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Zur Kasse

92 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Pragmatic Perspectives

Schwartz, Robert
Pragmatic Perspectives
Based on expanded versions of his influential papers, as well previously unpublished essays, Schwartz demonstrates the relevance of pragmatic thought to a range of issues beyond concerns over truth and realism.

CHF 190.00

Die Mission der Seele

Schwartz, Robert / Miethe, Manfred
Die Mission der Seele
Warum leidvolle Erfahrungen nicht sinnlos sind und wie wir an ihnen wachsenWarum ist das Leben vieler Menschen geprägt von leidvollen Erfahrungen wie Identitätskrisen, Verlust oder gar Missbrauch? Der Hypnotherapeut und Bestsellerautor Robert Schwartz gibt darauf eine überraschende Antwort: Selbst hinter schwersten Schicksalen liegt ein verborgener Sinn, denn die Seele plant ihren irdischen Weg noch vor der Geburt. Seine tröstliche Botschaft: ...

CHF 17.50

Market Integrity

Schwartz, Robert A. / Stempel, Eileen / Byrne, John Aidan
Market Integrity
This book explores the integrity of equity markets, addressing such issues as the exchange vs. customer perspective on price discovery and the ways market participants deal with key regulatory concerns. Do market practitioners pass the integrity test? How does “market integrity” play out globally? What is the overall veracity of the marketplace? These are some of the key questions considered in this volume from the viewpoints of traders, econo...

CHF 134.00

Rapidly Changing Securities Markets

Schwartz, Robert A. / Byrne, John Aidan / Stempel, Eileen
Rapidly Changing Securities Markets
This book offers a look at equity markets and what they have experienced since the 1997 Order Handling Rules were instituted. Specifically, it examines the tremendous technology innovation, intensified competition between an expanding set of alternative trading venues, and continuing regulatory changes that have occurred. Who have been the key initiators? How has market quality evolved over this period in response? What further structural and ...

CHF 147.00

Anime coraggiose. Come scegliamo le nostre vite già prima...

Schwartz, Robert / Petrini, D.
Anime coraggiose. Come scegliamo le nostre vite già prima di nascere
Anime coraggiose" racconta la storia di dieci persone che, come voi, hanno programmato le proprie sfide maggiori prima di nascere. Con l'aiuto di quattro esperti medium e channeler, Robert Schwartz scopre cosa è stato deciso da queste dieci anime e perché. In queste pagine l'autore descrive delle vere e proprie sessioni di programmazione prenatale, durante le quali emergono le speranze che le anime ripongono nella vita imminente. Così facendo ...

CHF 26.90

Mutige Seelen

Schwartz, Robert / Zerbst, Marion
Mutige Seelen
Warum guten Menschen Schlechtes widerfährt - eine revolutionäre SichtweiseWas steckt hinter den schwersten Prüfungen des Lebens? Ist jegliches Leiden sinnlos oder gar gottgegebene Strafe? Nein, meint Robert Schwartz. Die Botschaft seines Buches ist ebenso tröstlich wie lebensbejahend: Schicksalsschläge sind sinnvoller Teil unseres Lebens, denn die Seele plant ihren irdischen Weg noch vor der Geburt. Jede Prüfung ist eine Chance auf inneres Wac...

CHF 17.50

Call Auction Trading

Schwartz, Robert A. / Byrne, John Aidan / Colaninno, Antoinette
Call Auction Trading
This book is based on the proceedings of The Electronic Call Auction: New Answers to Old Questions, a conference hosted by the Zicklin School of Business on May 16, 2000. The text includes the edited transcripts of the panel discussions and separate addresses by three major industry executives Douglas M. Atkin, formerly President and CEO, Instinet Corporation, Kenneth D. Pasternak, formerly President and CEO, Knight/Trimark Group, Inc., and Wi...

CHF 124.00

The Electronic Call Auction: Market Mechanism and Trading

Schwartz, Robert A.
The Electronic Call Auction: Market Mechanism and Trading
ROBERT A. SCHWARTZ The primary objective of this book is to consider how the inclusion of electronic call auction trading would affect the performance of our U.S. equity markets. The papers it contains focus on the call auction and its role in a hybrid market struc­ ture. The purpose is to increase understanding of this trading environment, and to consider the design of a more efficient stock market. This book had its origin in a symposium, El...

