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398 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

In cerca di Heather

Stoker, Susan
In cerca di Heather
Aveva già perso tutto una volta, per poi ritrovare sé stessa, al fianco di un uomo di cui potersi fidare, ora rifiuta di farsi togliere tutto una seconda volta.Da quando ha sentito parlare della donna misteriosa nel bosco, la donna che ha salvato i suoi amici, Talon Ross si è incuriosito. Chi è quella donna? Come mai si trova nel bosco? Avrà freddo? Fame? Paura? Lui non troverà pace finché non l'avrà scovata, per verificare che stia bene. Quan...

CHF 28.50

Un sauveteur pour Heather

Stoker, Susan
Un sauveteur pour Heather
Elle a déjà tout perdu une fois, et maintenant qu'elle a enfin trouvé qui elle était, ainsi qu'un homme de confiance à ses côtés, elle refuse qu'on lui enlève tout à nouveau. Depuis qu'il a entendu parler de cette femme mystérieuse dans les bois qui a sauvé la vie de ses amis, Talon Ross est intrigué. Qui est-elle ? Pourquoi vit-elle dans la forêt ? Est-ce qu'elle a froid ? Faim ? Peur ? Tant qu'il ne l'aura pas retrouvée pour s'assurer qu'ell...

CHF 28.50

Un paradis pour Jodelle

Stoker, Susan
Un paradis pour Jodelle
Parfois, c'est ensemble qu'on est le plus en sécurité. Maintenant plus âgé et bien habitué à sa routine, Baker Rawlins n'aurait jamais cru pouvoir vivre une relation, et encore moins rencontrer l'amour. Surtout quand des années dans l'armée et un travail acharné pour le gouvernement en font la cible de personnes dangereuses dans le monde entier. Pour cette raison, il résiste aussi longtemps que possible aux charmes de Jodelle ¿ la femme bell...

CHF 28.90

The Hero

Stoker, Susan
The Hero
In this thrilling romance from New York Times bestselling author Susan Stoker, an ex-military man is on a mission to rescue a wrongfully imprisoned archaeologist--and to make her rightfully his.Any soldier who gets out of the service with his life should be happy to leave danger behind. Though his army brothers are content running their new business in Maine, Kendric "Bob" Evans isn't ready to give up the fight. He's been supplementing his hou...

CHF 16.50

Deserving Cora

Stoker, Susan
Deserving Cora
She needed to win him at the bachelor auction to save her friend...but she didn't plan on falling in love. Cora Rooney desperately needs to win the representative from The Refuge at the veterans' charity's literally a matter of life or death. Of course, as is so often the case for the ex-orphan, nothing goes according to plan, and Cora loses her bid. Yet, she still finds herself in a diner with Bryson Clark, telling him about he...

CHF 39.90

Deserving Cora

Stoker, Susan
Deserving Cora
She needed to win him at the bachelor auction to save her friend...but she didn't plan on falling in love. Cora Rooney desperately needs to win the representative from The Refuge at the veterans' charity's literally a matter of life or death. Of course, as is so often the case for the ex-orphan, nothing goes according to plan, and Cora loses her bid. Yet, she still finds herself in a diner with Bryson Clark, telling him about he...

CHF 28.50

Un soutien pour Lara

Stoker, Susan
Un soutien pour Lara
Elle a survécu au pire, mais elle n'a pas conscience de sa force avant de le rencontrer. Ancien pilote militaire d'élite, Callen Kaufman, surnommé Owl, a souvent risqué sa vie. Depuis qu'il a pris sa retraire de l'armée, cependant, il espérait avoir laissé derrière lui les missions périlleuses. Il se trompait, car le sauvetage de Lara Osler des griffes d'un tueur en série s'avère la plus ardue de toutes. Enfin saine et sauve au Refuge, des m...

CHF 28.90

Meritare Lara

Stoker, Susan
Meritare Lara
Lei è una sopravvissuta, ma servirà qualcuno di veramente speciale per farle capire quanto può essere forte. Callen "Owl" Kaufman, ex pilota Night Stalker, si è ritrovato spesso in situazioni imprevedibili. Congedato dall'esercito ormai da tempo, pensava che quelle missioni pericolose appartenessero al passato, ma salvare Lara Osler da un serial killer è stata sicuramente una delle più strazianti. Mesi dopo, nonostante sia al sicuro al Rifug...

CHF 28.90

Meritare Cora

Stoker, Susan
Meritare Cora
Deve vincerlo all'asta degli scapoli per salvare la sua amica, ma non aveva previsto di innamorarsi. Cora Rooney ha un disperato bisogno di vincere il rappresentante del Rifugio all'asta di beneficenza dei veterani. È letteralmente una questione di vita o di morte. Ovviamente, come spesso le accade fin da quando è stata abbandonata dai genitori, nulla va secondo i piani, e dato che la sua offerta è insufficiente, perde. Tuttavia, si ritrova ...

CHF 28.50

Deserving Lara

Stoker, Susan
Deserving Lara
She's a survivor, but it will take someone truly special to make her see how strong she can be. As a former Night Stalker Army pilot, Callen "Owl" Kaufman has been in his share of dicey situations. Long-since retired from the military, he thought dangerous missions were a thing of his past, but rescuing Lara Osler from a serial killer was definitely one of the most harrowing yet. Now safe at The Refuge, Lara is struggling to heal months late...

