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Zur Kasse

16 Ergebnisse.

A Part of Me, You & Us

A Part of Me, You & Us
After many years of researching, studying and learning about simple everyday life situations we go through and listening to others, I finally made it to the point where I'm able to share a more personal look inside of my life and the lives of everyday normal people. As you read, "A Part Of Me, You & Us", you'll see life is not always a bed of roses as some would have You to believe, but it is a blessing. As I open up and expose a part of who I...

CHF 28.50

December's Eve

December's Eve
December's Eve" is an original tale of triplet boys who live in the mountains of Alabama and a very wicked woman named Eve's quest for continued existence. The triplet boys have been blessed with special abilities which will be used to intercede in Eve's nasty plan of vengeance.Eve is the legendary, biblical Eve, who also owns a bloodthirsty garden, and she is back with a treacherous vengeance for mankind for placing sin and death on her.

CHF 26.90

Gegen den Strich

Renzie, Thom
Gegen den Strich
Wir leben in Zeiten, in denen der Wahrheit konsequent die Koffer vor die Tür gestellt werden. Politische Korrektheit zeigt sich da besonders fleißig. Die Massenmedien sind vor allem an den Halbschwestern der Wahrheit interessiert. Und die zeigen sich zumeist gut frisiert. Hegt man Interesse für die Wahrheit, muss man die Dinge schon mal gegen den Strich bürsten, das heißt verändern, ironisieren und auf eine ungewöhnliche Weise behandeln. Nicht...

CHF 12.90

Intimate Moments

Intimate Moments
I've often tried to describe those rare and special occasions in our lives that highlight very important moments that impact us in ways we'll never forget. I continue to come up short but continue to search. While searching, I learned that being intimate with someone was more than what I thought it was. For a long time, I thought-and I'm sure others have too-that if you're intimate with someone, that meant your encounter was pleasing and pleas...

CHF 32.90

Nach Strich und Faden

Renzie, Thom
Nach Strich und Faden
Ein Aphorismus ist das destillierte Konzentrat eines Gedankengangs. Er will verblüffen und fordert zur Kritik auf.Wir leben in Zeiten, an denen Potemkin seine Freude hätte. Vieles scheint. Und was nicht ist, kann ja noch werden.Vieles ist so auf links gedreht, dass man es nur recht wenden muss, um klarer zu sehen.Das Fragezeichen ist ein nützliches Werkzeug, das man heute immer dabeihaben sollte, wenn man in der Medienwelt unterwegs ist.Die Ei...

CHF 12.90

Silent Thoughts

Silent Thoughts
I've often wondered, and I'm sure others have too, what goes through a person's mind when trials and tribulations arise in their life. I'm not just talking about the difficult times but the joyful ones too. We ask ourselves questions like, What makes a person stay in an abusive relationship when it's so easy to walk away? Why do some people cry after receiving good news? Why is the homeless man smiling while living in a cardboard box? Why did ...

CHF 32.50

Silent Thoughts

Silent Thoughts
I've often wondered, and I'm sure others have too, what goes through a person's mind when trials and tribulations arise in their life. I'm not just talking about the difficult times but the joyful ones too. We ask ourselves questions like, What makes a person stay in an abusive relationship when it's so easy to walk away? Why do some people cry after receiving good news? Why is the homeless man smiling while living in a cardboard box? Why did ...

CHF 45.90

Peace Therapy

Peace Therapy
Peace Therapy is the beginning of your healing, its therapy for the mind and soul. So, if you're tired of hurting, being depressed, confused or just want the joy and happiness in your life to be magnified, then Peace Therapy is just what the doctor ordered. You will ask yourself, how can anything good come out of my situation? That question will be answered, you may or may not like the outcome, but don't give up. You can't allow "the pause" in...

CHF 39.90

Peace Therapy

Peace Therapy
Peace Therapy is the beginning of your healing, its therapy for the mind and soul. So, if you're tired of hurting, being depressed, confused or just want the joy and happiness in your life to be magnified, then Peace Therapy is just what the doctor ordered. You will ask yourself, how can anything good come out of my situation? That question will be answered, you may or may not like the outcome, but don't give up. You can't allow "the pause" in...

CHF 26.50

Unter dem Strich auf den Punkt

Renzie, Thom
Unter dem Strich auf den Punkt
Alle Ideen und Veränderungen entstehen im Kopf. Doch welche Macht dem Denken zukommt, verschweigt man uns wohlweislich, und so läuft man Gefahr, den Mediensalat unreflektiert zu konsumieren und sich keine oder die falschen Gedanken zu machen. Die hier verschriftlichten Gedanken verstehen sich als Prolog zum Weiterdenken. Es ist erstaunlich, was man so alles findet, wenn man seine Gedanken aphoristisch entrümpelt. Dabei ziert sich ein Aphorismu...

CHF 12.90

When The Heart Speaks!

When The Heart Speaks!
When the Heart Speaks is a recollection of the past twenty years of my life, which includes serving in the army and traveling around the world to places I dreamed about as a child, but never imagine I would actually go there, and for that I am forever grateful.When the Heart Speaks will allow you become a part of me, for a brief moment or however long you choose to do so. You will experience the emotional rollercoaster ride of life, as well as...

CHF 19.90