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Zur Kasse

11 Ergebnisse.

Eat Smarter Family Cookbook

Stevenson, Shawn
Eat Smarter Family Cookbook
The companion cookbook to Shawn Stevenson's Eat Smarter, a national bestseller, featuring 100 family-friendly recipes to help you boost your metabolism, up-level your energy, and start living a happier life.Starting a new health journey may seem daunting, but you don't have to do it alone. In fact, not doing it alone is a secret to longevity and health that has been largely overlooked... until now! The latest research shows that simple changes...

CHF 51.50

Eat Smarter

Stevenson, Shawn
Eat Smarter
Food is complicated. It's a key controller of our state of health or disease. It's a social centerpiece that complements the most important moments of our lives. It's the building blocks that create our brain, enabling us to have thought, feeling, and emotion. It's the very stuff that makes up our bodies and what we see looking back at us in the mirror. Food isn't just food. It's the thing that makes us who we are. So why does figuring out wha...

CHF 38.50

Jeder Mensch kann schlafen lernen

Stevenson, Shawn / Thiele, Sabine
Jeder Mensch kann schlafen lernen
Millionen Menschen leiden an Schlafstörungen, die auf Dauer krank machen. Viele Betroffene suchen Hilfe im Schlaflabor. Doch Schlafen kann man lernen. Der Gesundheitsexperte und Bestsellerautor aus den USA Shawn Stevenson ist die neue Stimme der Schlafforschung. Er vermittelt ebenso unterhaltsam wie undogmatisch und kompetent Strategien für einen guten und erholsamen Schlaf, der sich positiv auf den Körper, Geist und die Arbeitsleistung auswir...

CHF 23.90

Sonno facile. 21 strategie per sconfiggere l'insonnia, av...

Stevenson, Shawn / Fasic, D.
Sonno facile. 21 strategie per sconfiggere l'insonnia, avere la mente lucida, vivere più a lungo
Problemi di insonnia? Sapevate che dormire bene e senza interruzioni è la chiave per ringiovanire il corpo, disintossicare la mente, perdere il peso in eccesso e prevenire le malattie? Shawn Stevenson lo ha scoperto quando una patologia degenerativa delle ossa ha spezzato il suo sogno di diventare un atleta professionista. Concentrandosi su un'alimentazione corretta e su notti di sonno ristoratore, Stevenson non ha solo guarito il suo corpo e ...

CHF 29.90

Sleep Smarter

Stevenson, Shawn
Sleep Smarter
SHAWN STEVENSON is a bestselling author and founder of The Model Health Show. Shawn studied business, biology and kinesiology, and went on to found Advanced Integrative Health Alliance, a company that provides wellness services for individuals and organizations worldwide.

CHF 26.90

Sleep Smarter

Stevenson, Shawn / Gottfried, Sara
Sleep Smarter
When it comes to health, there is one criminally overlooked element: sleep. Good sleep helps you shed fat for good, stave off disease, stay productive, and improve virtually every function of your mind and body. That's what Shawn Stevenson learned when a degenerative bone disease crushed his dream of becoming a professional athlete. Like many of us, he gave up on his health and his body, until he decided there must be a better way. Through bet...

CHF 32.50