CHF 40.50

Deserving Lara

Stoker, Susan
Deserving Lara
She's a survivor, but it will take someone truly special to make her see how strong she can be. As a former Night Stalker Army pilot, Callen "Owl" Kaufman has been in his share of dicey situations. Long-since retired from the military, he thought dangerous missions were a thing of his past, but rescuing Lara Osler from a serial killer was definitely one of the most harrowing yet. Now safe at The Refuge, Lara is struggling to heal months late...

CHF 28.90

In cerca di Finley

Stoker, Susan
In cerca di Finley
Finalmente hanno trovato una persona che li accetta per come sono, ma potrebbe andare tutto in fumo in un istante. Finley Norris è una donna dalle curve abbondanti, un fatto che lei ha accettato da tempo... anche se non può dire lo stesso di tutti gli altri. Viene presa in giro per il suo corpo da una vita, quindi ovviamente sospetta che l'uomo di cui è innamorata, un certo meccanico sexy, non ricambi. Al contrario, le amiche si sono fatte u...

CHF 28.50

The Lumberjack

Stoker, Susan / Cartwright, Mackenzie / Hamilton, Teddy
The Lumberjack
New York Times bestselling author Susan Stoker wraps up her steamy Game of Chance series with an explosive novel about an ex-soldier fighting to save the woman he loves--even if she can't remember him.A game of chance during a horrific POW experience decided the future for Jackson "JJ" Justice and his teammates. Years later, they're well settled into their lumberjack business in small-town Maine. And for nearly as long, JJ's been pining for Ap...

CHF 28.50

Searching for Khloe

Stoker, Susan
Searching for Khloe
She thought secrets would tear them apart, instead, they brought them together.Khloe Moore has secrets. She came to Fallport, Virginia, under false pretenses, only intending to stay for a short while. Over a year later, she's found the town has everything she's ever wanted, including friends, a supportive community, and a boss she kinda wants to smack-sometimes with her lips, sometimes with her hand. But when Raiden's beloved dog is in serious...

CHF 39.90

Searching for Khloe

Stoker, Susan
Searching for Khloe
She thought secrets would tear them apart, instead, they brought them together.Khloe Moore has secrets. She came to Fallport, Virginia, under false pretenses, only intending to stay for a short while. Over a year later, she's found the town has everything she's ever wanted, including friends, a supportive community, and a boss she kinda wants to smack-sometimes with her lips, sometimes with her hand. But when Raiden's beloved dog is in serious...

CHF 27.90

The Lumberjack

Stoker, Susan / Cartwright, Mackenzie / Hamilton, Teddy
The Lumberjack
New York Times bestselling author Susan Stoker wraps up her steamy Game of Chance series with an explosive novel about an ex-soldier fighting to save the woman he loves--even if she can't remember him.A game of chance during a horrific POW experience decided the future for Jackson "JJ" Justice and his teammates. Years later, they're well settled into their lumberjack business in small-town Maine. And for nearly as long, JJ's been pining for Ap...

CHF 37.90

The Hero

Stoker, Susan / Rivers, Lucy / Shedlock, Aaron
The Hero
In this thrilling romance from New York Times bestselling author Susan Stoker, an ex-military man is on a mission to rescue a wrongfully imprisoned archaeologist--and to make her rightfully his.Any soldier who gets out of the service with his life should be happy to leave danger behind. Though his army brothers are content running their new business in Maine, Kendric "Bob" Evans isn't ready to give up the fight. He's been supplementing his hou...

CHF 28.50

The Lumberjack

Stoker, Susan
The Lumberjack
New York Times bestselling author Susan Stoker wraps up her steamy Game of Chance series with an explosive novel about an ex-soldier fighting to save the woman he loves--even if she can't remember him.A game of chance during a horrific POW experience decided the future for Jackson "JJ" Justice and his teammates. Years later, they're well settled into their lumberjack business in small-town Maine. And for nearly as long, JJ's been pining for Ap...

CHF 24.90

Un soutien pour Cora

Stoker, Susan
Un soutien pour Cora
Pour sauver son amie, elle doit absolument le gagner à la vente aux enchères spéciale célibataires... mais elle n'avait pas l'intention de tomber amoureuse. Cora Rooney a éperdument besoin de gagner le représentant du Refuge à la vente aux enchères spéciale célibataires organisée au profit des anciens combattants... c'est une question de vie ou de mort, au premier degré. Bien sûr, comme souvent pour cette ancienne orpheline, rien ne se passe...

CHF 28.50

Un sauveteur pour Finley

Stoker, Susan
Un sauveteur pour Finley
Ils ont enfin trouvé quelqu'un qui les accepte comme ils sont, mais tout pourrait basculer d'un instant à l'autre. Finley Norris est une femme tout en courbes, un fait avec lequel elle vit en paix depuis longtemps... même si elle ne peut pas en dire autant de tout le monde. Toute sa vie, on s'est moqué de son gabarit, alors quand elle craque pour un mécanicien follement sexy, elle part du principe que ce ne sera pas réciproque. Pourtant, ses...

CHF 28.50