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Wild Horses − Zusammen durch den Sturm

Martins, Helen
Wild Horses − Zusammen durch den Sturm
Das spannende Wildpferde-Fantasy-Abenteuer geht weiterDie Rennpferde Alba und Nachtwind haben sich in den Weiten der Prärie einer Herde Wildpferde angeschlossen und genießen das Leben in Freiheit. Auch wenn es für die große Herde nicht immer einfach ist, genug Futter zu finden, halten sie doch zusammen. Da geraten sie in eine Falle: Pferdefänger verfolgen die Herde mit Hubschraubern und treiben sie in ein Gatter - nur Alba und Nachtwind können...

CHF 17.50


Martins, Steven R.
Is there, or was there ever, such a thing as a "Christian" Canada? Contrary to what historical revisionists might claim, Canada has a rich and deep Catholic and Protestant heritage. The motto on the Canadian coat of arms and inscribed on the Peace Tower in Ottawa bears witness to this fact: "A Mari Usque Ad Mare", Latin for "From Sea to Sea" derived from Psalm 72:8. In this short book, Steven R. Martins provides a brief survey of Christianity'...

CHF 17.90

Constructing an Avant-Garde

Martins, Sergio B.
Constructing an Avant-Garde
How Brazilian postwar avant-garde artists updated modernism in a way that was radically at odds with European and North American art historical narratives.Brazilian avant-garde artists of the postwar era worked from a fundamental but productive out-of-jointness. They were modernist but distant from modernism. Europeans and North Americans may feel a similar displacement when viewing Brazilian avant-garde art, the unexpected familiarity of the ...

CHF 31.50

Ce qui m'inspire... Toi, moi, nous

Martins, Manuela
Ce qui m'inspire... Toi, moi, nous
À chaque mot, à chaque scène, mon inspiration débordante s'empare de mon esprit.Je raconte la vie en général, à travers les mots et les poèmes.Un mot, une photo, une émotion me transportent dans le monde de l'écriture.Toi, moi, nous, vécu, rêve, souhait, sentiments et émotions sont les maîtres mots de mon premier recueil de poèmes.Ainsi va la vie au gré de ma plume.

CHF 15.90

O edifício de biblioteca como construção inteligente

Martins, Susana
O edifício de biblioteca como construção inteligente
O edifício onde está situada a biblioteca pública deve ser central, de fácil acesso, mesmo para os inválidos e estar aberto a horas viáveis para toda a gente. Tanto o edifício em si como o seu mobiliário devem ser de aspecto agradável, confortáveis e acolhedores, e é essencial que os leitores possam ter acesso directo às estantes", excerto retirado do livro intitulado "A Biblioteca" de Umberto Eco, 2002, página 45.

CHF 43.90

Escorregamentos e Dinâmica das Paisagens em área de Regiã...

Martins de Souza, Juliana / F A Bertolino, Ana Valéria / M de Freitas, Marcelo
Escorregamentos e Dinâmica das Paisagens em área de Região Serrana
Nova Friburgo, região serrana do Rio de Janeiro, é uma área com características físicas muito peculiares. Por apresentar particularidades como, por exemplo, suas escarpas, possui alto grau de suscetibilidade e vulnerabilidade, gerando modificações em sua paisagem. A pesquisa trazida neste livro vem mostrar uma realidade do distrito de São Pedro da Serra, situado em Nova Friburgo/RJ. Com o presente estudo, foi possível perceber como o meio físi...

CHF 92.00

Always Ready

Martins, Steven R.
Always Ready
Christian apologetics cannot be severed off from the mission of the church, on the contrary, it must be understood in light of it. Far too often has modern apologetics been reduced to peripheral historical and evidential matters, in order for the church to fulfill its mission, the biblical apologetic mandate must be recovered, and this involves a holistic understanding of the gospel.

CHF 13.90

Divine Appointments

Martins, Vitor
Divine Appointments
God is able to do miracles to reach out and save all kinds of people anywhere in the world. Jesus' last words in the gospel of Mark are, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15). Divine Appointments is a collection of testimonies that resulted from the many years of Vitor Martins' life in the missionary field, showing how the Lord uses different and even unexpected ways to bring salvation to the people. You ...

