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18 Ergebnisse.

EMDR - Grundlagen und Praxis

Shapiro, Francine / Trunk, Christoph
EMDR - Grundlagen und Praxis
Das EMDR-Grundlagenwerk Dieses umfassende Basiswerk gibt einen fundierten Überblick über Entwicklung und Anwendung von EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). Es handelt sich dabei um eine von Francine Shapiro entwickelte klinische Behandlungsmethode für Trauma-Opfer mit Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung. Augenbewegungen und andere Methoden der Rechts-Links-Stimulation werden dabei eingesetzt, um Trauma-Opfern bei der Aufarbeit...

CHF 88.00

EMDR For Trauma

Shapiro, Francine
EMDR For Trauma
Dr. Francine Shapiro demonstrates her approach to working with clients still experiencing the effects of past traumatic experiences. EMDR is an integrative psychotherapy designated by the American Psychiatric Association as highly effective and empirically supported. The approach is based on an information-processing model of pathology, directly addressing the stored memories of events that cause clinical complaints, the present situations tha...

CHF 216.00

Handbook of EMDR and Family Therapy Processes

Shapiro, Francine / Kaslow, Florence W / Maxfield, Louise
Handbook of EMDR and Family Therapy Processes
Starting with the Foreword by Daniel Siegel, MD, the "Handbook" demonstrates in superb detail how you can combine EMDR's information processing approach with family systems perspectives and therapy techniques. An impressive and needed piece of work, "Handbook of EMDR and Family Therapy Processes" provides a clear and comprehensive bridge between individual and family therapies.

CHF 104.00

Frei werden von der Vergangenheit

Shapiro, Francine / Petersen, Karin
Frei werden von der Vergangenheit
Die Vergangenheit hinter sich lassenGleich, ob kleinere Brüche im Leben oder massive Traumatisierungen: Schmerzhafte Erinnerungen loszulassen ist oft schwer. Francine Shapiro hat dafür eine der effektivsten Behandlungsmöglichkeiten weltweit entwickelt: die wissenschaftlich anerkannte Traumatherapie EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). Ihre bahnbrechende Erkenntnis: Quälende, außer Kontrolle geratene Gedanken, Gefühle und Verha...

CHF 35.50

Getting Past Your Past

Shapiro, Francine
Getting Past Your Past
An accessible user's guide to overcoming trauma from the creator of a scientifically proven form of psychotherapy that has successfully treated millions of people worldwide. Whether we've experienced small setbacks or major traumas, we are all influenced by our memories and by experiences we may not remember or fully understand. Getting Past Your Past offers practical techniques that demystify the human condition and empower readers looking to...

CHF 23.90

EMDR terapisi teknikleri ile Aci Anilari Silmek

Shapiro, Francine
EMDR terapisi teknikleri ile Aci Anilari Silmek
KonusuZaman bütün yaralari sarar miBeyne hapsolmus aci veren anilarinizin, harekete gecirdigi olumsuz duygularla baglari kesilmedikce, hayirZamanla hicbir yara sarilmadigi gibi, islenmemis anilar bazen ruhsal dengesizliklere yol acarakhayatimizin dizginlerini de ele gecirebiliyor.Neden belirli acilari hizla atlatirken, digerlerini atlatamayiz Neden kimimiz nese dolu, kimimizdurgun ve hüzünlü görünürüzBu kitabin sayfalari arasindan cikacak gerc...

CHF 18.50

EMDR as an Integrative Psychotherapy Approach

Shapiro, Francine
EMDR as an Integrative Psychotherapy Approach
EMDR originator Francine Shapiro explores the latest developments and theoretical perspectives on, and clinical implications of, this complex psychotherapy approach originally developed to treat posttraumatic stress disorder. Leading spokespersons of all major schools of psychotherapy explore how EMDR meshes with their approaches, identifying the elements and outcomes salient to their world view. They offer guidelines and techniques, amply ill...

CHF 50.50