Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

8 Ergebnisse.

Fizicheskie mery zaschity informacii

Minin, Oleg / Minin, Igor'
Fizicheskie mery zaschity informacii
V nastoqschem uchebnom posobii delaetsq popytka kratko izlozhit' osnownye ponqtiq, fizicheskie i tehnicheskie osnowy sozdaniq poiskowo-dosmotrowoj tehniki i antiterroristicheskoj apparatury. Rassmotreny w komplexe kak sistemy poiska i identifikacii VV i VU (rentgenowskie ustanowki, qdernye i radiowolnowye metody, sistemy gazowogo analiza), tak i ustrojstwa dlq lokalizacii i obezwrezhiwaniq wzrywnyh ustrojstw razlichnogo klassa. Kratko rassmotr...

CHF 114.00

Magnitno-impul'snaq swarka

Minin, Oleg / Minin, Vladilen / Minin, Igor'
Magnitno-impul'snaq swarka
Izlozheny fizicheskie osnowy magnitno-impul'snoj swarki, wklüchaq shownuü swarku. Rassmotreny osobennosti holodnoj swarki. Material uchebnogo posobiq mozhet byt' polezen studentam, magistrantam i aspirantam sootwetstwuüschih special'nostej: special'nosti 150202 «Oborudowanie i tehnologiq swarochnogo proizwodstwa», disciplina «Special'nye metody swarki i pajki» i special'nosti «Teoriq änergeticheskih materialow» po naprawleniü 170100 «Boepripas...

CHF 77.00

Metody radiowideniq

Minin, Oleg / Minin, Igor'
Metody radiowideniq
V monografii soderzhitsq opisanie fizicheskih osnow postroeniq i funkcionirowaniq razlichnyh sistem radiowideniq. Vo wwedenii raskrywaetsq ponqtie «radiowidenie», proizwedena klassifikaciq sistem radiowideniq. V perwoj glawe opisana kratkaq istoriq radiowideniq, w osnownom na osnowe otechestwennyh razrabotok. Vo wtoroj glawe rassmotreny kriterii ocenki kachestwa izobrazheniq, w tret'ej glawe - rassmotreny formiruüschie älementy dlq sistem radi...

CHF 126.00

The Photonic Hook

Minin, Igor V. / Minin, Oleg V.
The Photonic Hook
This book describes the recently-discovered artificially curved light beam known as the photonic hook. Self-bending of light, a long-time goal of optical scientists, was realized in 2007 with the Airy beam, followed by the first demonstration of the photonic hook by the authors of this book and their collaborators in 2015 and experimentally in 2019. The photonic hook has curvature less than the wavelength, along with other unique features desc...

CHF 83.00

Kumulqtiwnye zarqdy

Minin, Oleg / Minin, Igor'
Kumulqtiwnye zarqdy
V monografii v sistematizirovannom vide izlozhen kompleks voprosov, svyazannykh s istoriey razrabotki i osnovnymi etapami razvitiya kumulyativnykh zaryadov, primeneniem ikh v razlichnykh ustroystvakh. Rassmotreny ustroystva, printsipy deystviya kumulyativnykh zaryadov, fizicheskie aspekty problemy vrashcheniya kumulyativnykh i giperkumulyativnykh zaryadov. Rassmotreny voprosy chislennogo modelirovaniya kumulyativnykh zaryadov. Monografiya orie...

CHF 114.00

Basic Principles of Fresnel Antenna Arrays

Minin, Igor V. / Minin, Oleg V.
Basic Principles of Fresnel Antenna Arrays
Antennas represent a critical technology in any of these wireless systems. Not only do they directly affect the received power of the system, they are also typically the largest and most visible part. Recently, the need for low-cost, low-profile, and lightweight antenna in the frequency range of the microwave/millimeter wave/THz band has regained momentum. "Basic Principles of Fresnel Antenna Arrays" provides us a with the basics of the vario...

CHF 189.00

Diffractive optics and nanophotonics

Minin, Oleg / Minin, Igor
Diffractive optics and nanophotonics
In this book the authors present several examples of techniques used to overcome the Abby diffraction limit using flat and 3D diffractive optical elements, photonic crystal lenses, photonic jets, and surface plasmon diffractive optics. The structures discussed can be used in the microwave and THz range and also as scaled models for optical frequencies. Such nano-optical microlenses can be integrated, for example, into existing semiconductor he...

CHF 69.00

Basic Principles of Fresnel Antenna Arrays

Minin, Oleg V. / Minin, Igor V.
Basic Principles of Fresnel Antenna Arrays
Antennas represent a critical technology in any of these wireless systems. Not only do they directly affect the received power of the system, they are also typically the largest and most visible part. Recently, the need for low-cost, low-profile, and lightweight antenna in the frequency range of the microwave/millimeter wave/THz band has regained momentum. "Basic Principles of Fresnel Antenna Arrays" provides us a with the basics of the vario...

CHF 134.00