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55 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 55.

Miguel Covarrubias Vida y mundos

Poniatowska, Elena (Mexico)
Miguel Covarrubias Vida y mundos
Miguel Covarrubias (1904-1957) es un hito en el arte y la cultura del siglo xx, como un pintor y caricaturista genial, sí, pero también como muy entendido escenógrafo y estudioso de la antropología, incluso como dibujante, ilustrador y coleccionista. Sin embargo, salvo para un puñado de amigos y contemporáneos, en México era prácticamente un enigma cuando murió a los 53 años. Este libro reúne las entrevistas que Elena Poniatowska les hiz...

CHF 31.50


Poniatowska, Elena
For this fictionalized account of the life of Tina Modotti (1896-1942), Elena Poniatowska devoted ten years of research to fully understand the woman who was so caught up in the social and political turbulence of the pre-World War II decades. At different times in her life, Modotti was a silent screen actress, a model for Diego Rivera's murals, and a lover of photographer Edward Weston. She was also a champion for the Mexican people who loving...

CHF 38.90

El tren pasa primero

Poniatowska, Elena (Mexico)
El tren pasa primero
Tuve hambre y frío, sentí que ningún fuego, ningún abrazo me calentarían, pero sé que si un solo hombre lucha y no se deja morir, la vida vale la pena. Éste era un hombre que nació en un pueblo del sur de México. Nunca hubiera salido de él, pero un día el tren pasó frente a sus ojos y en el ruido de esa máquina escuchó el relato de su vida, supo el porqué de la indomable ansia de saber que lo empujaba siempre más allá de sus límites. Y en efe...

CHF 37.00

Obras Reunidas I: Narrativa Breve

Poniatowska, Elena
Obras Reunidas I: Narrativa Breve
In this his second volume of his collected works collection, Carlos Fuentes contains two of his most significant works on Mexico City: la region mas transparente and Agua Quemada. This fist novel was published by FCE in 1958 and does not show a metropolis after radical transformations in its social, political and economical life. This second Novel also published by FCE in 1981 are portraits that form as a group a more complex image by its frag...

CHF 36.50

Here's to You, Jesusa!

Poniatowska, Elena
Here's to You, Jesusa!
This classic of Mexican literature is a sensitive retelling of the life of Jesusa Palancares de Aguilar, a girl in the early 20th century, whose life is one of tragedy, violence, and servitude that lead to her long history of run-ins with the police.

CHF 21.50

Nothing, Nobody: The Voices of the Mexico City Earthquake

Poniatowska, Elena
Nothing, Nobody: The Voices of the Mexico City Earthquake
In September 19, 1985, a powerful earthquake hit Mexico City in the early morning hours. Written by a Mexican journalist, this book chronicles the disintegration of the city's physical and social structure, the widespread grassroots organizing against government corruption and incompetence, and the reliency of the human spirit.

CHF 48.90

Guerrero Viejo

Poniatowska, Elena
Guerrero Viejo
Celebrated as a triumphant collaboration between the American and Mexican governments, the damming of the Rio Grande in the early 1950s was expected to prove highly beneficial to the valley inhabitants of both countries. The success of this project, however, necessitated the gradual submersion of the colonial city of Guerrero beneath the water of the man-made reservoir. The inhabitants were uprooted and displaced, robbed of their land, their s...

CHF 56.90