CHF 21.50

Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication

Martins, Nuno / Raposo, Daniel / Brandão, Daniel
Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication
This book shares new research findings and practical lessons learned that will foster advances in digital design, communication design, web, multimedia and motion design, graphic design and branding, and other related areas. It gathers the best papers presented at the 3rd International Conference on Digital Design and Communication, DIGICOM 2019, held on November 15-16, 2019, in Barcelos, Portugal. The respective contributions highlight new th...

CHF 188.00

Defensor de la cristología ortodoxa / Sobre la encarnación

Martins, Steven / Atanasio, San
Defensor de la cristología ortodoxa / Sobre la encarnación
La serie Celebración de la Fe, diseñada por el editor de la serie, Steven R. Martins, reflexiona sobre las vidas y contribuciones de aquellos que han sido tocados por la gracia de Dios, aquellos que han profesado, defendido y hecho avanzar la cosmovisión cristiana a lo largo de la historia. El objetivo de esta serie es inspirar y animar a los creyentes comprados por la gracia a vivir su fe de tal forma que exponga la verdad, la belleza y la li...

CHF 21.90

Las Mentes Musulmana y Cristiana

Martins, Steven
Las Mentes Musulmana y Cristiana
El Islam afirma ser una religión abrahámica y una cosmovisión correctiva al judaísmo y al cristianismo, pero al contrario del cristianismo, el Islam fracasa en proporcionar las pre-condiciones necesarias para dar sentido a la realidad. Para entender esto, necesitamos entrar en las mentes de los musulmanes y cristianos y analizar críticamente sus fundamentos epistémicos.

CHF 13.90

Sistemas Complexos : Química, Epistemologia e Obstáculos ...

Martins, Andre Luis
Sistemas Complexos : Química, Epistemologia e Obstáculos ao Ensino
Conceito de obstáculos epistemológicos apresentou-se nas últimas décadas como importante ferramenta na abordagem das relações de ensino-aprendizagem de conceitos das ciências contemporâneas como a Física Relativística, as Geometrias Não-Euclidianas e a Mecânica Quântica. Existem diferentes tipos de obstáculos epistemológicos, entre eles: experiência primeira, conhecimento geral, obstáculo verbal, conhecimento unitário e pragmático e obstáculo ...

CHF 52.50

The Cry of the Poor

Martins, Alexandre A.
The Cry of the Poor
This book offers an interdisciplinary effort to address global health issues grounded on a human rights framework seen from the perspective of those who are more vulnerable to be sick and die prematurely: the poor. Combining his scholarship and service in impoverished communities, the author examines the connection between poverty and health inequalities from an ethical perspective that considers contributions from different disciplines and th...

CHF 69.00

Textbook of Male Genitourethral Reconstruction

Martins, Francisco E. / Köhler, Tobias S. / Kulkarni, Sanjay B.
Textbook of Male Genitourethral Reconstruction
This textbook provides a guide to reconstructive surgery of genitourethral problems in male patients. The first section covers all aspects of urethral reconstruction, including the functional anatomy of the urethra, etiology, epidemiology, and demographic differences in urethral pathology. The second section focuses on surgical reconstruction of penile and scrotal anomalies and dysfunctions. Textbook of Male Genitourethral Reconstruction aims...

CHF 168.00

Revisiting the Frontiers of Analog and Mixed-Signal Integ...

Martins, Rui P. / Mak, Pui-In / Sin, Sai-Weng
Revisiting the Frontiers of Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits Architectures and Techniques towards the future Internet of Everything (IoE) Applications
Technology-assisted People-to-People (P2P) interactions, embedded in a global environment, will be at the core of 21st century communications and will command the technological development of the forthcoming future. The intelligent interactivity of people, process (delivering the right information to the right person/machine at the right time), data and things, incorporates the Internet-of-Everything (IoE) that expands itself beyond the Intern...

CHF 144.00