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88 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Terapia de Brujería: Una Guía Empoderadora Para Sanar a T...

Martin, Lisa
Terapia de Brujería: Una Guía Empoderadora Para Sanar a Través de la Práctica de la Brujería
La terapia de brujeri¿a es un tipo de curacio¿n que hace uso de los conceptos de magia y brujeri¿a para ayudar a los pacientes a alcanzar el bienestar emocional, mental y espiritual. El tratamiento de brujeri¿a se basa en la creencia de que todo el mundo posee la capacidad de curarse a si¿ mismo y de que el universo estä lleno de energi¿a que puede utilizarse con fines terape¿uticos. La terapia de brujeri¿a puede ayudar a las personas a libera...

CHF 27.90

Terapia de Brujería: Usando La Brujería Como Herramienta ...

Martin, Lisa
Terapia de Brujería: Usando La Brujería Como Herramienta Terapéutica Para El Crecimiento Personal
La terapia de brujeri¿a es un tipo de tratamiento alternativo que combina aspectos de brujeri¿a y psicoterapia para fomentar el desarrollo espiritual, la curacio¿n emocional y el crecimiento personal. Este tipo de terapia tambie¿n se conoce como "terapia mägica" o "terapia brujesca", y estä ganando popularidad entre las personas que buscan un enfoque holi¿stico de la salud mental y el bienestar. La terapia de brujeri¿a se basa en los principi...

CHF 28.90

Terapia de Brujería: Transforme Su Vida Con El Poder de l...

Martin, Lisa
Terapia de Brujería: Transforme Su Vida Con El Poder de la Brujería
La terapia de brujeri¿a se basa en algunas ideas fundamentales que dirigen su aplicacio¿n. Estos principios incluyen: La interconexio¿n de todas las cosas: La terapia de brujeri¿a reconoce la interconexio¿n de todas las cosas en el universo, incluidas las personas, los animales y la naturaleza. Hace hincapie¿ en la importancia de establecer una conexio¿n so¿lida con el mundo natural y de reconocer la sabiduri¿a y el poder subyacentes que estä...

CHF 28.90

Terapia de Brujería: Explorando Los Beneficios Espiritual...

Martin, Lisa
Terapia de Brujería: Explorando Los Beneficios Espirituales Y Psicológicos de la Terapia Basada En La Brujería
La terapia de brujeri¿a es una forma de terapia que utiliza rituales de brujeri¿a para fomentar la sanacio¿n, el desarrollo y el autodescubrimiento. En este tipo de terapia espiritual y psicolo¿gica se combinan präcticas de brujeri¿a como rituales, meditacio¿n, visualizacio¿n y adivinacio¿n con me¿todos de tratamiento convencionales. No importa cuäles sean los puntos de vista religiosos o espirituales de cada uno, cualquiera puede utilizar ...

CHF 28.90

Candle Magic For Beginners: Advanced Methods to Practicin...

Martin, Lisa
Candle Magic For Beginners: Advanced Methods to Practicing Wiccan Candle Magic
Fire has been the key to human survival ever since we've been on this planet. It is what we gather around at the end of the day to feed ourselves and keep us warm. Without the element of fire, life would simply not be possible. This is what makes it such a magical element. We have learned to connect with the universe and its property of heat through fire. All of our basic associations like love, home, and protection are centered on the idea o...

CHF 28.90

Witchcraft Therapy: Transforming Your Life with the Power...

Martin, Lisa
Witchcraft Therapy: Transforming Your Life with the Power of Witchcraft
Witchcraft treatment is a holistic method of healing that relies on the strength of the natural world, intuition, and inner strength to foster health. It is predicated on the idea that everyone has the capacity to naturally materialize their wishes and that using witchcraft methods can aid them to realize this capacity. Witchcraft therapy is founded on a few fundamental ideas that direct its application. These principles include: The inter...

CHF 27.90

Candle Magic For Beginners: A Comprehensive Beginner's Gu...

Martin, Lisa
Candle Magic For Beginners: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to Learn the Realms of Candle Magic from A-Z
Magic is one of the first things you become acquainted with as a child. You grow up seeing magic in the trees, imagining fairies and elves residing within the boughs. You go around in a car and believe the moon is following you around, its opalescent glow shining upon you wherever your car takes you. You hear a noise at night and imagine the goblins and demons lurking in the shadows. But somewhere along the way, as you grow up, you lose the...

CHF 27.90

Candle Magic For Beginners: Tips, Tricks, and Candle Spel...

Martin, Lisa
Candle Magic For Beginners: Tips, Tricks, and Candle Spell Secrets for Love, Prosperity, and Abundance in Life
This path you're about to walk on is full of magic and wonder. In this book, you'll discover the power found in fire and wax, how to connect to worlds beyond the physical, and how to cause great things to flow to you, greater things than you've ever imagined. As a true magician - not the party tricks or illusions kind - you can work with the laws of the Universe to bring to being whatever you desire, if you channel your energy the right way...

CHF 28.50

Vergebung als Neuschöpfung

Martin, Lisa
Vergebung als Neuschöpfung
»Wenn wir sagen, dass wir keine Sünde haben, führen wir uns selbst in die Irre und die Wahrheit ist nicht in uns.« (1 Joh 1, 8) Auch wenn Schuld und Sünde genuin menschliche Erfahrungen sind, die ausnahmslos jeden betreffen, gestaltet sich der Umgang mit dem eigenen schuldig sein bzw. immer wieder schuldig werden sehr unterschiedlich: Für manche ist die Erkenntnis der eigenen Schuld eine belastende, aber nicht ausweglose Situation, für andere...

