gewisse Grundgesetzlichkeiten instinktiven Verhaltens gelten für Tiere wie für Menschen.«

CHF 17.50

Das sogenannte Böse

Lorenz, Konrad
Das sogenannte Böse
Ein Schlüsseltext zur menschlichen SelbsterkenntnisKonrad Lorenz hat das große Verdienst, in einer Zeit, in der die Menschheit zuweilen recht dilettantisch an ihren Zwängen und Widersprüchen herumdoktert, die - vergleichsweise primitiven, aber deshalb um so gefährlicheren - Grundantriebe menschlichen Verhaltens wieder ins Bewusstsein gebracht zu haben.Aggression gilt als einer der wesentlichen Faktoren menschlicher Handlungen und Reaktionen un...

CHF 17.50

So kam der Mensch auf den Hund

Lorenz, Konrad
So kam der Mensch auf den Hund
Der Verhaltensforscher und Nobelpreisträger erzählt bewegende, amüsante und aufschlussreiche Episoden aus seinem Leben, in dem Tiere und insbesondere Hunde immer eine große Rolle gespielt haben. Er stellt sich sogar die Frage »Welcher Hund passt zu wem?«. Seine Erinnerungen und Gedanken sind nach wie vor eine Quelle der Inspiration und Information für alle Tierfreunde und Hundeliebhaber. Und eine Bestätigung dafür, dass die Liebe zu einem Tier...

CHF 14.50

King Solomon's Ring

Lorenz, Konrad
King Solomon's Ring
Solomon, the legend goes, had a magic ring which enabled him to speak to the animals in their own language. Konrad Lorenz was gifted with a similar power of understanding the animal world. He was that rare beast, a brilliant scientist who could write (and indeed draw) beautifully. He did more than any other person to establish and popularize the study of how animals behave, receiving a Nobel Prize for his work. King Solomon's Ring, the book wh...

CHF 29.50

Die acht Todsünden der zivilisierten Menschheit

Lorenz, Konrad
Die acht Todsünden der zivilisierten Menschheit
Viele große Bücher des legendären Verhaltensforschers wurden zu Bestsellern. Diese kleine Schrift allerdings wurde sein am meisten verbreitetes Buch. »Wir leben aber in einer Zeit, in der es der Naturforscher ist, der gewisse Gefahren besonders klar zu sehen vermag. So wird ihm das Predigen zur Pflicht.« Lorenz untersucht in seiner »Predigt« acht Vorgänge der Dehumanisierung, Vorgänge, die die Menschheit als Ganzes mit dem Untergang bedrohen: ...

CHF 15.90

The Foundations of Ethology

Lorenz, Konrad Z. / Lorenz, Konrad Z. / Kickert, Robert Warren
The Foundations of Ethology
This book is a contribution to the history of ethology-not a definitive history, but the personal view of a major figure in that story. It is all the more welcome because such a grand theme as ethology calls for a range of perspectives. One reason is the overarching scope of the subject. Two great questions about life that constitute much of biology are "How does it work (structure and function)?" and "How did it get that way (evolu tion and o...

CHF 100.00