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22 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Morris, Benny / Gesellschaft für kritische Bildung / Bruns, Johannes / Kathmann, Peter
In seiner Monografie "1948. Der erste arabisch-israelische Krieg" beleuchtet Benny Morris die Hintergründe und Ereignisse, die zum Ende des Britischen Mandats in Palästina, zur Zersplitterung der arabisch-palästinensischen Gesellschaft und schließlich zur Geburt des Staates Israel führten. Im Fokus der Betrachtung steht dabei die unmittelbare Reaktion auf die Staatsgründung: der panarabische Angriffskrieg. Morris' akribische Auswertung der sei...

CHF 42.90

The Roots of Appeasement

Morris, Benny
The Roots of Appeasement
Originally published in 1991, The Roots of Appeasement outlines the attitudes of the British weekly press and its editors to Nazism and to German and British foreign policies during the 1930s. It analyses and interprets the reasons which underlay those attitudes.

CHF 48.90

Sidney Reilly

Morris, Benny
Sidney Reilly
A revealing biography of Sidney Reilly, the early twentieth-century virtuoso of espionage

CHF 30.50

The Roots of Appeasement

Morris, Benny
The Roots of Appeasement
Originally published in 1991, The Roots of Appeasement outlines the attitudes of the British weekly press and its editors to Nazism and to German and British foreign policies during the 1930s. It analyses and interprets the reasons which underlay those attitudes.

CHF 150.00

The Thirty-Year Genocide

Morris, Benny / Ze'Evi, Dror
The Thirty-Year Genocide
From 1894 to 1924 three waves of violence swept across Anatolia, targeting the region's Christian minorities. Benny Morris and Dror Ze'evi's impeccably researched account is the first to show that the three were actually part of a single, continuing, and intentional effort to wipe out Anatolia's Christian population and create a pure Muslim nation.

CHF 31.90

Il genocidio dei cristiani. 1894-1924. La guerra dei turc...

Morris, Benny / Zeevi, Dror / Russo, A. / Serafini, F.
Il genocidio dei cristiani. 1894-1924. La guerra dei turchi per creare uno stato islamico puro
Genocidio: una parola che colleghiamo istintivamente ai più oscuri passaggi della storia mondiale. Come il massacro degli armeni in Turchia tra il 1915 e il 1916, uno sterminio del quale ancora si discute, tra tesi negazioniste e interferenze politiche. Ma siamo sicuri che quel biennio di atrocità sia un evento isolato? In effetti, tra il 1894 e il 1924, l'Anatolia fu attraversata a più riprese da venti di morte. Episodi fin qui analizzati com...

CHF 56.90

The Thirty-Year Genocide

Morris, Benny / Ze'evi, Dror
The Thirty-Year Genocide
From 1894 to 1924 three waves of violence swept across Anatolia, targeting the region's Christian minorities. Benny Morris and Dror Ze'evi's impeccably researched account is the first to show that the three were actually part of a single, continuing, and intentional effort to wipe out Anatolia's Christian population and create a pure Muslim nation.

CHF 46.90

Medio Oriente dentro la guerra. Le guerre di confine d'Is...

Morris, Benny / Maini, G. / Pagliano, M.
Medio Oriente dentro la guerra. Le guerre di confine d'Israele 1949-1956
Questo libro è l'edizione riveduta e aggiornata di un saggio in cui Benny Morris analizza lo sviluppo delle relazioni, e soprattutto dei contrasti tra Israele e gli Stati arabi negli anni cruciali che vanno dal 1949 al 1956, soffermandosi in particolare sulle infiltrazioni arabe in territorio israeliano e sulle conseguenti rappresaglie. Le incursioni di profughi e di commando palestinesi, insieme agli attacchi transfrontalieri di forze irregol...

CHF 45.50

Le guerre di confine d'Israele. 1949-1956

Morris, Benny / Maini, G. / Pagliano, M.
Le guerre di confine d'Israele. 1949-1956
Questo libro è l'edizione riveduta e aggiornata di un saggio di grande successo in cui Benny Morris analizza lo sviluppo delle relazioni, e soprattutto dei contrasti, tra Israele e gli Stati arabi negli anni cruciali che vanno dal 1949 al 1956, soffermandosi in particolare sulle infiltrazioni arabe in territorio israeliano e sulle conseguenti rappresaglie. Le incursioni di profughi e di commando palestinesi, insieme agli attacchi transfrontali...

CHF 70.00

Israel's Border Wars, 1949-1956

Morris, Benny
Israel's Border Wars, 1949-1956
This revised and updated paperback edition of a highly successful study looks at the development of Israel-Arab relations during the formative years 1949 to 1956, focusing on Arab infiltration into Israel and Israeli retaliation. Palestinian refugee raiding and cross-border attacks by Egyptian-controlled irregulars and commandos were a core phenomenon during this period and one of the chief causes of Israel's invasion of Egypt in 1956. This pi...

CHF 170.00

Een staat, twee staten

Morris, Benny
Een staat, twee staten
Wat zo opvallend is aan Morris' werk als historicus is dat niemand er zijn vooroordelen in bevestigd vindt, de schrijver zelf wel het minst, zo stelde David Remnick in een artikel in de New Yorker. Met hetzelfde streven naar objectiviteit dat steeds kenmerkend is voor zijn benaderingswijze, richt Morris zich hier op de erfenis in het heden van de gebeurtenissen van 1948 en de concrete opties voor de toekomst van Palestina en Israël. Dit boek ...

CHF 24.90

The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited

Morris, Benny
The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited
Morris' earlier work exposed the realities of how 700, 000 Palestinians became refugees during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. While the focus of this edition remains the war and exodus, new archival material considers what happened in Jerusalem, Jaffa and Haifa, and how these events led to the collapse of urban Palestine. Revealing battles and atrocities that contributed to the disintegration of rural communities, the story is harrowing. The refug...

CHF 194.00

Making Israel

Morris, Benny
Making Israel
Benny Morris is the founding father of the New Historians, a group of Israeli scholars who have challenged received wisdom about the origins of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Here, Morris offers a collection of translated articles on the New History by leading Zionist and revisionist Israeli historians.

CHF 41.90

Vittime. Storia del conflitto arabo-sionista 1881-2001

Morris, Benny / Galli, S.
Vittime. Storia del conflitto arabo-sionista 1881-2001
Il conflitto in Medio Oriente risale agli ultimi decenni dell'Ottocento, quando nacque il movimento sionista fondato da Theodor Herzl. Eppure di questo rovinoso confronto si è quasi sempre parlato nella prospettiva dell'attualità, senza cercare di approfondire le ragioni secolari. Morris ricostruisce le fasi del conflitto, ne analizza i presupposti ideologici, dà conto delle profonde differenze religiose, etniche e culturali fra gli immigrati ...

CHF 26.50

Righteous Victims

Morris, Benny
Righteous Victims
At a time when the Middle East has come closer to achieving peace than ever before, eminent Israeli historian Benny Morris explodes the myths cherished by both sides to present an epic history of Zionist-Arab relations over the past 120 years. Tracing the roots of political Zionism back to the pogroms of Russia and the Dreyfus Affair, Morris describes the gradual influx of Jewish settlers into Palestine and the impact they had on the Arab popu...

CHF 29.50