CHF 30.50

Thérapie de la Sorcellerie

Martin, Lisa
Thérapie de la Sorcellerie
Définition de la thérapie par la sorcellerie La thérapie par la sorcellerie est une sorte de traitement alternatif qui mélange des aspects de la sorcellerie et de la psychothérapie pour encourager le développement spirituel, la guérison émotionnelle, et la croissance personnelle. Ce type de thérapie est également connu sous le nom de "thérapie magique" ou "thérapie sorcière", et elle gagne en popularité parmi les individus cherchant une approc...

CHF 34.90

Thérapie de la Sorcellerie

Martin, Lisa
Thérapie de la Sorcellerie
Explication de la thérapie de sorcellerie La thérapie de sorcellerie, communément appelée thérapie magique ou thérapie de sorcière, est un type de traitement moderne qui puise dans les pouvoirs de guérison et de transformation de la sorcellerie. Elle utilise plusieurs méthodes, notamment la méditation, la visualisation, le travail énergétique et les sorts, pour aider les individus à améliorer leur santé mentale, émotionnelle et spirituelle. ...

CHF 34.90

Thérapie de la Sorcellerie

Martin, Lisa
Thérapie de la Sorcellerie
Explication de la thérapie de la sorcellerie La thérapie de la sorcellerie est une forme de thérapie qui utilise des rituels de sorcellerie pour encourager la guérison, le développement et la découverte de soi. Des pratiques de sorcellerie telles que les rituels, la méditation, la visualisation et la divination sont combinées avec des méthodes de traitement conventionnelles dans ce type de thérapie spirituelle et psychologique. Le concept de...

CHF 34.90

Thérapie de la Sorcellerie

Martin, Lisa
Thérapie de la Sorcellerie
Explication du concept de la thérapie de la sorcellerie La thérapie de la sorcellerie est une forme de guérison qui utilise les concepts de la magie et de la sorcellerie pour aider les patients à atteindre un bien-être émotionnel, mental et spirituel. Le traitement de la sorcellerie repose sur la croyance que tout le monde possède la capacité de se guérir lui-même et que l'univers est rempli d'énergie pouvant être utilisée à des fins thérapeut...

CHF 34.90

Das Rechtsinstitut der steuerstrafrechtlichen Selbstanzeige

Martin, Lisa
Das Rechtsinstitut der steuerstrafrechtlichen Selbstanzeige
Die steuerstrafrechtliche Selbstanzeige gewährt dem Steuerstraftäter Straffreiheit, obwohl die Tat bereits vollendet ist. Von den Kritikern wird moniert, dass die Selbstanzeige immer dann Hochkonjunktur habe, wenn über die Presse der Ankauf einer neuen Steuerdaten-CD bekannt werde. Der Gesetzgeber hat im Laufe der Jahre die Voraussetzungen an eine wirksame Selbstanzeige immer weiter verschärft. Dennoch hat er sich für die Beibehaltung der Selb...

CHF 86.00

Purpose Pursuit

Martin, Lisa
Purpose Pursuit
This devotional (Purpose Pursuit: 31 Days of Pursuing God with Passion and Purpose) is full of encouragement and inspirational nuggets that will help you make wise decisions in life and discover who God created you to be! God has awesome plans for you and this book will help you fulfill them and live your best life! This book is personal and Lisa Martin shares a bit of herself in every entry. You will be able to relate to her honesty, integrit...

CHF 20.90

California Chrome Our Story

Martin, Perry / Groothedde, Lisa
California Chrome Our Story
California Chrome - Our Story A compelling true story about family, life and love. Building a dream, and then getting swept away by the horse of a lifetime! The Martins had built a comfortable middle-class life, only to risk it all and push their finances to the limit in building Martin Testing Laboratories. After years of struggling, they made the business profitable through sheer will. Regaining their financial feet, you would think they wou...

CHF 38.90

Journal - Purpose Pursuit

Martin, Lisa
Journal - Purpose Pursuit
This journal has been created to be a companion to the featured devotional book called "Purpose Pursuit - 31 Days of Pursuing God with Passion and Purpose", written by Lisa Martin. She is an empowerment coach, ordained pastor, speaker and personal stylist who loves to share universal truths with her readers. This journal is designed to inspire, challenge and encourage you to write your deepest thoughts, reflections and desires. It includes a S...

CHF 21.50

The Complete Renal Diet

Martin, Lisa
The Complete Renal Diet
¿55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES! ¿BEGIN HEALING YOUR KIDNEYS WITH PROVEN DIET CHANGES...Would you like to know the essential diet changes you must make to stop hurting your kidneys and let them heal themselves?Would you like to make this journey more enjoyable and skip tasteless healthy meals?Even if you have never cooked before, this cookbook will definitely bring some brightness into your kitchen and teach you a healthy way of living...Your Customer...

CHF 41.90

The Complete Renal Diet

Martin, Lisa
The Complete Renal Diet
¿55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES! ¿BEGIN HEALING YOUR KIDNEYS WITH PROVEN DIET CHANGES...Would you like to know the essential diet changes you must make to stop hurting your kidneys and let them heal themselves?Would you like to make this journey more enjoyable and skip tasteless healthy meals?Even if you have never cooked before, this cookbook will definitely bring some brightness into your kitchen and teach you a healthy way of living...Your Customer...

CHF 30.90

Renal Diet for Beginners

Martin, Lisa
Renal Diet for Beginners
¿55% OFF FOR BOOKSTORES! ¿BEGIN HEALING YOUR KIDNEYS WITH PROVEN DIET CHANGES...Would you like to know the essential diet changes you must make to stop hurting your kidneys and let them heal themselves?Would you like to make this journey more enjoyable and skip tasteless healthy meals?Even if you have never cooked before, this cookbook will definitely bring some brightness into your kitchen and teach you a healthy way of living...Your Customer...

CHF 41.90