CHF 188.00


Schwartz, Robert A. / Colaninno, Antoinette / Byrne, John Aidan
Volatility is very much with us in today's equity markets. Day-to-day price swings are often large and intra-day volatility elevated, especially at market openings and closings. What explains this? What does this say about the quality of our markets? Can short-period volatility be controlled by better market design and a more effective use of electronic technology? Featuring insights from an international array of prominent academics, financia...

CHF 134.00

Shakespeare's Parted Eye

Schwartz, Robert B
Shakespeare's Parted Eye
Shakespeare's plays share with his sonnets a fundamental interest in the relation between perceiving, knowing and thinking, and between thinking and acting. By considering the relationship between perception as a theme and as a process of the thinking mind and various treatments of plot, structure and characterization, this book underscores the continuity of Shakespeare's sonnets as well as the relation between his sonnets and plays. Recognizi...

CHF 69.00

El Don de Tu Alma: Descubre el Poder Sanador de la Vida Q...

Schwartz, Robert
El Don de Tu Alma: Descubre el Poder Sanador de la Vida Que Planeaste Antes de Nacer = Your Soul's Gift
En su obra anterior, Robert Schwartz popularizó la idea de la planificación prenatal. En este segundo libro profundiza en la exploración de la planificación prenatal del despertar espiritual, del aborto, del cuidado a personas dependientes, del maltrato, la sexualidad, el incesto, la adopción, la pobreza, el suicidio, la violación y las enfermedades mentales. Sus investigaciones muestran la profunda sabiduría y el gran amor que, procedentes de...

CHF 28.00

The Quality of Our Financial Markets

Schwartz, Robert A. / Schnee, Gretchen / Byrne, John Aidan
The Quality of Our Financial Markets
The structure and operations of the US equity markets have evolved dramatically in recent decades with the advent of major technology and regulatory changes.  Nothing short of a groundbreaking shift has occurred in the securities industry as the transition has been made from predominantly manual, human intermediated trading to predominantly electronic trading.  By many measures, commission, spreads and market impact costs have been dramaticall...

CHF 188.00

Die Mission der Seele

Schwartz, Robert / Miethe, Manfred
Die Mission der Seele
Lebenskrisen als Chance für inneres Wachstum und HeilungWarum ist das Leben vieler Menschen geprägt von Missbrauch, Depression, Armut oder anderen leidvollen Erfahrungen? Der Hypnotherapeut und Bestsellerautor Robert Schwartz gibt darauf eine überraschende Antwort: Selbst schwerste Schicksale haben - auch wenn sie zunächst grausam und ungerecht erscheinen mögen - einen verborgenen Sinn, denn die Seele plant ihren irdischen Weg noch vor der Geb...

CHF 28.90

Jede Seele plant ihren Weg

Schwartz, Robert / Miethe, Manfred
Jede Seele plant ihren Weg
Schwere Erkrankungen, traumatische Erlebnisse, persönliche Tragödien - solche Schicksalsschläge sind weder die Strafe eines zornigen Gottes noch reiner Zufall. Robert Schwartz zeigt, dass die Seelen leidgeprüfter Menschen ihren Weg auf Erden bereits vor der Geburt geplant hatten - und jede auferlegte Prüfung bietet eine einzigartige Chance für inneres Wachstum und spirituelle Reifung. Ein Buch, das die tröstliche Gewissheit vermittelt: Jeder M...

CHF 17.50

El plan de tu alma

Schwartz, Robert
El plan de tu alma
Could it be that we chose our lifes circumstances, relationships, and events? Within these pages are stories of ten individuals who like us- planned before birth to experience great challenges. Working with four gifted mediums and channels, author R. Schwartz discovers what they chose and why. This is a deeply insightful guide as to why our lives unfold as they do and how to direct them to a deeper place.

CHF 22.00

A Trading Desk View of Market Quality

Schwartz, Robert A. / Byrne, John Aidan / Colaninno, Antoinette
A Trading Desk View of Market Quality
Market quality" is a complex, ambiguous term that means different things to different people. How should it be defined, measured, monitored, and improved? What is the evidence about the current state of our markets? How effective have recent innovations been? How can we better meet investor needs? These are some of the questions that we address in this book, along with a broad range of issues concerning equity market structure, regulation, and...

CHF 237.00