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17 Ergebnisse.

How to Turn $100 into $1,000,000

McKenna, James / Glista, Jeannine
How to Turn $100 into $1,000,000
The updated edition of the bestselling kids' guide to money: earning it, saving it, and investing it. From the creators of Biz Kid$ and Bill Nye the Science Guy comes the comprehensive guide for kids on the basics of earning, saving, spending, and investing money. Written in a humorous but informative voice that engages young readers, it’s the book that every parent who wants to raise financially savvy and unspoiled children should buy for the...

CHF 17.50

Upskill, Reskill, Thrive

Mckenna, James
Upskill, Reskill, Thrive
Upskill, Reskill, Thrive: Optimizing Learning and Development in the Workplace offers readers an accessible guide to understanding and applying Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to the workplace. Using exemplars from across sectors and industries, James McKenna highlights how learning and development professionals can redefine the goals of learning in the corporate environment - not only for the benefit of the organization but also, and perh...

CHF 36.90

Sueno Infantil Seguro

McKenna, James J / Kreckmann, Alison
Sueno Infantil Seguro
¡Esta guía esencial tan apreciada en inglés ahora está disponible también en español!A lo largo de la historia y a través de las culturas, dormir con tu bebé ha sido lo habitual. Pero aun así, en el mundo moderno, esta práctica está cargada de preguntas, miedo y culpa. En Sueño infantil seguro, un experto en el colecho con reconocimiento mundial explora por qué los profesionales de la salud recomiendan ampliamente todas las formas de colecho, ...

CHF 21.90

Warrior of the Light

Mckenna, James
Warrior of the Light
Rosie is given a new mission in Mind Space, to rebuild the White Dove of Peace. Failure means victory for the Dark Angels who battle the White Angels for control of planet Earth and the parallel worlds. Only Rosie's mother knew where the last fragment of dove is hidden but are Rosie's parents dead or trapped in a parallel time? While war rages, Rosie and her pals search for the truth, travelling from Mind Space to the Kingdom of the Incas, hun...

CHF 13.50

Safe Infant Sleep

McKenna, James J
Safe Infant Sleep
In the world of pediatric care, sleep safety guidelines are controversial and often misguided. Health professionals broadly discourage all forms of cosleeping, which, along with the potentially devastating consequences, makes deciding how and where your baby should sleep both confusing and frightening. Parents who cherish the closeness, security, and warmth of cosleeping are finding themselves conflicted, concerned, and exhausted. Cosleeping, ...

CHF 21.90

Jumanji - Willkommen im Dschungel

Mckenna, Chris / Pinkner, Jeff / Rosenberg, Scott / Sommers, Erik / Edwards, Steve / Helfrich, Mark / Howard, James Newton / Field, Ted / Garcia, Hiram / Selig, Lauren / Teitler, William / Tolmach, Matthew / Weber, Mike / Pados, Gyula / Johnson, Dwayne / Gillan, Karen / Pyle, Missi / Hart, Kevin / Black, Jack / Darby, Rhys / Cannavale, Bobby / Wolff, Alex / Jonas, Nick
Jumanji - Willkommen im Dschungel
Als vier Highschool-Kids eine alte Spielkonsole zusammen mit einem ihnen unbekannten Videospiel namens Jumanji entdecken und ausprobieren, werden sie sofort in die Dschungelwelt des Spiels gezogen und genau zu den Avataren, die sie auswählen: Der Gaming-Nerd Spencer wird zu einem muskelbepackten Abenteurer (Dwayne Johnson), die Sportskanone Fridge vermisst (in seinen Worten) "den oberen Teil seines Körpers" und wird zu einer Intelligenzbestie ...

CHF 32.90

Jumanji - Willkommen im Dschungel

Mckenna, Chris / Pinkner, Jeff / Rosenberg, Scott / Sommers, Erik / Edwards, Steve / Helfrich, Mark / Howard, James Newton / Field, Ted / Garcia, Hiram / Selig, Lauren / Teitler, William / Tolmach, Matthew / Weber, Mike / Pados, Gyula / Johnson, Dwayne / Gillan, Karen / Pyle, Missi / Hart, Kevin / Black, Jack / Darby, Rhys / Cannavale, Bobby / Wolff, Alex / Jonas, Nick
Jumanji - Willkommen im Dschungel
In dem brandneuen Abenteuer JUMANJI: WILLKOMMEN IM DSCHUNGEL mit den Schauspielstars Dwayne Johnson, Jack Black, Kevin Hart und Karen Gillan werden vier ungleiche Teenager in die gefährliche Welt von Jumanji hineingezogen und in Avatare mit einzigartigen Fähigkeiten verwandelt. Dort müssen sie das waghalsigste Abenteuer ihres Lebens bestehen - andernfalls bleiben sie für immer im Spiel gefangen.

CHF 22.50

Di notte con tuo figlio. La condivisione del sonno in fam...

Mckenna, James / Cerrai, B.
Di notte con tuo figlio. La condivisione del sonno in famiglia
Dormire insieme ai propri figli è stata la norma in quasi ogni epoca e in quasi tutte le culture. Nella società moderna, invece, tale pratica è diventata fonte di innumerevoli interrogativi e motivo di colpevolizzazione. In "Di notte con tuo figlio" ogni teoria scientifica a sostegno dell'inopportunità, se non addirittura della pericolosità o dell'immoralità di questa abitudine, viene puntualmente confutata. L'autore, massima autorità a livell...

CHF 31.50

Dormir Con Tu Bebe

Mckenna, James J.
Dormir Con Tu Bebe
The American Academy of Pediatrics warns parents never to let their baby sleep in an adult bed--contrary to thousands of years of childrearing practices! A worldwide recognized co-sleeping authority wants parents to know that their babies are dramatically safer and healthier when put to bed in a safe, family sleeping environment. Walking readers through the important steps to creating a safe family bed, this book provides the latest informatio...

CHF 21.90

A Quick Guide to Safely Sleeping with Your Baby

McKenna, James J.
A Quick Guide to Safely Sleeping with Your Baby
In this abridged version of our award-winning book, "Sleeping with Your Baby, " a world-wide recognized infant sleep authority provides the latest information on potential scientific benefits of co-sleeping. The booklet instructs parents on how to create safe sleep environments. Complete with sections on minimizing hazards and risks, this booklet explains why and how to sleep with your baby. It contains all the key facts from "Sleeping with Yo...

CHF 7.90

How to Turn $100 Into $1,000,000

McKenna, James / Glista, Jeannine / Fontaine, Matt
How to Turn $100 Into $1,000,000
Want to Become a Millionaire?   All it takes is understanding and putting into practice a few simple strategies and concepts about money.   Make it. Learn the ins and outs of scoring a first job, or even better, starting a business.   Save it. That’s right, millionaires are people who have a million dollars, not people who spend a million dollars.   Grow it. Invest and use the most powerful force in the financial universe: compound interest.  ...

CHF 19.50

Last Exit from Bridgeton

McKenna, James
Last Exit from Bridgeton
When James McKenna first published his personal recollections of life in Bridgeton, he had no idea how quickly and widely his account of everyday life in the East End of Glasgow in the 1950s and 60s would be embraced by former inhabitants - including those now spread across the world but linked to the days of their childhood by the Internet. In this new edition, the author expands and enriches his own collection with many of their memories and...

CHF 41.50

The Unseen

McKenna, James
The Unseen
The next time you switch on your computer, will the unseen be waiting to enter your mind - or are they already there? DI Sean Fagan investigates the ritual murder of three young women and finds links between each victim and the world's most popular computer game, Princess Kay-ling. When police high-tech units examine hard drives taken from the murder victims' PCs, traces of subliminal psychotic induction are found. This induces victims to trus...

CHF 22.90

Fine Particle (2.5 microns) Emissions

McKenna, John D. / Turner, James H. / McKenna, James P.
Fine Particle (2.5 microns) Emissions
Theory, practice, and regulation--all in one place! Written by leading experts in the field of pollution control, this timely book brings together and carefully explains the latest information on particle control. Throughout the book, the emphasis is on fine particles, defined as those less than 2.5 microns. Despite the fact that research indicates that fine particles pose a greater health risk than larger particles, the topic of fine partic...

CHF 145.00